Where were your born? Since how long have you been living in Colorado?
Born in Colorado. My entire life.
What books do you remember reading during your childhood?
Lord of the Flies and Where the Red Fern Grows
Do you remember the first piece of writing you wrote?
I always had a story brewing in my head I can’t recall the first one I wrote down.
What do you love the most about writing?
That I can make anything I want happen and not go to jail for it, LOL.
What have been your most valuable out-of-school learning experiences?
Traveling and learning about different cultures and places.
What is one word to perfectly describe your character Becca James from your book "Flipped Off"? Who did you model her character after?
Becca wasn’t modeled after any single person but several strong willed women that I’ve meant in my life.
What inspired the plot of your book, A Lenox Christmas?
It was inspired by the Christmas season. About someone that loved everything about the season even though her life wasn’t festive she felt it for the holiday.
How did you begin writing the Glowing Series?
I just wrote down what the voices in my head told me to. I knew their names and what they were and wrote what they wanted me to.
What sparked the idea for your book, The Others Agency?
A little voice woke me up in the middle of the night singing Wrissa Wrissa wanna kiss you. And the Others Agency was born.
As a writer producing a work off fiction, do you tend to know the ending when you start, or do you find out as you write?
I’m just a surprised the buy the endings of my books as my readers are.
In your opinion who is the best paranormal romance writer?
J.R. Ward
Who would you choose to be your lover and why, a werewolf, vampire, alien, or zombie?
Alien-It would be Cosmo from my Glowing Series because he knows what he’s doing how to get it done.
Can someone be a great writer without having read too much in childhood and adolescence?
I think anyone can write, but being reader will help with the craft.
What are you currently working on?
I’m working on my new series The Sister Jos and another Christmas story about Lenox’s friend Kelsey.
Lastly, what are your thoughts and opinions on AllAuthor and its services?
I really love all the new banners and the tweets put out. The cover contests bring a lot of attention to the authors and their books. As indie authors we need as many people in our corner helping as we can get.