About Author

Adele Lande

Adele Lande
  • Genre:

    Women's Fiction Literary Fiction
  • Country: Australia
  • Books: 1
  • Profession: Medical doctor, Author
  • Born: 6 October
  • Member Since: Jun 2022
  • Profile Views: 7,302
  • Followers: 53
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads,

I am a medical doctor and author based in South Australia. Creative writing is my passion and if anyone loves what I do, all the better! Opal Song is based on the outback town of Coober Pedy in South Australia and is my debut novel. Travel, sailing and indulging in a good book are my passions. Secret guilty pleasure? Jelly snakes and chocolate!

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Adele Lande Interview On 11, Nov 2022

"Adele Lande was a tomboy growing up. She is a writer, MD, and author of Opal Song. She loved nature and playing tennis. Her childhood dream was to be a tennis champion. Creative writing is her passion. She enjoys walking alone on a wind-swept beach with her dogs."
What were you like as a child? Who was your role model growing up?

I was a tom boy growing up. I loved nature and playing tennis. We had a creek locally and we- my sisters and I- spent hours playing there canoeing, getting wet and muddy. I loved books and was in many ways a loner. My role model was Evonne Goolagong (now Goolagong-Cawley) a Wimbledon tennis champion.

As a teenager, what were you obsessed with?


What was your biggest dream as a child? Did it ever come true?

To be a tennis champion. And sadly, no.

What, to you, is an ideal setting or environment for a good writing session?

I need total quiet; I’m easily distracted. I often go for a walk or do something mundane beforehand, like hanging out washing to dry. Then I start to let my mind roam free and ideas drop in.

What challenges did you face while writing your first book, Opal Song?

A lack of time! Re the actual writing, I often found my characters wanted to run away on other story lines. I needed to lassoo them in and keep them marching on track.

Did you have any heroes growing up? If so, who were they?

Evonne Goolagong and Chris Evert, another tennis champion.

Which one do you prefer: writing a series or standalone novel? Why?

At this stage ’standalone’ for me. I love the fresh challenge of a new book with new characters. I have three novels on the go, all are very different.

What is your writing kryptonite? Inversely, what is something that never fails to inspire you?

Time spent in a magnificent lonely setting, such as in the ruins of a house in a desolate field, echoing drama from times past. My mind starts to churn: who lived here, and why here? Why did they leave?

How do you decide upon the perfect book titles?

No set formula but I try to capture a sense of the themes of the story and evoke imagination.

If you could improve one thing about your writing, what would it be and why?

A tendency to over-write. I want to include every single description of character. I edit heavily after each session.

What should every aspiring writer know about writing?

‘Show don’t tell’ is at the top of my list and what that means. Practise as much as possible, even if it’s just writing random descriptions of a setting or a person, something that no-one else may ever see.

What are the main things that one should know before starting to write a book?

After the first flush of excitement there will be hard days when you think writing a novel is a complete waste of time. You question yourself and experience guilt- you feel you should be doing something far more worthwhile. Don’t give up! And when you're deep in writing a novel it is immersive; it takes over your life. Warn your family!

How do you spend “quality time” with yourself?

Reading and bush walking. Walking alone on a wind-swept beach with my dogs. I love ‘alone time’!

What are your currently working on?

A historical fiction set in the 1920s and a contemporary fiction about a mother-daughter relationship, partly set in Fiji. Another book is in its embryonic stages as well.

How will AllAuthor help you in your book promotion? Would you recommend this to your friends?

Having more exposure can only help. I’m in this for the long haul but am social media shy. It all helps! Yes, I will recommend AA to any friends who are looking to self-publish.

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