Aiko’s Treasure's all time favourite books
Girl in Trouble (An Alex Mercer Thriller Book 1)

Girl in Trouble (An Alex Mercer Thriller Book 1)


Publication Date: Feb 15, 2017

Thriller, Suspense

4.2 (226 ratings)

Favourite (1)

Suspenseful. Intriguing. Fast-paced.

Even though the 80 something chapters can freak out any reader, especially myself, that’s why it took a while to read. It’s very fast-paced thanks to the intriguing plot, unique structure and modern writing style. I would definitely recommend this book if you’re looking for a page turning thriller/mystery.

* This does deal with the kidnapping of a child; so, it can be uncomfortable for many. But since I grade according to how the author conveys their story, grammar and structure, I don’t let my emotions affect my reviews. Even though I was on the edge of seat throughout the story. (since it is a thriller, it did its job.)

The Pacemaker (The Pacemaker Series Book 1)


Publication Date: Nov 12, 2019

Supernatural Suspense, Fantasy

3.7 (6 ratings)

Favourite (2) Discussions (10)

Infectious story. Interesting characters. The Pacemaker keeps you guessing from start to finish. As a fantasy lover myself, it grows tiring reading the same or very similar stories currently found on the market. That’s why Minerva’s unique journey is refreshing. This is definitely a millennial read. Readers in their late teens to early twenties can relate to her struggle figuring out her place in her world. We’ve all been through a similar journey of self-discovery. I know I’m currently going through that now as a college student. I can’t wait to see what happens next. I would definitely recommend this book to people with an open mind, not afraid of a little gore or explicit sex scenes, and manga/Japanese light novel readers (because Margria’s storytelling is similar to those types).

Reviewed by Rosie

Eyes (Eyes Series Book 1)


Publication Date: Feb 14, 2023

Crime Fiction, Romantic Suspense, New Adult Romance

Favourite (1) Discussions (5)

A suspenseful mafioso tale about falling in love while standing on the edge of a knife.

The story is multi-layered, gripping and full of twists and turns. The mid-1900s cityscape setting is bursting with life and riddled with mysteries that’ll absorb you straight into the world. Each character exposes a new side to the plot further enriching the world and deepening the conflict. I was rooting for Amadora the whole way through while anxiously anticipating how every deeply knotted thread would be resolved. I wasn’t disappointed, and I left feeling fulfilled and excited for Imania’s next release.

Reviewed by Jamal Johnson