About Author

Anthony Ordille

Anthony Ordille
  • Genre:

    Advice & How To Biographies & Memoirs General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author, Speaker, Founder and CEO of Addiction-Free Life-AFL
  • Born: 27 February
  • Member Since: Jul 2022
  • Profile Views: 4,562
  • Followers: 12
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Join Author's Newsletter, Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube,

Anthony Ordille was born to a mother who loved God and was faithful to the church. She had led him, three brothers, and two sisters to God, which helped him in his later years. After attending a Christian school, he finished high school at a public school, where he graduated in 1976. In Mr. Ordille's teen years, he walked away from serving God, became rebellious and hateful, and took a destructive path by doing things he is not proud of.

Ordille was living a life filled with alcohol, drugs, lying, cheating, stealing, adulterous acts, rock-n-roll, and basically a destructive lifestyle. Throughout the more than sixteen years of this type of living, some of the choices of drugs were: marijuana, speed, LSD, smoking crack, cocaine, shooting heroin, and just about anything else in between. Drinking beer and hard liquor sometimes from the time he got up to the time he passed out for days on end. Anthony battled an addiction until he was thirty-two. That is when he entered into 12-step programs to help him with recovery. At forty-one, he struggled with alcohol again for almost a year until he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ.

After turning his life around, Mr. Ordille completed the Associate Degree Program in Christian Studies, The Bachelor’s Degree Program in Church Ministry. He completed all his certifications to be a Licensed Minister through The Sure Foundation Fellowship. On March 18, 2013, he was ordained in the Deacon Ministry at Gateway Church, Southlake, Texas.

In 2013 Anthony published An Injection of Faith: One Addicts Journey to Deliverance, sharing his testimony about his life. Today he has been set free from addictive behaviors and wants the world to know that there is freedom when you allow God to take control.

In 2016 he released 12 Steps to an Addictive Free Life and 12 Steps to an Addictive Free Life Workbook, which is an introduction to the program AFL, Addictive Free Life.

In 2021 released My Daily Scriptures: A Day-by-Day Bible Reading Guide.

In 2022 released his newest book Breaking the Chains of Addiction: An Introduction to Addiction-Free Life.

In 2023 released Overcome Addiction by God's Grace: 12-Steps to Freedom, a revised title for the AFL program with added chapters.

Read a Free report on "The 5 Essential Ways to Living Addiction-Free" @ link.anthonyordille.com/report

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Overcome Addiction by God's Grace: 12-Steps to Freedom
(1) $3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Overcome Addiction by God's Grace: 12-Steps to Freedomby Anthony OrdillePublish: Mar 01, 2023Advice & How To General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
The Itinerary: A Christian Historical Fiction of Jesus in the Wilderness
$3.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
The Itinerary: A Christian Historical Fiction of Jesus in the Wildernessby Anthony OrdillePublish: Sep 05, 2023Historical Fiction Christian Fiction
My Daily Scriptures: A Day by Day Bible Reading Guide
(1) $3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
My Daily Scriptures: A Day by Day Bible Reading Guideby Anthony OrdillePublish: Sep 07, 2021Religion & Spirituality
An Injection of Faith: One Addict's Journey to Deliverance
(2) $3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
An Injection of Faith: One Addict's Journey to Deliveranceby Anthony OrdillePublish: Sep 13, 2021Biographies & Memoirs

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      • Anthony Ordille Anthony Ordille 2 years ago
      • My story as a writer is unique because I did not do so well in English class back in school. If I were standing in front of you, you would see a massive smile on my face. I never imagined myself as a writer, so to be an author of now four books, I am blown away with what one can do when God calls. In 2010, I woke up from a dream that I was to write a book telling my story. I dismissed it, thinking that there was no way that was for me. Then a few nights later, I woke up again with the same impression, but this time I believed it was from God telling me to write. I picked up a pen and a pad and started writing the chapters' titles. After working on the manuscript for three years, it made it to print in the spring of 2013. That work changed my life forever and has given me a whole new outlook on life.
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