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D Petersen D Petersen
  • Country: United States
  • Profession: Legal Defense Research (unfortunately on disability and really I miss it)
  • Born: 07/01/1959
  • Member Since: Apr 2017
  • Profile View: 274
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    Crime Fiction Thriller Suspense Mysteries Action & Adventure Romantic Suspense Women's Fiction Literary Fiction Christian Fiction Advice & How To General Nonfiction
About about me, hmmm, some days I feel there is too little to know, some days i feel there is waaay too much to know. i read voraciously, over 230 books last year (i am on disability). i read across many genres - if the blurb sounds interesting, i'll give it a try.

i love the mountains here and get to them as often as I can. their beauty is overwhelming! when there, you might find me dirty or muddy or wet - often all three - i will go to almost any length to photograph wildflowers! after discovering the stock of tiny bright pink elephant head flowers in a muddy meadow at the age of 10, i became hooked on finding and photographing them! truly a natural wonder - elephant head flowers are real, google it!

I live with Tasha, my miniature schnauzer - a semi energetic little girl who is getting up there in years. she used to hop, with all four feet raising off the floor at the same time and the same height! hard to describe but it makes me laugh every single time (as she's aged, this little gymnastic feat happens less often). she has a very unladylike habit of burping (and making me LOL) every time after eating or getting a drink!

more, LOL, just ask!

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