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Barbara Bean Barbara Bean
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A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)
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A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)by Terry ListerPublish: Oct 28, 2021Series: Travels with TerryAction & Adventure General Nonfiction
Barbara Bean Barbara Bean 3 years ago
Barbara Bean
5.0 out of 5 stars Exciting, adventurous but need luxury (HaHa)
Reviewed in the... United States on November 14, 2021
Well, once again, Terry has written an incredible adventure to Africa. I started to scan through the book on a Sunday afternoon to relax however was not able to put the book down. I finished the book that same afternoon. I enjoyed the short history lessons of each place and he gave you just enough to whet your appetite to want to read on and see what the next place had to offer. Seeing the pictures gave you a better sense of the places he travelled. NOW some of his forms of transportation let a lot to be desired, I know that I would have wanted to travel as he did especially sitting around all day, not sure when you were going to leave and having too many people squeeze in that little car and my luggage on the top.
Terry once again you have made me excited about travelling to Africa and hopefully will get there someday. Until then I will wait for your next amazing adventure to Africa. A New Day Dawns is worth reading.
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