About Author

Betty Adams Betty Adams

Betty Adams Betty Adams

Betty Adams lives in a particularly damp and remote corner of the Pacific Northwest and like a hobbit enjoys visitors so long as she knows them in advance and knows when they are coming. She was born sometime last century and will likely die sometime this century. She works winters on a small organic research farm when not writing and spends most of her time herding eccentric genius scientists (she is absolutely certain cats would be easier) with the help of her Great Pyrenees mix. Summers she spends nomadically wandering the Pacific Northwest in search of material for her stories and ... a regular paycheck for a biology major (she is reasonably certain those are on the Endangered Species List). She has several works published in the National Park Internal Database which may or may not be classified documents. read more

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  • Humans are Weird

    1 Humans are Weird: I Have the Data - Published on Dec, 20202 Humans are Weird: We Took A Vote - Published on Dec, 2021

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