You know the expression, "Do what you love and the money will follow?" Well, I'm finally doing what I love (writing novels) and I'm still buying lottery tickets!
I'm a born and bred Canadian who has been fortunate to have had a freelance career as a travel writer and author. Now, I'm more of a homebody with my diaries and journals. I'm writing books that I hope people won't be able to put down.
My interlinked 'Families' Storytelling' trilogy feature some recurring characters, but can be read in any order. They are UNCONVENTIONAL DAUGHTERS (1880s-1935), UNCOMMON SONS ... (1935-36), and UNDENIABLE RELATIONS (mid-1950s).
My latest release is a coming-of-age tale, GROW UP, RORY RAFFERTY, set in Toronto in 1979. It was recently described as a "'Heartstopper' for Boomers" and a "delicious book" by literary critic Nancy L. Wigston.
I am fascinated with the interpersonal dynamics within families and between friends in the 20th century settings. How did the social conventions of the day influence and affect our lives?
Will you join me on the journey? Welcome aboard!
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#1 Best Seller ![]() |
Undeniable Relations: A page-turning mystery set in 1950s Nova Scotia, Canada (Families' Storytelling)by Bruce W. BishopPublish: Nov 23, 2022Historical Mystery Mystery Historical Fiction African American Interest |
My family was fortunate to own a cottage on a lake in Nova Scotia where I spent many hours as a child, and for longer periods as a teenager. The summer weather was idyllic and the natural, clean surroundings were perfect.
Which of your childhood dreams was the first to die?I had always wanted to be a movie director. After studying film and TV production at university, I had to let the dream go after producing a sample 35 mm film based on my screenplay. The feature film did not receive the anticipated financing, and I had to return to ‘regular’ work.
What inspired you to start writing?I remember writing stories as early as ten years of age, and my teachers would encourage me to continue. Every child should be prompted to pursue a passion that shows up early in his or her life.
What inspired you to finally start doing what you love?I had taken a solo vacation to the Caribbean in my late 30s and wrote my family a letter about the trip. One family member suggested the letter sounded like a travel article from a newspaper. There was encouragement I needed, and a freelance career in travel writing for the next 20 years was born!
What kind of cultural value do you think reading and writing have/brings?Reading novels from a young age gave me a sense of curiosity and wonder about other parts of the world. Reading historical fiction – for example, the books of James A. Michener – opened my eyes to the power of novel writing and research. Writing fiction gives me the freedom to explore other cultures that I may have only sampled in the past.
What are some of the most profound "shower thoughts" you've had?I don’t know if they’d be profound, but some of the best plot ideas for my books come from those ‘shower thoughts’!
What was your reaction when "Unconventional Daughters" became a bestseller?Intense pride. Before that novel was published, I had only written non-fiction journalistic work. The bestseller status on Amazon was a delight for my first published work of fiction. It was definitely gratifying and made me very grateful for those readers.
How much did you research while writing your book, Armchair Traveling for Wannabe Wanderers?This short book is a compilation of some of my travel articles that had been published in various outlets over the years. Each article required its own amount of research at the time before print publication.
Which is your most favorite travel article from the ones you have shared in your book, Armchair Traveling for Wannabe Wanderers?It’s probably the one written about my visit to Martinique in the French West Indies. It was the winning entry in the first Cayman Islands Award for Excellence in Caribbean Travel Writing in 2000.
Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?My sister and brother are equally supportive of my writing.
What's the single best bit of advice you've been given as an author?Don’t quit!
How do you keep in touch with your readers and fans?I’m fairly active on social media, especially Facebook and Instagram, but my monthly newsletter is the best way to keep in touch, and I often have draws and/or giveaways. Anyone can sign up for the newsletter on my website.
Is there a good time to buy a lottery ticket?There might be, but I certainly don’t know when!
Is there anything you are currently working on that may intrigue the interest of your readers?I’m about to launch my second novel, Uncommon Sons, which is interlinked to Unconventional Daughters. Two of the characters from the first book are important players in the second book. Uncommon Sons, which takes place in Canada in 1935, deals with themes that continue to be intriguing today, such as antisemitism, racial intolerance and sexual identity. I feel it’s very entertaining, as well! As in the first book, I did my best to write the historical aspects of the novel as accurate as possible.
How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?It has been very good for the most part. I plan on continuing my membership. Thank you for asking me to be interviewed!
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