Where were you born and raised? What is your favorite place in the city?
I'm originally from Elizabeth, Roselle, and Scotch Plains in New Jersey. I loved Roselle. I lived on a busy street near shops and with New York buses stopping right at the corner. Scotch Plains was nice but far too countrified for me. I love New York City, moved to Brooklyn in 1987, and I'm still here even yet! One of my favorite places in NYC is Governors Island, especially when they have the 1920s parties in the summertime. I have a very strong affinity to that era.
What type of books do you usually read?
Anything and everything that looks interesting to me! For the most part I read mysteries, historical novels and biographies. World War II fascinates me because in so many occupied countries, those taken over by either the Germans or the Japanese, everything was turned upside-down. I always find it interesting to read about how regular civilians navigated through such a time of turmoil and the choices they had to make of whether to be on the side of the occupiers, who were like the criminal element, or do the right thing.
How has having a B.A. in English helped you in your writing career?
My father was an English teacher. Majoring in English helped my career, but where I went to college, the full name of my major was English/Speech-Theater-Media. The theater and media classes helped my writing. So much in theater is about the storylines.
Do you read multiple books at a time or do you prefer to focus on just one?
I have a Kindle and a Nook and both of them are absolutely packed with hundreds, literally hundreds, of books. I try to read one book at a time, usually on the Kindle, but often I'll go back and forth between two. I love the devices because they weigh less than a book would but contain so many.
How were you first introduced to writing?
In the first grade at Harrison School in Roselle, NJ, they had us writing our own little stories just to practice our handwriting. I think we had a daily "newsletter" assignment on a big piece of paper where the teacher had us writing the date and our names - it's a vague memory now, I'm 61 - but then we could also draw pictures and write something. I think the first thing I wrote about was how happy I was to have eggs one day for lunch!
What role do the physical dimensions of a fine art photograph print play on its likability and appeal?
I look for the colors and the shapes. My favorite subjects to photograph are cityscapes and flowers, but I'll literally take a photo of anything if the colors and shapes strike me as interesting.
How did you come up with the title of your book, The Final Comeuppance?
That book is a murder mystery. Someone is running around with a dagger and going after the staff of a now-defunct, abusive school, looking to get even. Initially I called it "The Final Comeuppance Kaboom," but the artist I hired to help with the cover left the "kaboom" off. So I just called it "The Final Comeuppance."
How much did you research about World War II while writing your book, "Keep Your Songs In Your Heart"?
Tons of research! I was aware since I was a child about the unfairness of the Japanese internment during World War II, but the first book I wrote was MAMA ROSE'S TURN, a biography of the mother of Gypsy Rose Lee. Their story was made into a musical and a large portion of it took place in Seattle, Washington. When I was looking up Gypsy I went on a lot of Washington historical sites, and kept coming across information about what was done to the Japanese. I also read some books about it, and learned how so many adults at the schools tried their best to smooth things over for the Japanese children whose lives were being disrupted by having to get sent away. Imagine putting a seven-year-old into an internment camp as an enemy alien who might have been a spy - it's ridiculous! This mess FDR and his pals devised was also breaking up countless friendships and communities. I wanted to show the story of a strong little girl who remained loyal to her Japanese best friend no matter what was going on in the world, even when other people were discriminating against the Japanese.
How often did you change the ending of "Backstabbed on Broadway" before finalising the one? How do you decide upon the perfect ending?
I actually wrote that one not entirely sure of who I was going to pick for the killer until I got towards the ending. The guy who gets murdered in that story, a talent agent, is a total control-freak and a monster to the people around him, and NOBODY liked him. I once worked for a man just like it. So I came up with an unusual ending.
How different would your life be had you not discovered writing?
I can't even imagine it!
Who paved the way for fine art photographers?
I'm just doing my own thing where the photography is concerned. It's wide open to people now, with the ability to sell photos on the Internet.
Should one specialize in a single genre or write in several different ones? What's your opinion?
I've written in three genres so far and I've loved every one. I say if it works for an author, just go for it!
How important is it for a book author to be on social media? Which platforms are the most beneficial?
Twitter has an amazing "Writing Community" and "Readers Community," and I find it to be the best platform, so far. The writers over there are a phenomenal group!
What are you working on now?
I've got several stories in the works at the moment. I started a sequel to BACKSTABBED ON BROADWAY, since the characters were so much fun to write. Then about three days ago, a whole other idea hit me about another mystery. I've been busy writing that one for a few days now and am already 45 pages into it. I'll return to the BACKSTABBED sequel either when I fully finish the new mystery - or whenever a new idea for the sequel enters my head. I like to keep my projects kind of open as I work on them.
How did you come across AllAuthor? What made you sign up and what has your experience been so far?
I realized that other authors I like were using AllAuthor. I signed up and so far I AM LOVING IT!