About Author

Chad Aaron Lehrmann

Chad Aaron Lehrmann
  • Genre:

    Supernatural Suspense Horror Teen & Young Adult General Nonfiction
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Teacher, Author
  • Born: 29 October
  • Member Since: Jun 2021
  • Profile Views: 9,375
  • Followers: 60
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Linkedin,

Growing up an only child on a ranch ten miles from a small town, my imagination became fertile soil for developing my own worlds. As an adult- first as a minister, and now as a high school social studies teacher- imagination serves me well in relating stories and lessons to students.

Because I teach teens and have a couple of my own at the moment, I enjoy writing to an audience in that age range. And I have always had a powerful pull toward the paranormal and supernatural writings of authors like Stephen King, Rick Riordan, and J. K. Rowling. And of course, as a teacher, from time to time I will write on either my craft or a subject within my field that I find interesting.

Chad Aaron Lehrmann's Books

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Beneath These Brittle Bones
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Beneath These Brittle Bonesby Chad LehrmannPublish: Jun 30, 2022Thriller Supernatural Suspense Teen & Young Adult
In The Fields Of The Eagle
$3.99 kindleeBook,
In The Fields Of The Eagleby Chad LehrmannPublish: Jul 31, 2023Historical Fiction Teen & Young Adult
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Killtownby Chad LehrmannPublish: Oct 22, 2021Thriller Horror
Toxic: The Damaged Culture of American Christianity
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Toxic: The Damaged Culture of American Christianityby Chad LehrmannPublish: Jul 18, 2022Religion & Spirituality

Chad Aaron Lehrmann Interview On 01, Nov 2021

"Chad Aaron Lehrmann grew up on a ranch outside a small town in Central Texas. He always liked darker stuff- Goosebumps as a young kid. Creating stories in his head and acting them out eventually led to him entertaining the idea to write stories. He writes short stories and horror novels. He is also a high school teacher who loves to write with music in the background."
Where have you spent most of your childhood?

I grew up on a a ranch outside a small town in Central Texas. We raised sheep and cattle. Had horses for a bit- it was a great experience.

Were you a big reader as a kid too? If so, what were some of your favourite books then?

Definitely. Always liked darker stuff- Goosebumps as a young kid, but I aged out of them as a teen. I grew up before the big young adult fiction boom, so I dove straight into Stephen King. Loved It, but The Stand was and is my all time favorite. Also, Lord of the Rings- which was dark in itself.

What are some good hard-core horror novels you have read?

Tons of Stephen King. The Shining and It from him. There’s a Christian horror author who put out some good horror like This Present Darkness. I find it hard to discover horror that actual scares me- but I enjoy looking for the ones that will shock me.

Where did the term "social studies" come from?

I believe it comes from the “social sciences” because history, geography, psychology and sociology are inherently social. They are about people and their interactions with others and their environment.

At what age did you begin writing your first book?

I started writing it around 16. That beginning eventually became the Sawyer Shepherd Chronicles. So much of the core concepts of that first “book” evolved into what I write now.

Which book took the longest to write in the Sawyer Shepherd Chronicles series?

Book 4. Easily. It’s still now out because it’s in the editing and cover design stage. But it’s been a work in progress for almost a year now. But it’s coming soon. Promise.

What is your writing kryptonite? Inversely, what is something that never fails to inspire you?

My kryptonite is time- I still teach high school full time. It is very difficult to focus on writing when your brain has been processing all day. What inspires me is music- I love to write with music in the background. I’ve even started putting Spotify playlists in the books.

What is the significance of the title of your book, Bane of Nostalgia?

I think we all love to think about “the good old days.” But we often remember them more happily than what they actually were. Bane of Nostalgia is about the past coming back to haunt you in ways that ruin your rose colored view of childhood.

What is your ideal setting to write in?

A good, dark, room with a wood or leather scented candle is a huge plus. And gotta have that music going. Love to write on cold, rainy days, too.

When writing novels, is it better to have daily time-spent-writing goals or words-written goals?

For me, it’s more about consistency in time than word goals. While I have general goals for word-count at the end of the book, I’d rather just try to write some each day and see where that takes me.

How would you scare someone through writing? Are there any tips and tricks to writing horror?

I think the key to writing a good scare is very different than showing a good scare. In writing, it’s about turning the safe and innocuous setting or situation into one that is filled with tension. Horror set in “safe” spaces like schools and churches and small towns seems to hit harder. Also, creating a sense of claustrophobia in the setting is good, too.

What makes a great book cover design?

I struggle with this. I still believe the “don’t judge a book by its cover” mantra. I find the genre theme trend to be detrimental to getting good books out to readers. A good cover means you have the money to pay for a good cover, not that the book is good. So for me- the more simplistic the cover, the more authentic the cover- the better.

As a high school teacher, what are the biggest mistakes you’ve seen students make?

Short term decisions with long-term consequences. Both good and bad choices are made when you don’t think beyond the moment. Lots of students do this by taking on way too much too fast.

What are you currently working on? May we know when we can expect a new book?

Killtown- my first pure horror book- is out right now- debuted October 23. Sawyer Shepherd 4- Fall of Man- will be out by the end of 2021.

What do you think of AllAuthor? Has this website been helpful to you?

I think it’s been a good place to get my name out. I wish I’d seen more of a boost in sales, but it’s still been a positive experience.

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      • Chad Aaron Lehrmann Chad Aaron Lehrmann 3 years ago
      • Probably Red Hand Rising. It was always meant to be a bit of a bridge book, but I’d love to amp up the supernatural serial killer elements more.
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      • Chad Aaron Lehrmann Chad Aaron Lehrmann 3 years ago
      • So, it’s not exactly a genre, but more graphic novels. I actually use Marvel’s Civil War in my sociology classes, and it is a great tool to connect with students. Aside from graphic novels, I think more fantasy and urban fantasy is good, too. There are some powerful messages in those works.
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      • Chad Aaron Lehrmann Chad Aaron Lehrmann 3 years ago
      • A sense of flow and story progression. It can be really easy to create exciting vignettes barely strung together to form a ‘story,’ but that can wear thin fast. Knowing when to have action and when to character build- and when to do both at the same time.
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