About Author

Clarissa Lake

Clarissa Lake

Clarissa Lake is the pen name I use for my erotic scifiromance line. I prefer to keep my actual identity secret.

Clarissa Lake's Books

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Clarissa Lake's Series in Order

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** Also, there might be other book series by Clarissa Lake not listed on AllAuthor.

  • A Cyborg for Christmas

    1 Brekar's Christmas: A Cyborg for Christmas Book 2 - Published on Dec, 20222 Vinder's Christmas (A Cyborg for Christmas Book 3) - Published on Nov, 2023
  • Cyborg Ranger Series

    1 Max: Cyborg Ranger (Cyborg Rangers Series Book 4) - Published on Sep, 2022

Clarissa Lake Interview On 11, May 2023

"Clarissa Lake is a writer whose tales transcend the boundaries of time, space, and passion. She wrote her first novella when she was 15. Hidden behind the veil of a captivating pen name, this literary luminary weaves a delicate tapestry of desire, imagination, and untamed exploration. She enjoys drawing and painting, making wire dream catchers with wire-wrapped semi-precious stones, gardening, and having pets."
Where have you spent most of your childhood?

I spent my childhood in rural Western New York, USA, where I live now.

Were you an avid reader as a child? Do you still read books?

I was an avid reader as a child and still read now. I average about one book a week, reading an hour before I sleep. I spend more time writing than reading at this point in my life.

When and how did you decide that you wanted to write?

I was in fourth or fifth grade when I thought I wanted to be a writer. I actually wrote my first novella when I was 15. It was fan fiction.

How did your friends and family react to your first book?

I don’t think I ever let anyone read that first book. I wrote a book called Windswept Lover when I was in my twenties. It was a contemporary gothic romance as they were popular then.

Why did you decide to write under a pen name?

I decided to write under a pen name when I started writing sexually explicit erotic Sci-Fi romances. I wasn’t sure how my friends and family would take it. However, the emphasis is on the loving relationship, not just sex. That’s what differentiates erotic romance from erotica.

What do you think makes a really good and relatable character?

I think the flaws make the character relatable and interesting.

Which of your characters resonates with you the most and why?

That is a harder question than it seems. Honestly, the main character in my current work in progress probably resonates with me most at any given time. If I have to pick, I think it’s between Darken Cyborg Ranger and Brekar from Brekar’s Christmas.

Who is your favorite writer, and which of his/her book inspires you the most?

Probably my favorite writer is Robert Heinlein. I read many of his books when I was younger, and I like his Lazarus Long books the best, with my favorite being Time Enough for Love. Besides the young adult books, most of his books included romance, and when you combine science fiction with romance, I’m there.

Which is the best compliment or fan-mail you have received for your work?

The best compliment came from a fellow author whose books I greatly admire. She told me she liked one of my books even though I thought hers were much better.

How did you begin writing the Cyborg Ranger Series? I started with the Cyborg Awakening series. When I came to the end of the last book, I didn’t have enough material to continue this series, but I wanted to write more cyborgs. One day I was watching the old Walker Texas Ranger series, and something clicked: Cyborg Rangers.

In the Cyborg Awakening series, the North American Civil Restoration Enclave made cyborgs who fought the alien war. This council becomes an interim governing body attempting to reclaim North America. So they request cyborgs to go west and secure the western states. Commander Vyken Dark calls in the elite cyborg marine Rangers team for the job.

Who inspired the character of Angie in “Soliv Four”?

Angie was a composite character inspired by a book by T.J. Quinn. My book was a completely different story than Quinn’s. The idea is that women would be desperate enough in an overpopulated world without enough jobs to go around that they would go off-world in search of a better life. That concept has often been used in science fiction romance. Of course, I drew from my experience of getting fired and not knowing where my next dollar was coming from. And the rest of the story, I just made it up.

What are your hobbies apart from writing?

I’ve done drawing and painting, making wire dream catchers with wire-wrapped semi-precious stones, gardening, and having pets.

Why did you choose the name Clarissa Lake?

I used Clarissa as a screen name in the early days of social media. And I live by a lake. It’s that simple.

Who all are a part of your family? How critical are they of your writing?

I live with my daughter and two grandchildren in my lake cottage with four cats, two dogs, and three fish. We basically all do our own thing.

Which is the next book you are writing? What is it about?

My next book is a novella in the Clarissa Lake Interstellar Matchmaking series called Zimon’s Bride, followed by Shadow Cyborg Ranger, which is in editing now.

When did you join AllAuthor? How has your experience been?

I joined All Author in April 2017. Becoming a pro member and having regular book tweets helps with sales. I also like the banners and the magic tool for making my banners.

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