Being born in North Queensland, Australia, have you ever visited Daintree?
I have visited the Daintree. It’s a beautiful area, known here as ‘where the rainforest meets the reef’, because that’s exactly the way it is. You can walk in the rainforest — something I’ve always loved doing, and then you have a soft sand beaches and the Great Barrier Reef.
What's your biggest 'Only in Australia' moment?
My biggest moment was when I went out to the Great Barrier Reef. I’ve actually gone out a few times. I don’t snorkel but I’ve been on glass-bottom boats and in underwater observatories. The tropical fish have such vibrant colours, and the reef is beautiful. The underwater observatory provided the opportunity to see the fish, turtles and the reef at eye level.
What are some good books to start reading poetry?
I love Tennyson, Wordsworth and Keats who were known as the romantic poets.
Has reading books changed your life?
It has, indeed. I start reading when I was very young. I’ve always had a great love of books. Without my love of reading, I wouldn’t be a writer.
Who helped you to start reading and writing for the first time in childhood?
My mother always bought me books to read and took me to the library to borrow books. My grandfather, who read a lot, used to take me to the library to help him choose his books. Those experiences have stuck with me.
How much time did it take to write your first novel at the age of 18?
The first novel took me a couple of years to write. I had to fit it in with my day job.
What inspired the story of your novella, Love The Gift?
A poem — The Miller’s Daughter — by Tennyson inspired me. The other inspiration came from the location. It’s set in the New South Wales’ Southern Highlands. A beautiful place. Very different to the tropical environment where I live.
How did you write a satisfying end to The Dragon Sleeps, the first book in The Thornton Mysteries Series?
With a murder mystery, all the loose ends need to be tied up. The mystery needs to be explained. Because The Dragon Sleeps is a love story too, it was important to have a satisfactory ending with it too.
How did you come up with the character of Benedict Archer in "The Dragon Sleeps"?
The book is set in the late 1920s. I wanted a character that epitomised that era. My thoughts took me to silent films of that time. I wanted the character to be debonair and very polished but also wanted him to be brave and strong. One silent screen actor, John Gilbert, inspired me to create Benedict.
What are some places for architecture photography in Townsville?
There are many heritage buildings in the city in Townsville, showing the early Federation style. There are also many ‘Old Queenslanders’. In this case, an old Queenslander refers to a style of house that is built on stilts and has a high-pitched roof and very wide verandas. They were built this way to cope with the heat and floods.
What inspired your deep passion for photography?
Even as a child, I took notice of flowers and the insects on them. I always asked the names of the flowers. The colour and shapes fascinated me. Later I became interested in architecture and nature in general.
Which Agatha Christie novel has the most brilliant/intelligent killer?
I always love the solution in Murder on the Orient Express. The murder took a lot of planning because there is more than one killer, but I won’t say more for fear of spoiling it for people who haven’t read the book.
Does reading history help you understand how the world works?
Most definitely. I enjoyed reading and learning about different cultures and their beliefs.
Which is the next book you are working on? Is it a series or a stand-alone book?
My second book in the Thornton Mysteries is The Inca’s Curse. It’s been published. My publisher has the third book and I’m finishing the fourth. I’m working on a couple of things at the moment — research for the fifth book in the series, and another cosy mystery series that also features the Thorntons but will revolve more about Alexandra and Edith.
How long on an average does it take you to promote a book? How has been your experience working with AllAuthor?
I don’t think promotion stops. I’m back to promoting The Dragon Sleeps because I have an audiobook coming out soon.
AllAuthor has been very supportive. It’s been an enjoyable working experience. I’d like to thank them so much.