About Author

Elle Stockton

Elle Stockton

Elle Stockton, a.k.a. Robin B. Stockton, born in San Francisco, resides with her husband in Southern California. She holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of California, Los Angeles.

She is an multi award-winning author who has written four books of short stories in her series: Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns, and the unexpected—Not for Polite Society and Other Short Stories, Bourbon Street Nocturne and Other Short Stories, Harvest Moon Wish and Other Short Stories, and Deadly Geminis and Other Short Stories.

Her novel, Seaside House Dream ... Collective was just released at the end of April, 2024. read more

Elle Stockton's Books

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Elle Stockton's Series in Order

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** Also, there might be other book series by Elle Stockton not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns, and the unexpected

    1 Bourbon Street Nocturne and Other Short Stories: Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns, and the unexpected - Published on Apr, 20212 Not for Polite Society and Other Short Stories: Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns, and the unexpected - Published on May, 2022

Elle Stockton's Awards and Achievements

    Elle Stockton has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Independent Press Award 2024 "Distinguished Favorite"

    Deadly Geminis and Other Short Stories: Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns and the unexpected

  • 2023 NYC Book Award "Distinguished Favorite"

    Deadly Geminis and Other Short Stories: Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns and the unexpected

  • Author Shout Reader Ready Award "Recommended Read"

    Not for Polite Society and Other Short Stories: Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns, and the unexpected

  • Independent Press Award "Distinguished Favorite"

    Not for Polite Society and Other Short Stories: Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns, and the unexpected

  • Best Book Award Finalist #AmericanBookFest

    Not for Polite Society and Other Short Stories: Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns, and the unexpected

  • 2022 NYC Book Award "Distinguished Favorite"

    Not for Polite Society and Other Short Stories: Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns, and the unexpected

  • Author Shout Reader Ready Award "Recommended Read"

    Bourbon Street Nocturne and Other Short Stories: Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns, and the unexpected

  • 2021 NYC Book Award "Distinguished Favorite"

    Bourbon Street Nocturne and Other Short Stories: Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns, and the unexpected

  • American Book Fest #BestBookAward Finalist

    Bourbon Street Nocturne and Other Short Stories: Fictional tales on a ride of twists, turns, and the unexpected


Elle Stockton Interview On 23, Apr 2021

"Elle Stockton has always written short stories. The first story she wrote was actually a poem, which won first prize in fifth grade. She grew up reading William S. Porter's stories and loved the plot twists, which inspired Elle to write her first book. Elle and her husband enjoy reading the stories aloud to each other from her first book."
Born in San Francisco, which is your most cherished childhood memory?

Before learning to walk, I recited Mother Goose rhymes to my parents' amazement and delight.

Were you always interested in motion picture-television writing?

No. I've always written short stories. Motion picture-television writing was a new medium for me, which I enjoyed at UCLA.

What kind of cultural value do you think reading and writing have/brings?

Reading and writing bring a cultural awakening into the way other people live, their conflicts, and how they deal with adversity.

What was your favorite part, and your least favorite part, of the publishing journey?

My favorite part was working with talented professionals. The least favorite part was waiting for my book to be published.

What was the first story you ever wrote and did you ever publish it?

The first story I wrote was actually a poem, which won first prize in fifth grade. About 11 years ago, "The Green of Summer," a flash fiction story was published locally. I later expanded this story for inclusion in my first book.

What inspired you to write the book, "Harvest Moon Wish and Other Short Stories"?

I grew up reading William S. Porter's (a.k.a. O. Henry) stories, and loved the plot twists, which inspired me to write my first book.

Does listening to an audiobook, while reading the same book, reinforce its content? Or make it more difficult to follow?

I prefer reading the text of a book because I can take my time, and refer back to it.

What is the most crucial component when writing a romantic suspense novel?

The most crucial component is keeping the reader's interest through participation. The reader's job is to anticipate and solve plot twists in my book.

How do you spend “quality time” with yourself?

I watch simmering noir movies, brimming over with hardboiled detectives and femme fatales.

What mistakes do new writers often make in their writing?

New writers should keep writing what they love no matter how many rejections they receive.

What is one FAQ that you wish people would stop asking?

My second book is coming out by May, 2021, so I shouldn't be hearing that question much longer.

Are you a "re-reader" or are you a "read-it-once-and-I'm done" person?

I am definitely a "re-reader." My husband and I enjoy reading the stories aloud to each other from my first book.

Who are some of the lesser known authors you would recommend people to read?

Author Sandra Cisneros is a definite recommendation. "The House on Mango Street" is one of my favorite reads.

Are you working on a new book? Is it going to be a series or a standalone?

Yes. "Bourbon Street Nocturne and Other Short Stories" is my second book of short stories. It will be published by May, 2021.

How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?

Excellent. AllAuthor has been wonderfully supportive by sending out weekly tweets, ads, and follower notifications.

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