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Erin Wade Erin Wade
  • Country: United States
  • Member Since: May 2018
  • Profile View: 318
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    Women's Fiction
About With a degree in accounting, I set out to conquer my quiet little corner of the world.
My plan was to work for a major accounting firm and live a comfortable life.
One never knows where fate will lead. While in college I discovered I liked taking chances and started acquiring small parcels of land to resale. Within a year, I found myself immersed in the fun of land brokering. My native state, Texas, is a wide-open community of wonderful people and vast amounts of land. Opportunities in Texas are limitless. Texas and the fact that I am a workaholic were the perfect recipe for success.
I have visited every state in the U.S. and lived in some, but Texas is always the one that calls me home. I thought I had the world by the tail. Life was good. Then I met a woman and life was no longer good, it was amazing.
Now my life is an adventure of love and laughter. My partner encouraged me to begin writing. I published my first book in 2014 and have been successful in the Mystery/Suspense genre. Too Strong to Die is my first gay book. I am proud to say that after one week, on 2/1/2017, it is the #1 (Paid) Lesbian book on Amazon. Thank you so much for making it happen.

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