What was life like growing up on a Ranch and how does it differ from suburban or city life? What were some of your chores as a child?
I loved growing up on our 700-acre ranch since I am a tom-boy by nature, so it was a dream location for someone like me. I had the freedom to explore, play, enjoy sunsets, and quiet. We had animals of all kinds (dogs, cats, sheep, horses, as well as wild ones). Very different from life in the city with horns honking, traffic, crime, confusion, noise which is where we ended up raising all four of our sons. We are now back in the country, and it was like coming home.
My chores as a youth included feeding animals, riding my horse (real tough, I know), helping my dad with irrigation (siphons from ditch to row crops), some tractor work. My dad didn’t allow his three daughters (he had no sons) to do too much on the ranch since he didn’t want to risk ‘making us into men’.
What school did you go to and what was your favourite subject? Did you ever dabble with writing in middle or high school?
Franklin Elementary in Franklin, CA. Elk Grove Junior High in Elk Grove, CA. Elk Grove High School through junior year in Elk Grove, CA. Yuba City High School my senior year in Yuba City, CA.
Favorite subject was math. I did like writing stories in Elementary school. Not so much in Junior High or High School. I did, however, make up romance stories in my head hoping I would one day live out my own romance story.
When did you start writing full time? Why didn't you start earlier and do you sometimes regret waiting for as long as you did?
After raising our four sons, while holding down various jobs here and there along the way, I prayed for God to show me what he wanted me to do next—for Him. Through a series of happenings (too involved to share), God directed my path into writing. I was already a senior citizen by then. I’m living proof you don’t have to start the venture of writing at a young age. I certainly wasn’t young. LOL.
I didn’t start writing at a younger age because I had no idea writing was something I should do. I have no regrets about not starting earlier. Instead, I am hugely grateful to God that He did direct me to write. I can’t imagine missing out on this adventure.
What is an important life lesson you've learnt after becoming an author? What kind of change do you hope to impart with your writing?
The life lesson, which I’ve learned several times in my life is ‘Trust in the Lord…’ (Proverbs 3:5,6).
My hope is to make a difference in people’s lives, such as strengthen their faith, give them peace and comfort, help them to forgive (themselves included), and fall in love. And hopefully much, much more. I have already had many tell me what an impact my books have made on them, in a good way. That makes every moment I’ve spent writing, worth it—a hundred fold.
According to you, what makes a good Western romance? How do you try and make your books stand out from the rest of the romance novels out there?
First of all, I believe romance readers want characters they can invest in, root for, cry and laugh with, and ultimately rejoice with which includes a happy ending. Secondly, I write inspirational romances that are clean, yes, but they are also a bit racy. That’s because I believe in writing true to life kind of romance stories; never erotic, but true to human nature. What makes a good western is an accuracy concerning the ranch setting, good-looking cowboys, and their authentic dialogue, and real-life situations those cowboys and their loved ones will struggle over.
What started the A Quaking Heart book series? Jessica Harper was the first female character you had to create for this series. In what ways does she reflect pieces of your own or your friends' personalities?
The true start to the Quaking Heart trilogy came in the form of information about the horrific earthquake that happened in Montana in 1959. Yes, it did happen. Yes, it devastated the area and the people. Yes, it did create a tsunami in Lake Hebgen. The earthquake is what originally caught my eye. The characters came later. Jessica Harper is a huge reflection of my young self. Clint Wilkins is a combination of my fantasy cowboy and my husband.
How do you think you have grown as a writer from "Ride With Me" to "Fight For Me"? What is the main connecting theme or thread in the books of the A Quaking Heart series?
As I have said, the main connecting thread through the Quaking Heart series is the 1959 Montana earthquake.
When I first wrote Ride With Me, I must have thought I wouldn’t write any more books since I seemed to put everything into this first book. Thankfully, since that first book, I have learned to be more concise, I hope. The storylines don’t contain quite as much, though my books are still full-length novels.
What are some important rules or things to remember when writing historical characters? How do you go about researching information for your books and how much of your time goes into the research?
First of all, my stories start in the year 1959, so though they fall into the historical nostalgia era, they are not what most readers typically think of as historical. What I make sure to do is bring something into the story that depicts the period to remind the reader they are in mid 20 th century. I also must remind myself of the anachronism when writing dialogue.
I research everything. Some research I do before starting a story. But, mostly I find myself writing a sentence that comes out of my head onto paper, and I’ll see something that I have to look up and verify. For instance, when I was writing my first book, Ride With Me, I wrote a sentence containing Colloidal Silver. Though I am familiar with it, I stopped and immediately researched when Colloidal Silver was invented and used as a natural antibiotic. I even got in touch with experts on Silver for medicinal purposes and was blessed with loads of information from them about the beginnings of Colloidal Silver (which was back in the 1800’s), its properties, its uses, etc. A lot of time goes into research, most of it is done as I proceed through a story.
When did you start writing the A Breath Without Life series? What does this series mean to you?
I began, Let Your Heart Beat Again (the first book of, A Breath Without Life series) the moment the first draft of Fight For Me (the final book of the Quaking Heart novels) was in my editor’s hands—in late 2015. I worked on it in between edits for Fight For Me. Then concentrated on it fully after I published Fight For Me in December 2015.
I’m very excited about the Breath Without Life series. The characters in this series, of 6 novels, are loosely connected to the Quaking Heart trilogy, so that is kind of fun for readers. Mostly, I love that the stories center around a widower who has raised six sons, poorly. Not because he hasn’t tried, but because of his own brokenness. Consequently, his sons are all broken in their own ways, as well. These heartfelt stories are about the struggle each man faces to make their way successfully in this life, find their faith, and ultimately heal because of a good woman. One by one each one of these Cooper men are redeemed in the ways that count and find true love in the process.
Of all the characters you've created, which one do you think is the most complex? How do you often get inspiration for your characters?
So far, the character that is the most complex is Jake Cooper, in Fight For Me (A Quaking Heart Novel – Book Three). He’s had a rough start in life, raised by only his Scottish mother. He’s also a brooder, hates some of his physical attributes, blames himself for all the bad things that have happened to him and the people around him, is hoping his dangerous job will put an end to him, and doesn’t find himself worthy of love. Though Jake is the most complex so far, I do believe, by the end of the Cooper Bar-6 Ranch series (A Breath Without Life Novels), the 6 th and final book, about Trevor Cooper, will find him the ultimate complex character. We’ll see…
I read a lot of romance stories—several hundred a year. Good characters in those books inspire me. Also, I am a people watcher—especially at rodeos and such. Cowboys have always caught my eye, and I know other women feel the same way, so I believe they make the best protagonists. But I want to write stories that men will enjoy as well (my hubby loves my books), so I add adventure, a touch of mystery, and cute gals. And, of course, that crucial physical connection, as well.
Do you tend to value dialogue or descriptions more? Why?
I LOVE writing dialogue. After having raised four sons, and having a husband of 44 years, I believe I get how men talk. Writing dialogue for men is fun for me. Though I like to write descriptions, I have to remind myself to make sure I include them.
Which other authors are you friends with and how have they helped you on your growth and journey as an author?
I have a friend/mentor who doesn’t write romance stories as I do, but mysteries. He has helped me a great deal with marketing ideas. I also have friends who are great writers but haven’t published yet. One of them being my editor. When they do get published one day, they will take the world by storm, their writing is that good.
How often do you write? What's the longest you've ever written without a break?
I write—or edit drafts already done—every single day. It calls to me; I love it so much. The longest I have spent writing before getting up to move around is probably two or three hours. Since I write from home, I usually do housework, errands, appointments and such in between writing, so I’m not sitting too long at a time.
Are you working on anything right now? When can we expect your next publication?
Yes! I am currently editing the first draft of my next book in the Cooper Bar-6 Ranch series: Let Yourself Run Free Again (A Breath Without Life Novel – Book Two). This draft will go to my editor within the next couple of weeks. Then we will pass the manuscript back and forth editing and fixing before we decide it’s ready. I’m hoping for a release date as soon as April 2018 but could be as late as June 2018. We’ll see.