About Author

Jimi Fritz

Jimi Fritz
  • Genre:

    Biographies & Memoirs
  • Country: Canada
  • Books: 3
  • Profession: Filmmaker, author, musician
  • Born: October 19
  • Member Since: Jun 2021
  • Profile Views: 9,335
  • Followers: 106
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon,

Jimi Fritz is a filmmaker, musician, writer, entrepreneur, roustabout and trick cyclist extraordinaire. He’s written two feature length screenplays, a psychedelic memoir, and a non-fiction book about rave culture.

Jimi Fritz's Books

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Confessions of an Ethical Drug Dealer: A psychedelic travelogue memoir
$9.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Confessions of an Ethical Drug Dealer: A psychedelic travelogue memoirby Jimi FritzPublish: Feb 25, 2021Biographies & Memoirs
Rave Culture; an insider's overview: A primer for the global rave phenomenon
$12 kindle Free with KUeBook,
The End of Everything
$12 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The End of Everythingby Jimi FritzPublish: Jul 14, 2023

Jimi Fritz Interview On 08, Nov 2021

"Jimi Fritz always wanted to be a garbage man. He has lived in a dozen different countries and traveled in many more. The author takes you on his fifty-year journey through his truly charmed life in his memoir, Confessions of an Ethical Drug Dealer. A filmmaker and a musician, Jimi has made numerous films and music videos."
What is a childhood memory that makes you smile?

My first taste of hashish at fifteen years old made me giggle quite a bit.

What did you want to become when you were a kid?

I always wanted to be a garbage man. It seemed like an exciting life. Later, I wanted to travel the world and play music. The later came true.

Do you remember the first book you ever wrote?

It was Rave Culture, an insider’s overview, a primer for the global rave phenomenon.

Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?

My wife, Veronica. She gives me the time and support to pursue my writing and music and I do the same for her. We’ve been happily married for 43 years.

As first time entrepreneurs, what part of the process are people often completely blind to?

The fact that your market or supply chain can disappear at any time without warning. Nothing lasts forever. Business is fragile. Ride the wave.

When writing your memoir, Confessions of an Ethical Drug Dealer, did you change names for protection or did you put names of the people in their life and write their real names?

Everything in the book is true, except the names, which were changed to protect the guilty.

What was the process of taking interviews for the book, Rave Culture?

I interviewed DJs, promoters and ravers in person when possible but also sent out a detailed questionnaire to over two dozen countries.

What were some of the best moments while taking interviews with promoters, DJs and ravers?

Too many to mention. Some of the best interviews were at large parties and events.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

I have lived in a dozen different countries and traveled in many more. There is nowhere I want to go that I haven’t already been.

What should every aspiring writer know about writing?

It takes time, lots of time. You can’t write a book part-time. You need a schedule and you need to commit to it. Also, write, write, and write some more. There is nothing that cannot be fixed with editing. Create raw material and hone it later.

How can one develop filmmaking skills on his own?

You can learn filmmaking by doing, and by studying great filmmaking. I went to film school, which is also helpful for technical knowledge.

What are some things that musicians understand that non-musicians don't?

Rhythm, harmony and melody. These are things that pertain to all aspects of life.

Also: How many flats there are in the key of C#.

What turns you off when you visit to a new restaurant?

The lack of vegetarian options.

Is there anything new that you're working on? When can we expect the next book to come out?

I am working on a novel entitled, The End of Everything. It’s about a cynical genius plotting his suicide in a mental asylum. It will be my last, and best book; my Magnus Opus. I plan to take at least another year to complete it.

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