About Author

Jaimee Moore

Jaimee Moore
  • Genre:

  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Narrator, Author, Actor, Project Manager, Mom
  • Born: May 27, 1979
  • Member Since: Sep 2020
  • Profile Views: 6,011
  • Followers: 39
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

My whole life has been full of performing on stage and on camera and I've found that growing in the wonderful world of Voice Acting has allowed me to continue to practice my craft of characterization and performance.

In Theatre School, hosting and performing on Disney & Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines; my character acting background has given me the tools I need to grasp the characters I narrate, but also to explore new avenues of voices from within for those looking for a specific voice that they hear in their heads!

I have taught public speaking, have been an acting teacher and a monologue study coach for many years and I thrive upon my ability to pull emotion and character in cold reads!

I am forever grateful to The Voice Actor's Studio, my awesome coaches and the community that they have so willingly welcomed me into.

Writing Children's books about exploration has been a long time coming. Ever since I became a Mom and have been given the opportunity to be a kid again and explore and experience 'fun' again, I have wanted to write about those experiences. Adventures in a new place, with new people, accepting those new people and the new places, and of course creating new friendships and holding on to old, good ones.

I hope you can help spread the word about my books, as I think they will benefit so many little ears.


Jaimee Moore's Books

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** Also, there might be other books by Jaimee Moore not listed on AllAuthor.

The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley: Where do you live?
$9.13 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley: Where do you live?by Jaimee MoorePublish: Nov 23, 2022Series: The Adventures of Freddy & DudleyChildren's
Freddy & Dudley:: Try it on for Size (The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley)
$6.6 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio,
Freddy & Dudley:: Try it on for Size (The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley)by Jaimee MoorePublish: Jan 24, 2022Series: The Adventures of Freddy & DudleyChildren's
The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley: Making New Friends
$10.5 kindleeBook,
The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley: Making New Friendsby Jaimee MoorePublish: Nov 20, 2023Children's
The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley: What do you eat?
$3.5 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio,
The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley: What do you eat?by Jaimee MoorePublish: Jun 13, 2022Series: The Adventures of Freddy & DudleyChildren's

Jaimee Moore's Series in Order

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** Also, there might be other book series by Jaimee Moore not listed on AllAuthor.

  • The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley

    1 Freddy & Dudley:: Try it on for Size (The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley) - Published on Jan, 20222 The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley: What do you eat? - Published on Jun, 20223 The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley: Where do you live? - Published on Nov, 2022

Jaimee Moore Interview On 15, Mar 2023

"Author Jaimee Moore wanted to be a ballerina, then a vet, then a teacher, then an actor. She has taught public speaking, has been an acting teacher, and a monologue study coach for many years. She is the author of The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley series. She wants Freddy and Dudley to be the adventure that kids want to take every night before bed!"
Do you have a simple childhood memory that you could never forget?

I used to make up dances on my back deck. I would find a song or something, and I'd make up the performance and make my Mom, Dad and/or brother watch it. They were all pretty epic.

What books did you read as a child that are still popular to this day?

To be honest, I didn't like to read that much when I was a kid. But I did like the Robert Munsch books. "Mortimer" was my favorite. I love to perform this book and read it super loud!

What is a childhood ambition that you had?

I wanted to be a ballerina, then a vet, then a teacher, then an actor. I achieved the actor and teacher goal, I don't think anyone needs to see me dance, and as much as I love animals, I couldn't be a vet.

What does it feel like to perform on stage in front of hundreds/thousands of people?

It's exhilarating. I feel like being there feeds my soul. A visual would be like the Dementors from Harry Potter, when they suck the happiness out of people, I feel like I'm feeding off of the energy from the audience! LOL! My heart is full and I feel alive!!!

What makes someone great at voice-acting?

I personally feel that being a good 'actor' makes a good voice actor. Finding a character in your body helps fuel the voice. If you can't feel the character, from the toes up or even visualize them, I feel it would be hard to voice them.

How was your experience of reading "Freddy & Dudley" to a live audience?

It's been just as amazing as being on stage. Their little eyes engaged and frozen smiles on their faces waiting for the next part warms my heart!! I feel the best when they catch on to the repetition and start saying the words as I read...oh that feeling that they feel they can be apart of the story is such a rush!!

How did you feel when your book, "The Adventures of Freddy & Dudley" made it to the "local author" shelf?

I accomplished something I'd set out to do. It felt amazing. I checked another thing off my list and I wanted to tell the world! I wish I had a publisher who can help share them with the world, but being able to get it on the local author shelf and on the virtual shelves on my own is pretty incredible.

What goes into writing a successful children's book?

Well, I don't think my book is as successful as I'd like it to be, but I think being able to capture their attention through repetition and expression is what I hope will make it successful. This comes with the request for help from the reader, which is why I wrote a bit of a note to the reader in my first book, asking them to have fun with it! If the reader is having fun, and 'performing' the kids will pick up on so much more. The reader needs to love the book just as much, and without that, the book wouldn't be as successful as I'd like, or as it should be.

What is the best way to keep your readers interested and entertained when writing a children's story?

For the age of the readers that I'm gearing my books to, I think it's repetition, recognition and fun! I would hope, as I mentioned earlier, that the reader would assist with keeping the kids engaged, but the words, the characters, and their experiences should (I hope) be something that kids can relate to. They might not know why, but to keep them entertained and interested with the adventure that the characters are going on is what I think is important.

How do you find someone to illustrate a children’s book?

It took a lot of searching to find Umehika! I looked through a lot of different Illustrators with beautiful talent, but Umehika's eye and artistic type is exactly what I was looking for. I think I visited Fiverr for about a week and had a few artists on my 'short list'. Umehika is such a kind soul and has helped make these two little bugs come to life!

The photos from your first photo shoot with The bugs look lovely! Who was the photographer? How did you find him/her?

Aww, thank you! Freddy and Dudley and I had a BLAST that day! LOL! Ashley Edwards Photography is a studio close to my home in Ohio. She does a lot of different kinds of sessions. It had been awhile since she had done headshots, but she did a great job and helped me get in the perfect poses to hold my little friends! I would LOVE to do another photo shoot if my books start selling!!

How can one gain more confidence in public speaking?

Read Dr.Seuss out loud. Read everything you read out loud. I taught a class of adults the first steps into public speaking and when I gave them Dr.Seuss they looked at me like I had 3 heads. Knowing what you're reading and talking about it is one thing, but feeling confident hearing yourself outloud is another. It takes patience, practice and punctuation! (wink) I'd love to teach again!

Is it harder to voice act when dubbing than other types of voice acting?

I did an acting class with dubbing over a cartoon. I loved it! I found it easy because I could see the character, situation, and script, and I knew what my intentions were and it was already 'acted' out, I just needed to match my voice with it. I loved it and found it quite easy. The type of voice acting that I do, is based off of book characters and I don't always get a full description of those characters, so it's my 'draw' and assumption of what I think that character would sound like. I feel that is harder because I'm not given (in some situations) much about the character except perhaps a name and a quick back story. Dubbing provides you with so much more! Mind you, dubbing is harder when it comes to timing! Both require different levels of expertise and training, but in the end, they both require acting talent.

What are your goals for the year 2023?

I want to get the sales of my 3 book series of The Adventures of Freddy and Dudley into more homes and I want Freddy and Dudley to be the adventure that kids want to take every night before bed! I have book 4 written and I would love to get that published this summer. I really want to concentrate on promotion and maybe getting noticed to get my books into Scholastic. I think they would benefit a lot of younger grade level classes where kids are meeting others for the first time. Dealing with change and acceptance is so important when they're young! Also, I want to read at more events! I've read at a couple in and around the community including some Mom groups, my kids school for reading weeks and Storybook Yoga. I hope that I can get myself out there a little more this summer with my two little friends!

How has your experience been, working with AllAuthor?

You know, from the beginning, I really didn't know what AllAuthor was, or how it would help. I was reaching for any path to get my books out into the world! The reviews that I've received and all the posts that were created and sent, and of course, this little surprise interview nugget of fabulousness, has really made me put AllAuthor on a higher shelf! Thank you so much for this opportunity! I really hope that more people read and love these little bugs and share them with the littles that they have in their lives! Adventure, Acceptance and Friendship!!!

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