About Author

John H Davis

John H Davis

John grew up in good ol’ Iowa and joined the Army after failing out of community college. He served multiple combat tours as a Infantry Squad Leader in the 101st Airborne Division. He earned his bachelor’s in history from St. Joseph’s College and his master’s in education from Harvard. John started writing for and coaching student veterans while working for the VA. John has spoken to Congress as a legislative fellow for the Student Veterans of America and has earned numerous volunteer and advocacy awards. He’s active in the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, and US Military Vets Motorcycle Club. John has taught English in Thailand and History to incarcerated teenagers in New York. John’s the most tattooed person with a Harvard degree and is always seeking solid book, travel, workout, and whiskey recommendations.

John H Davis's Books

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** Also, there might be other books by John H Davis not listed on AllAuthor.

365 Days of Veteran Affirmations: To Conquer PTSD, Create Growth and Reach Your Potential
$2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Combat to College: Applying the Military Mentality as a Student Veteran
$19.99 kindleeBook,
Combat to College: Applying the Military Mentality as a Student Veteranby John H DavisPublish: Sep 20, 2022Advice & How To
Student Veteran Semester Journal
$9.99 kindleeBook,
Student Veteran Semester Journalby John Howes DavisPublish: Jun 23, 2022Advice & How To General Nonfiction

John H Davis Interview On 21, Dec 2022

"Author John H Davis joined the Army after failing out of community college. He studied at St. Joseph's University, New York. He started writing for and coaching student veterans while working for the VA. He is the most tattooed person with a Harvard degree. John Likes fitness, nature, travel, and drinking whiskey."
What do you enjoy reading the most? Who is your favorite author?

My favorite thing to do is ask people for book recommendations. I think people view reading as a solo endeavor but I like to read books with people, talk about them, and learn together.

What inspired you to join the Army?

I wanted a challenge and adventure. I thought the worst thing I could do was grow up, live, work, and die in my small town.

Do you believe in "aliens?" Why or why not?

Yes. We think of ourselves as the center of some grand narrative, but we're just one small world in an infinite universe. The government and scientific community has started to take aliens more seriously and I think that's legitimized a lot of people's beliefs. We haven't spent much of our human existence looking since the technology is brand new and I think alien life is still evolving like we are. Out there somewhere, "I want to believe."

How important do you think it is for students to read your book, Combat to College?

What my book does is provide student veterans with something that's first useful, secondly entertaining, and thirdly words from a friend and fellow veteran. The GI Bill provides veterans the opportunity to go to college but making it to graduation AND making the most of your experience is a different story.

How much time did you spend researching for your book, Student Veteran Semester Journal?

It was a pretty straightforward operation. I wanted to provide student veterans a planning tool to make it through their semester. It has things like budgeting because your economic health plays a lot into your mental health. It also has weekly tasks designed to keep the student veteran on track.

Do you prefer writing on a notepad first or you directly start writing on your computer?

I only write on my computer, the curse of technology. I often think of how writers used to write and maybe in the future I'll try a project like that. The computer makes things easier but you lose some of the magic.

What other things, apart from writing do you enjoy doing?

I like fitness, nature, travel, and drinking whiskey.

What cultural value do you think reading and writing have/bring?

For me it's a way to help bridge the gap between the military and civilian populations. We've really grown apart from the civilians we're sworn to protect and us from them. My next book addresses that more in detail.

Do you have a "reader" in mind when you write stories?

My readers are primarily military for a lot of my online articles and personal blog.

Have you ever experienced a creative ‘block’? What are your tips to deal with such blocks?

I think creativity is something some people are blessed with but for the most part it's necessary to work through it. I'm very inspired by a lot of things and I've found getting out in nature to be beneficial.

What is the toughest criticism you've ever received? What was the best?

I think I was a little surprised when I got some negative comments on some online articles. But it's a part of writing and growing as a writer and a person. It's too easy to ignore the positivity and focus on the negative so that's something I'm working on as I'm trying to become a more established and better writer.

Which is the next book you are working on? Give us an insight into it.

My next book is actually something I'm creating with a friend of mine. It's a 90 day transformation challenge designed for veterans and athletes. I'm really excited about it and think that after you get out of the military, or stop competing that it's easy to slip into cruise control and stop growing when you lose that structure that the military or sports provide.

How were you first introduced to AllAuthor? Do you have any feedback?

I was introduced through a writer friend of mine who told me about it. I think the weekly picture needs improvement. But I've been happy overall with everything.

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