About Author

Kandi Marsh Siegel

Kandi Marsh Siegel
  • Genre:

    Teen & Young Adult Children's General Nonfiction Cooking
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Award Winning Author
  • Born: 7 August
  • Member Since: Apr 2018
  • Profile Views: 25,052
  • Followers: 33
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon, Linkedin,

B.R.A.G. Medallion multi-Award Winning Author, Kandi M. Siegel, currently has eight published books. They include “My Summer Triumph” (B.R.A.G. winner), “A Dog for Leo” (B.R.A.G. winner), “Rainbow of Mine,” “Rainbow of Mine; the coloring book,” “Bubby the Baker,” “Sammy the Helper,” “Cooking with Kandi,” and “Looking Back No Regrets Memoirs from the Heart," and "The Forever Rose."

Kandi has been a member of the Space Coast Writer's Club since 2012 and recently was honored by having one of her poems selected to appear in the guild’s book “Gratitude,” which is available for purchase through Amazon.

Kandi Marsh Siegel's Books

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A Dog For Leo
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
A Dog For Leoby Kandi SiegelPublish: Sep 14, 2015Teen & Young Adult
Bubby the Baker
$2.99 kindleeBook,
Bubby the Bakerby Kandi SiegelPublish: Aug 22, 2016Children's Poetry
Cooking with Kandi
$3.59 kindleeBook,
Cooking with Kandiby Kandi SiegelPublish: Aug 24, 2017Cooking
Looking Back, No Regrets, Memoirs from the Heart
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Looking Back, No Regrets, Memoirs from the Heartby Kandi SiegelPublish: Sep 18, 2014Romance Humor Biographies & Memoirs

Kandi Marsh Siegel Interview On 22, Aug 2018

"B.R.A.G. Medallion multi-Award Winning Author, Kandi Marsh Siegel has been writing since elementary school. Kandi M. Siegel currently has eight published books. She has always been a storyteller for young children, even when she was a child herself. She joined Space Coast Writer's Club before she ever published a book where they meet the 3rd Saturday of each month and different guests are brought in to speak on various topics. She is currently working on her next book called "My Magical Kippah."
She says that success is measured by what each person feels success should be. She still has many goals to reach to actually be truly successful."
What was your childhood like? Have you always been a writer?

I had a good childhood but I was bullied in school, that's where my story "My Secret Bodyguard" came from. I have been writing since elementary school and recently found stories that I had written back then. I plan to upgrade them and make them into actual childrens books.

What kinds of books do you like to read? Who are the author that have inspired you as a writer?

It's really interesting because though I love to write, I hate to read.

Who reads the first draft of your books? Who in your life gives you the best advice and most constructive criticism?

Hands down, my mom is my #1 person I go to for advice and constructive criticism.

What are the pros and cons of writing book for young adults? What drew you towards this demographic group?

I absolutely love writing for children. I have a great imagination and I've always been a story teller to young children, even when I was a child myself.

You write young adult fiction, children’s books, and non-fiction. Which genre do you like writing the most and why?

I think I prefer children's books because I love making up rhymes and it seems to be the easiest books for me to write as I have so many ideas on different topics to write about for the little ones. As soon as I come up with an idea for a new book, the rhymes start flowing through my head.

Who is Karen and what is the dilemma in her life?

Karen is actually me. Though I've never been called Karen, it is actually the name on my birth certificate. Long boring story. I changed all the names in the book to "protect the innocent."

What is the message that you try to deliver through A Dog Like Leo?

A Dog for Leo is about a young boy who wants a dog but first he has to prove to his parents that he is responsible enough. The book teaches kids about responsibility and goals to reach if they really want to try hard enough to reach them. Though Leo does hit a couple bumps in the road along the way to becoming a responsible young man, he learns valuable lessons along the way.

How did you come up with the character of Kaila? What do you like the most about her?

Kaila is my Hebrew name and the story is based on my actual experience at my first time at overnight camp. I think that summer was a big turning point for Kaila as she learned how to stand up for herself against bullies.

You are an award-winning author and poet. Do you have a secret to success?

If I knew the secret, I'd be a lot more successful. I am honored and grateful for the recognition that I've received for my books. Success is measured by what each person feels success should be. I still have many goals to reach to actually be truly successful.

What is the Space Coast Writer's Club, and what does it mean to be a member?

Space Coast Writer's Guild is located in Brevard County. I joined this group before I ever published a book. The members in this group are like no others. They are there to help their fellow authors by giving great advice and mentoring. We meet the 3rd Saturday of each month and different guests are brought in to speak on various topics which help us to become more successful in our writings, publishings, advertisings, etc. I owe a lot to the members of this group as they are not all about themselves but rather helping others achieve success too. I myself "pay it forward" to other new members by offering them any knowledge that I have to help them with their goals.

What book ideas are you currently working on?

I am currently working on my next chapter book for young adults called, "My Magical Kippah." A bout a young boy getting ready to be Bar Mitzvahed but extremely nervous and doesn't feel he can accomplish this goal. His parents are more excited then he is about this milestone in his life.

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