About Author

Kathleen Stone

Kathleen Stone
  • Genre:

    Contemporary Romance Women's Fiction Literary Fiction
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 7
  • Profession: Author
  • Member Since: Dec 2020
  • Profile Views: 17,978
  • Followers: 397
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon,

Kathleen has been a freelance writer since 1999 and now writes full time. Her work has appeared in Doll World Magazine, Apolloslyre.com, The Lake County Journals, Trails.com; USA Today (travel), Livestrong.com (lifestyle), Essortment, eHow, Answerbag, Examiner.com, Suite101 and YahooVoices. She is the author of Hey Jude, the award-winning novels Tell Me You Love Me and Whispers On A String and the Head Case Rock Novel Series, which includes Head Case and its sequels, Whiplash and Haven. She also has short stories published in the Secrets: Fact or Fiction I & II anthologies.

Kathleen Stone's Books

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Hey Jude
$7.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Hey Judeby Kathleen StonePublish: Sep 19, 2021Contemporary Romance
$5.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Heatherstoneby Kathleen StonePublish: Mar 06, 2022Fantasy
Whispers On A String
$9.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Whispers On A Stringby Kathleen StonePublish: Sep 21, 2019Women's Fiction
$9.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Tell Me You Love Meby Kathleen StonePublish: Dec 29, 2020Literary Fiction
$9.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Havenby Kathleen StonePublish: Nov 19, 2016Series: Head Case Rock NovelWomen's Fiction
$9.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Whiplashby Kathleen StonePublish: May 09, 2018Series: Head Case Rock NovelWomen's Fiction
Head Case
$9.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Head Caseby Kathleen StonePublish: Apr 22, 2018Series: Head Case Rock NovelWomen's Fiction

Kathleen Stone's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Kathleen Stone.
** Also, there might be other book series by Kathleen Stone not listed on AllAuthor.

Kathleen Stone's Awards and Achievements

    Kathleen Stone has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Global Ebook Awards Silver Medal Winner

    Tell Me You Love Me

  • Independent Press Distinguished Favorite Award

    Tell Me You Love Me

  • Independent Publisher Book Awards Bronze Medal Winner

    Tell Me You Love Me

  • Indies Today Award Finalist

    Hey Jude

  • National Indie Excellence Awards Winner

    Tell Me You Love Me

  • Shelf Unbound Best Indie Book Finalist

    Tell Me You Love Me

  • American Fiction Awards Finalist

    Whispers On A String

  • Author Shout Honorable Mention Reader Ready Awards

    Whispers On A String

  • Independent Author Network Outstanding Women's Fiction Award

    Whispers On A String

  • NIEA Finalist National Indie Excellence Awards

    Whispers On A String


Kathleen Stone Interview On 27, May 2022

"Kathleen Stone was a voracious reader as a kid. She has been a freelance writer since 1999 and now writes full-time. An indie author, she writes relationship stories that would interest everyone. She has been a 2021 National Indie Excellence Awards Contemporary Fiction winner."
Do you have a simple childhood memory that you could never forget?

I was five years old when my sister was born, and when she was about a year old we shared a bedroom. Every morning when she woke up she would jump up and down in her crib until it rolled across the hardwood floor and stopped at my bed. This was how I woke up every morning.

While growing up did you, in any way, have any embarrassing moments?

Of course! The first thing that comes to mind is being in the hospital at the age of seven for surgery. I was there for two weeks and since I was the only girl on the children’s floor, the nurses really spoiled me. They would put me in a wheelchair and take me to see the other kids in the unit, and in one room was a boy about my age. He was in his bed wearing just his hospital gown, and that was my first experience with a boy’s private parts because he kept fiddling with them. Even at seven I wasn’t sure where to turn my head.

Were you a big reader as a kid too? If so, what were some of your favorite books then?

I was a voracious reader as a kid, thanks to my parents. My favorite books were ‘Lyle, Lyle Crocodile’ by Bernard Waber and ‘The Little House’ by Virginia Lee Burton.

What is it about the women's fiction that captured your interest?

While my books have been categorized as Women’s Fiction at times, I like to think I write relationship stories that would interest everyone, not just women. I suppose as a woman I tend to write from a woman’s point of view, but two of my current works in progress are stories from the male point of view.

Do you remember the first novel you read that made you think 'Wow! I wanna write about this too’?

As a young girl ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ was the first book that really resonated with me. I don’t know that I necessarily wanted to write the same kind of story, but I definitely wanted to write something that was equally powerful and would be remembered for many years to come.

What challenges did you face while writing the third, and final, installment (Haven) in the Head Case rock novel series?

Honestly, my biggest challenge was divorce. I originally published the first two books in the series—‘Head Case’ and ‘Whiplash’— in 2002 and 2003, with plans for ‘Haven’ to immediately follow. Unfortunately a broken marriage, court proceedings and inability to focus on my writing got in the way and I didn’t publish the series finale until thirteen years later in 2016.

How did you keep your book, "Whispers On A String" interesting and different from the usual classics?

‘Whispers on a String’ goes back and forth in time from the present to the past, reliving the lives of Lonny and Roo, best friends since they met the beginning of high school at fourteen. Sometimes those types of time jumps are difficult to read, but I think that’s the beauty of the way this story is presented. And judging from what readers have told me, they agree wholeheartedly. Writing the story from the present and going back to the 1970s really keeps readers on the edge, because they think they have things figured out, but there are many twists and turns they never expected. This is why I have been given the title ‘Master Twister.” LOL

Are your characters inspired by real life people or are they all purely from your imagination?

My characters are always from my imagination, and they take up a lot of space in my head.

What is the best review you received for your book “Whiplash"?

After my divorce I went back to my maiden name and republished my first two books—‘Head Case’ and ‘Whiplash’ and because of that I lost all of my original reviews. The way the book stands now I would say this is currently the best review:

“Whiplash is the second book in a three book series. There are surprises around every corner, and was such a good story I couldn't put it down. The author's ability to bring each character to life is amazing. So much so that you fall in love with each character individually. This series is a definite must have in your library!”

Do you prefer to write alone and in a quiet atmosphere? Or in public with a lot of background "white" noise?

I have learned to write anywhere under any circumstance, but for the most part I write at home with music playing in the background. The music depends on the era of the story I’m writing.

What are your views on traditional publishing vs. self publishing?

Both are equally viable and have their pros and cons. I tried the traditional route early on with my first two books—before the Internet—but it left me with a sour taste in my mouth. I chose to go indie and I’ve never looked back. While the idea of being traditionally published puts stars in the eyes of up and coming writers, it isn’t necessarily the land of milk and honey. I have far more freedom as an indie author and I love that I am in control of my own work, deadlines, destiny and future. I certainly wouldn’t mind a movie or series deal, though!

What are some websites/resources that have been helpful to you as a writer?

I have found that getting to know writers and authors on Twitter has been beneficial in many ways. It isn’t the only way, but it is easy to connect with like-minded people—authors, readers, etc.—who are willing to support people in all walks of a writer’s life.

In what ways do you try to better understand the craft of writing?

As writers we continue to grow the more we write—it hones our craft and we get better and better as time goes on. That being said, I don’t think we can be the best writers we can be without also being voracious readers. Reading is such an integral part of writing for me, and I don’t think I could do one without the other.

Which is the next book you are writing? Give us an insight into it.

I am currently writing a young adult novel about a boy with synesthesia who develops a very sweet friendship with the overweight teenage girl next door.

How has your experience with AllAuthor been up to this point? How would you rate it? Is there anything you feel could change to make this website more beneficial to authors like yourself?

I have been very happy with my AllAuthor experience! I love the magic tools and being able to create banners and announcements for upcoming book events, holidays, sales, etc.. One thing that might help someone like me would be a photoshopping type of tool where we could incorporate our own images to create mood boards and merchandise designs, if that makes sense?

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