Tell us a little bit about your childhood and where you grew up.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide my author interview. I grew up in the fabulous city of Toronto, Canada, with my three younger sisters. I graduated with a degree in Business Management before moving to the capital city of Canada.
What inspired you to start writing? In what ways has writing helped you?
I have always loved writing, especially in my day job as a Business Transformation Architect. Although the materials I produce are more in line with strategic plans, briefs, and presentations I have always had a passion for creativity and storytelling.
What are your favorite themes or genres to blend together?
I love blending thought-provoking themes of metaphysics with fantasy and thrillers. It’s a great way to entertain the reader while stimulating their curiosity with knowledge and healing modalities.
What inspired the plot of your debut novel “Heart of a Warrior Angel: From Darkness to Light”?
Writing this visionary fiction as my debut novel was a passionate process for me that began 4 years ago. This was a story that needed to be told, it was a calling, and it started to flow organically as I began to develop the qualities of the main character. I have had the pleasure of working with many brave men and women warriors that have shared their stories with me of their childhood trauma, and I was astounded to discover how many innocent children suffer due to the generational cycle of alcoholism and abuse. Since embarking on my own awakening journey 5 years ago, I was inspired to write an emotionally evoking thriller where I could raise awareness on these relevant issues through the characters and share some philosophical insights into epistemology, quantum physics and energy healing. I am humbled to be able to tell this heart-wrenching tale that reflects the realities survivors from various forms of violence, giving them a voice through my characters. It was important to relay a poignant thriller that may resonate with readers and perhaps also serve as a catalyst for changing conversations. For me, even if one person can heal from this beautiful tapestry of emotions and metaphysical healing, I have fulfilled my intention for this book.
Who inspired the character of Lilac Noble in "Heart of a Warrior Angel"?
Lilac is a compilation of many incredible, resilient women that I have met throughout my life who have found the courage and their own inner strength in the face of life's mounting hardships. Lilac’s captivating tale facilitated this gripping and empowering story of love, compassion, and forgiveness.
When I developed the main character, I had to imagine how an incarnated angel’s true identity could be stripped away in modern day society, by humanizing the fantasy. I wanted to make her real, authentic and vulnerable, relaying raw emotions and internal conflict that readers could relate to as she struggled to understand her Soul purpose in the face of darkness.
As readers vicariously wade through Lilac’s past experiences of financial hardship, pain, cruelty, and the long-term effects of post-traumatic stress, it was essential to relay her sheer determination to protect her loved ones from harm. She was broken, far from perfect and layered with her own scars, but accepting of her emotional volatility as she actively sought healing techniques to expand her consciousness and discover her true identity.
I wanted to portray Lilac as a multi-dimensional character, compelled by pure, unconditional love, giving her layers of emotional and spiritual depth throughout her self-realization journey, as she discovered her warrior wings and began to conquer the evil entities that have been sent to derail her divine mission of breaking the generational bloodline curse.
How do you decide the names, appearance, characteristics, etc, of your characters?
For me, the names of the protagonists were inspired by people in my life. As I develop the character arcs, their physical appearances manifest in my visions, much like watching a movie. It’s part of my imagination and creative process.
I used a character-driven, omniscient third-person limited POV to ensure the reader is aware and captivated by each of the protagonist's story. I hope the unique, narrative storytelling invokes an emotional response in the reader and takes them on a roller-coaster-type of experience, from the depth of darkness into the warmth radiance of light.
What is the sweetest thing a fan has ever said to you?
I am so humbled by the incredible feedback and outpouring of reviews, especially for readers that really resonate with the story. I’m grateful when a reader really identifies with their own childhood wounds of the past, and is able to articulate their journey through the characters, to feel more empowered to heal and live a life filled with inner peace and joy, through the power of forgiveness, compassion, and self-love. One of the reviews stated “The author has gifted us with a compelling, well-written, engaging and powerful story that will ensnare the reader on an emotional roller-coaster ride culminating on a trek to find oneself and draw upon an internal strength that is greater than the hardships that life has to offer.”
What were your goals with your first book? Do you think you achieved them?
My intention for this novel was raise awareness on childhood violence and fear-based conditioning, by shining the light on this sensitive subject matter, to help remove the stigma of shame. I also hoped to provide alternate methods of healing practices such as mindfulness and meditation that the reader may find useful in their own healing journey. It may spark the reader’s curiosity about the study of metaphysics or energy healing concepts. It may even trigger past traumas that require further healing and self-work.
What kind of takeaway do you want your readers to get from readings your books?
My award-winning debut novel has been called a “fictional self-help” thriller, but if it helps one person to begin healing their internal conflict and realize that they have the power and pure potentiality to manifest the reality their heart desires through the transformation of self-love, I will have achieved my calling through the poetic instrument of storytelling.
What are some things that have changed after being an author? Do you miss anything?
Since I still have my daytime job, the biggest change for me is the growth in my social media following and the level of interactions with writers all over the world. Thus, I now have two full time jobs - managing book promotion and marketing through Twitter and Instagram!
Tell us about your creative process. How do you organize yourself and manage your time when you are working on a novel?
I am definitely a plotter. I have so many ideas in my head that I need to organize my thoughts by chapters. I usually begin with the book title, the draft synopsis, themes, initiating incidents, plot arcs, crisis, and resolution. This inspires me to produce a structured story-line and identify the areas that require further research.
What are you currently working on?
I have just finished my draft manuscript, the second book of the incarnated angel trilogy. “The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance” is a Young Adult fantasy, paranormal book of the Ascending Angel Academy series. It is a story of character-driven, diverse, gender-inclusive teenagers struggling with self-identity and a sense of belonging. It is best described as Euphoria meets A Wrinkle in Time.
16-year-old Jo struggles with her identity and betrayal, inciting the rise of demonic parasites in her school. As the darkness contaminates its army of sleepwalkers, Jo must save her family and friends from spiritual chaos, by travelling through a holographic portal to defeat the Lord of Darkness.
When did you first join AllAuthor and how did you learn of it? What do you think of the experience so far?
I joined AllAuthor in the winter of 2019, prior to the holiday season. I was referred by my sister and the writing community on Twitter. I really appreciate having the tools to develop book banners and I have participated in the monthly book cover competitions.