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Lynda McKinney Lambert

Lynda McKinney Lambert
  • Genre:

    Poetry Biographies & Memoirs General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author, Artist, Educator, Professor
  • Born: 27 August
  • Member Since: Oct 2019
  • Profile Views: 15,686
  • Followers: 238
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Amazon,

Award-winning American Author Lynda McKinney Lambert.
Six published books on Amazon.

Lynda's latest book release is _Each Day Holds Some Small Joy: Poems. The new book is a collection of 127 small poems - Haiku, Tanka, and Free Form. Full color photographs throughout the book of poetry by Lynda

Lynda's career is in art and education. Lynda's writing and art have won international awards and her art is in private and public collections. This book has a unique format because the poems and photos are presented with respect and balance between space and poem or art. Lynda wanted to create a relaxed and private feeling for the reader to experience as they would if they were walking through a museum or art gallery. One by One, each poem is given a space on the page, similar to how a picture is placed on a gallery wall. You are invited to read this book slow and easy, go back again and again, and just stop at times to reflect on the message of the poem or photograph.

Lynda is a retired professor of fine arts and humanities; lectured in art history; studio art: English at _Geneva College_ Beaver Falls, PA.

Lynda McKinney Lambert's Books

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(1) $3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Each Day Holds Some Small Joy: Poemsby Lynda McKinney LambertPublish: Mar 31, 2024
Songs for the Pilgrimage
$5.08 kindleeBook,
Songs for the Pilgrimageby Lynda LambertPublish: Apr 20, 2021Poetry Christian Nonfiction
Star Signs: New and Selected Poems
$2.99 kindleeBook,
Star Signs: New and Selected Poemsby Lynda LambertPublish: Jul 16, 2019Poetry Christian Nonfiction
Walking by Inner Vision: Stories & Poems
$3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio, Signed Paperback,
Walking by Inner Vision: Stories & Poemsby Lynda McKinney LambertPublish: Feb 01, 2017Biographies & Memoirs Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality

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    • Lynda McKinney Lambert Lynda McKinney Lambert 5 years ago
    • Question: You’re a writer and artist – how is this reflected in your typical day?

      Now that I am retired from my international teaching career, my days are more flexible, even, unpredictable. I love it because I embrace randomness and chance in my life.

      In my Writing Life:
      I am often writing during the nights because I’ve never been one who sleeps much. I sleep in short periods of a couple of hours at a time. Typically, I am up working in my office between 2 and 5 am.
      My days begin early because I have 2 dogs to take out – they like to be out by 6 or 7 am. It gets me moving, so that’s a good thing.
      I do very little work after 5 pm. Evenings are my down times, when I might watch some TV, or just listen to a book or relax. I like to sit and think – thinking takes a lot of time. You have to intend to think, and then set the time aside so you can actually do it.

      In my Artist Life:
      I make art only during the daytime. Because I have profound sight loss, I use an Acrobat CCTV – which is an electronic device that greatly enlarges my working area – it is a closed-circuit TV. My eyes are only able to work at this intensity in the mornings or afternoons. After that, they are too tired to work any longer. So, you won’t find me making art in the evening or night.
      On the days I am making art, I like to focus only on that. I go to a place of “timelessness” in my studio and I am always unaware of the passing of the day while I am working.
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