I was born in Britain in 1950 and have lived in Israel for the past 40 years. I worked in community development in disadvantaged multicultural neighborhoods in both countries, and mediated between cultural groups, as well as writing material for non profit organizations. I also worked in international relations and on international youth exchange programs.
Over the past decade, around 40 of my poems and flash have been published in 25 journals, including Sky Island (Best of the Net nomination); Eunoia Review; Eclectica; Unbroken; Ekphrastic Review; Vine Leaves coffee table book of Vignettes; Akashic Books web series Thursdaze; Between the Lines Anthology of Fairy Tales and Folklore Reimagined; The Molotov Cocktail’s Shadow Award (prizewinner).
I have been selected for competitive online nature writing courses sponsored by Orion Magazine and by Granta, and I continue to to be active in their alumni spaces.