About Author

Mark T. Rasmussen

Mark T. Rasmussen

MARK T. RASMUSSEN is an Australian author born by the sea, cultivated in the city, formed via the world. Previously a professional journalist and editor, Mark now writes evocative, thought provoking subject matter for his adult novels and screenplays, and fun, captivating, thoughtful books for children. An avid adventurer, he currently lives in a remote Mexican seaside-jungle village with his beautiful & brilliant, author wife, and youngest son, finding it an idyllic piece of paradise to read, write, and love. For more info visit: MarkTRasmussen.com

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The Journey: No Matter How Far You Run, Your Demons Always Follow
(4) $0.99 kindleeBook,
The Journey: No Matter How Far You Run, Your Demons Always Followby Mark T. RasmussenPublish: Nov 28, 2022Literary Fiction

Mark T. Rasmussen's Awards and Achievements

    Mark T. Rasmussen has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Readers' Favorite Five Stars

    The Journey: No Matter How Far You Run, Your Demons Always Follow


Mark T. Rasmussen Interview On 01, May 2023

"Australian author Mark T. Rasmussen writes evocative, thought-provoking subject matter for his adult novels and screenplays. An avid adventurer and a voracious reader, Mark has worked previously as a journalist. He loves getting lost inside his Bose headphones while swinging in the hammock. He lives in a remote Mexican seaside-jungle village with his supportive wife and youngest son."
Mark T. Rasmussen, what do you miss the most about your childhood?

The untold freedom and innocence. Maybe that carefree, cavalier way we act as kids. But honestly, not much. Being a kid was fun, and I felt like I had a great childhood for the most part, but memories have a way of filtering out the mundane, the boring, or difficult periods and moments we tend to forget, so it's always a double-edged sword to stroll back down memory lane. If anything, however, it was that wide-eyed innocence where anything and everything was possible.

What’s your happiest memory from childhood?

Just one? Wow! Hmmm... this is a tough one to answer. It might be a tie between when I got a train set for Christmas plus the new batmobile and bat-boat that was popular at the time (I'm of a child of the '70s) or possibly just playing in the street with neighbours and friends or going to the park down the street. It's often the simple things which bring the most joy.

What is the earliest experience you had with books/writing that you remember?

The earliest experience of writing that I can remember, is when I was in Grade 4 at primary school and writing a story which then got voted on by all the other classes. My story came in second overall. That was a pretty special moment. It's funny though, because while I remember the story that won, I don't remember mine. Another early, and fond memory I have, is reading the 'Choose Your Own Adventure' books in primary school. Those books were so much fun when you're young. They were such a clever way to get kids to read. I had several and would read the ones I didn't have from the library or swap with friends. Both memories were very impactful on my reading and writing.

Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?

Sure, but the writing would lack heart & soul. Without them, the writing just feels cold, austere... emotionless. Emotions (feeling/living them), are what makes good storytelling great. As readers (and writers), we need to feel the words, emotions, and more.

What's more challenging - writing a book for an adult or writing a book for the little ones?

Ha, I've written both. Writing for kids is fun and it's also shorter and faster. But writing adult novels is much more nuanced and intense. Both have their challenges ie: time vs depth, but I find both enjoyable and love the change-up more than anything else. I find it keeps me fresh as a writer to be able to mix it up.

How would you describe your experience of being a journalist?

Fun, rewarding, challenging, difficult, and ultimately necessary. It helped get me onto the path of writing and being very adept at it. Without those journo skills and understanding, I think my writing would be less than it is.

What challenges did you face while writing your book, The Journey?

Belief! I wrote the first draft in under 30 days (some 50,000+ words) and then I'd tinker with it, edit it etc, but at some point I questioned whether it was any good or not. I thought it was rubbish and possibly just some self indulgent meander, so I gave up. If not for the persistence of a friend who knew I'd written it, pestering me to read it, and then doing so, and then coming back three days later saying he loved it, it'd still be collecting digital dust. The other factor was time. I was a new dad after I wrote the book, so finding the time to do anything, let alone edit and release a book, was also challenging.

When writing novels, is it better to have daily time-spent-writing goals or words-written goals?

I don't think it matters to be honest. So long as you're writing, who cares whether you spend 15 minutes or 5 hours? Or 500 words or 5000? It makes no difference. Just the act of writing is enough. It's persistence and respecting your craft that pay off in the end, not the amount of words or hours you spend each day writing.

How has being an editor helped you in the process of writing your book?

I'm not sure it has. Ha ha ha. Seriously though, I know it did. I knew it helped me trim and edit here and there as I went, but in truth, hiring an editor was a much better investment to make. The time I saved versus money spent, was worth it. My editor Fran Lebowitz, came with a fresh set of eyes and years of top level experience, while making some great recommendations – she even got me to cut a whole chapter. If not for her editing panache, no matter how much I edited my novel, it would not be as good as is if not for her. A professional editor with a keen eye is worth their weight in gold.

What is the toughest criticism you've ever received? What was the best?

Toughest? You're talking to an Australian here. We take tough criticism very well. If anything comes to mind, it was that a screenplay of mine among a group of about 10, was one of the worst. They loved the premise but the execution was off. I just took it in my stride and ventured out to improve it. Tough love (criticism) is sometimes needed in this industry. I wish more people would speak up rather than being polite. It may save countless fodder being churned out to the masses. As for best, wow, that's hard to answer. There's been a lot of little nuggets and pearls of wisdom along the way. But maybe one that stands out, is get out of your way and just spew that first draft out. In Hollywood screenwriting circles, they call the first draft the vomit draft, and for good reason. It's better to have it all out, no mater whether it looks like a dog's breakfast or not. It's far easier to hone and polish something that's written, than something that's not. Thats been the best advice I think I've heard. Turn off your inner critic, spill the writing on the page, and go back to it later to fine tune. It'll never steer you wrong!

Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?

Hands down my wife! She's such a phenomenal woman and wife as it is – as well as one supremely talented author herself. Check out her debut novel, Daughter of Belial. It's one of the best written and engrossing stories I've read in years. Her unwavering support and belief in me is what has kept me going. We're each other's cheerleaders, support network, and #1 fans. Find yourself a great supporter or wife (not mine, she's my one in eight billion), and your own writing journey will be so much easier. Us writers really need someone in our corner when the chips are down and we're feeling blue, worthless and useless. Whether we're writing or not, we all need encouragement and support in life. Find the great souls who care.

What do you do when you get an idea for a book? Do you write it out immediately, or do you wait for it to incubate in your head for a while?

A bit of both. Sometimes an idea could be as simple as title and nothing else. Other times it's more involved. In any case, I create a folder for whatever it is, in my ideas folder on my computer. Even if I've written it down, it can still percolate in my head and things get added to it. At other times, it swirls around for a while before I will jot something down.

When you're not reading or writing a book, what are some other things that you love to do?

Listening to music is a big one. I love getting lost inside my Bose headphones while swinging in the hammock. Swimming in the sea is also a big fave, and some nature walks, too. Playing with my kids is fun, and my wife too of course. In fact, she's the most fun of all. I love being around her and my boys.

Which is the next book you are working on? Give us an insight into it.

My next adult fiction novel, is called The Last. It has a kind of sci-fi bent to it, but is still very much literary fiction at its core and is a novel very much grounded in the here and now. The Last explores humanity and its destruction of the world in big & small ways, all seen from the eyes and experiences of ‘the last’ Martian who comes to earth to see out his final days. He meets two friends who do their best to show him a good time, and shield him (not easy when he is over 7ft tall), to see what it’s like to be a human living on Earth. Instead, the last Martian sees the horrors and atrocities around the world on the news and in real life, and can see the catastrophe awaiting the world and global human population if we don’t change our harmful behaviours and destructive ways. It reminds him of his own planet and how the annihilation of Mars brought about the end of the Martian race. Needless to say, The Last is big on current global events, yet is steeped in heart and love. I’m really excited to get back into it once the launch for this novel is over. Several ideas have been percolating in my mind and I’ve already gotten a few chapters written. There’s actually a special advanced preview at the end of The Journey, letting readers into the beginning of that world. It’s my hope that readers who really enjoyed The Journey (No matter how far you run, your demons always follow), will stick around to see how I’ve progressed as a writer and intend to further my author career. I’m genuinely excited by everything I hope to achieve with The Last.

How has your experience with AllAuthor been?

It started out great, some promo, great banners, but as it's gone on, it's been less and less. That could be more to do with the fact that launching a book and promoting it, is bloody tiring. It's a lot of work! You can get burnt out and so a lot of upkeep and maintenance to keep that momentum going, tends to fizzle. This interview was an unexpected surprise and bonus, so there is that. I hope it resonates with All Authors readers and writers that they go check out my book The Journey and buy it (and love it). And if so, leave a glowing, positive review. For us indie authors, any support we can get from the wider writing community is imperative.

Mark T. Rasmussen All time Favourite Books

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Daughter of Belial
(6) (1) $4.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Daughter of Belialby Jennifer JuvenellePublish: Oct 10, 2022Series: Daughter of BelialThriller Suspense
Mark T. Rasmussen Mark T. Rasmussen 2 years ago
Phenomenal! One of the most electrifying books I've read in years. I suspect it cuts very close to the actual truth of what really happens in deep underground, occult secret societies by an element of the elite. Equal parts thrilling and frightening, Daughter of Belial is an exquisite read.

Ask Mark T. Rasmussen a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author Mark T. Rasmussen? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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      • Mark T. Rasmussen Mark T. Rasmussen 2 years ago
      • I feel like it's a combo between: Nick Hornby (High Fidelity); Alex Garland (The Beach); with a touch of Bret Easton Ellis from his 'Lunar Park' novel. Maybe a small element of Jack Kerouac (On The Road), however, I feel we're two very different characters with different outlooks in different times.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • When you were young, did you ever see writing as a career or full-time profession?
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      • Mark T. Rasmussen Mark T. Rasmussen 2 years ago
      • Oh how I wish. Things may be very, very different now. Ha ha. But no, no I didn't. It didn't seem a realistic option back then, but now, I cannot imagine doing anything but write.
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      • Mark T. Rasmussen Mark T. Rasmussen 2 years ago
      • Does marketing count? Ha! If not, I'd say it's carving out and protecting the time, and being diligent about it. The Journey (No Matter How Far You Run, Your Demons Always Follow), I wrote in less than 30 days! I simply turned up every morning from 5am, wrote for 1-2 hours a day without fail, and by the end of the month, I had a first draft. I marvel at that but it shows me that it really is possible (and that easy). 60 minutes a day. 30 days. 1 manuscript.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • Mark T. Rasmussen Mark T. Rasmussen 2 years ago
      • Hmmm... they've made reading so much more instant and accessible. Want to read a particular book? Okay, click. Boom! Here it is. However, it's still essentially the same concept – reading is reading no matter what your reading choice is. Personally, I still favour a paperback over a kindle. Nothing beats holding something in your hands, seeing the cover up close, smelling the pages... living the story.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Mark T. Rasmussen Mark T. Rasmussen 2 years ago
      • Don't all writers? But yes, I have. Can be done in small ways, things I observe, or bigger elements eg: moments that I have experienced or characters that I've known. Of course, I always add my creative, artistic flair and vivid imagination, but in short, yeah I have.
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      • Mark T. Rasmussen Mark T. Rasmussen 2 years ago
      • It's. Everything! Everyone judges a book by its cover, while a great title can really draw you in to explore further. The opposite is also true, both of bad covers and poor titles.
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