About Author

M.D. Stewart

M.D. Stewart

Somewhat of a recluse, I live in southern West Virginia with my husband, three cats, and a few chickens. I combined my love of romance and my vivid imagination to create my own Universe. My hope is that my books can transport you to faraway worlds where there's always a guaranteed happily ever after!

M.D. Stewart's Books

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Ours (Psy-Bond Series Book 2)
$0.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Ours (Psy-Bond Series Book 2)by M. D. StewartPublish: Aug 15, 2018Series: Psy-BondRomance Science Fiction
Saving the Elite (Psy-Bond Series Book 4)
$0.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Saving the Elite (Psy-Bond Series Book 4)by M.D. StewartPublish: Aug 28, 2018Series: Psy-BondRomance Science Fiction
Rogue: Black Dagger MC
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Rogue: Black Dagger MCby M.D. StewartPublish: Jan 21, 2022Series: Black DaggerContemporary Romance Romance
Spider's Web: Merciless Few MC West Virginia
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Spider's Web: Merciless Few MC West Virginiaby M.D. StewartPublish: Nov 22, 2023Series: Merciless Few MC WV ChapterAction & Adventure Contemporary Romance Romance Women's Fiction

M.D. Stewart's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by M.D. Stewart.
** Also, there might be other book series by M.D. Stewart not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Psy-Bond

    1 Ours (Psy-Bond Series Book 2) - Published on Aug, 20182 Saving the Elite (Psy-Bond Series Book 4) - Published on Aug, 2018
  • Black Dagger

    1 Rogue: Black Dagger MC - Published on Jan, 2022
  • Merciless Few MC WV Chapter

    1 Spider's Web: Merciless Few MC West Virginia - Published on Nov, 2023

M.D. Stewart Interview On 24, Mar 2022

"M.D. Stewart always loved to read and write. She was born and raised in West Virginia. Music has been a big part of her life. She is the author of SFR, PNR, and contemporary MC romance. She is also contributing to two anthologies that will release in 2023. She wants to stick around with the people in her head who have grown on her."
What was your favourite way to spend your free time as a kid? What about now?

I always loved to read and write. I’d draw and sing too. Music was a big part of my life.

What is one thing/place you wish you could go back to just one more time?

Probably to visit my grandfather before he died. I’d love to spend a few minutes just asking his advice.

Was becoming an author something you always planned on doing or did you have other goals as a child?

As a child, I figured I’d become a figure skater (not that I had any experience or even put on a pair of ice skates). I didn’t really think I could become an author until Indie Authors became a real thing.

Do you have any opinion on the term "Generation Gap"?

No, I don’t. There will always be differing opinions based on a person’s life experiences. Usually parents and children have more issues with understanding one another than grandparents and grandchildren, and there’s more time between those generations. We can all learn from other people as long as we keep an open mind.

What is your ideal setting to write?

I usually sit in the living room with my laptop and headphones listening to music. My husband will be beside me on the couch watching sports on the television. I just like being near him so having a home office would be more stressful than the constant noise from the TV.

What kind of impression do you hope your romances will leave in your reader's hearts and minds?

That love is best when it’s shared. I believe love isn’t something that can be put in a box. As long as two (or more) consenting adults are involved, love is never wrong.

When you think of Lisbeth Mohr and Stieg Warner (My Forever Love) love story, what is the first word that comes to your mind?

Reunited. Fun fact, Lisbeth Mohr is the name of a real German relative of mine that I found on a family lineage site.

How much research and history digging did you have to do to write the Psy-Bond series?

I used my imagination and love of science fiction! Since it takes place in a parallel universe so to speak and it has alien technology, it’s limits only reached as far as my imagination would go.

Who is the best villain you've ever written?

Oh, wow. I have this really weird belief that every villain is that way for a reason. I like to dig around in their past and find out what makes them tick. My character, Dodge, from book one in the Black Dagger MC series was a terrible character in that book. But when I started writing his book, I saw what made him act/ react the way he did. Now he’s one of my favorites.

Are there any rules to writing paranormal romance? Or does anything go?

I don’t think there should be rules in writing PNR. It’s up to the author to make the world so real that the reader sees the story as plausible.

Why did you choose to live in a rural area of a rural state?

My husband is from here. I was born and raised in West Virginia, spent time traveling when my ex was in the Navy, but this state will always be home. Then I met my coal miner husband, and you couldn’t pry me from here with a crowbar!

Do you a specific writing schedule that you follow or do you just write whenever and wherever?

I am a total pantser. I write when the characters give me something. My muse isn’t one to hang around on a regular basis. I find that frustrating, but I am not someone who can force words on the paper.

How many book series have you written so far and which is your favourite? Do you prefer writing series' to standalones? Why?

I have seven different series/dualogies out. I think my favorite is what ever I’m working on at the time! It’s hard for me to go back and relive my books because then they take up residence in my head and I can’t move on. I like writing a series though, for that reason. I want to stick around with the people in my head who have grown on me. It’s like visiting a friend.

Is there anything new that you're working on? When can we expect the next book to come out?

I’m writing books 3 and 4 of my MC romance series Black Dagger MC. The second book, Dodge will be release on March 21st. I’m hoping to have Buc release in May and Camp in July. I am also contributing to two anthologies that will release in 2023. A dark PNR with a wolf shifter in the Fated Mates of Thorne Bay releasing in July and I’m not sure when my Merciless Few MC book will release.

On a scale of 1-5, what would you rate AllAuthor and its services? What is it that you like or dislike about this platform?

Wow, I really love the opportunity to get my cover out there with the Cover Contest and the mock-ups are great too.

Ask M.D. Stewart a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author M.D. Stewart? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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      • M.D. Stewart M.D. Stewart 3 years ago
      • I have changed genres lol. I went from sci-fi romance, to paranormal romance, and am now writing contemporary MC romance. I also write traditional MF, poly MFM, MMF, MMM, and MM romance.
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      • M.D. Stewart M.D. Stewart 3 years ago
      • I used to scour them relentlessly and I would get upset if anyone didn't like my book. Rejections hurt big time. But I had an author remind me that reviews are for other readers, so I stopped reading them and only listen to my beta readers and editors. Although I do appreciate it when readers contact me if they find grammatical issues.
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      • M.D. Stewart M.D. Stewart 3 years ago
      • Oh well, not having experience in their body. I have to imagine what they are feeling. I used to ask my husband, "Okay, so hypothetically if this happened, how would you react?".
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      • M.D. Stewart M.D. Stewart 3 years ago
      • I learned a lot from my editor! I can't even make a list that long. And I still make lots of mistakes, for example, repeated words. I'm a pro at using certain words too much and too close together.
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