Where were you born? Since how long have you been living in a small Midwestern town?
I was born in Rockford, IL.
At what age did you begin writing your first story? What was it about?
I believe I was about 30 or so when I made my first attempt at writing a book. I wrote it, but it was TERRIBLE. Just awful. My imagination hadn't been sparked yet so it just wasn't the right time to begin my writing journey.
What would you like to read in a paranormal romance book?
I like stories that are unique, characters you can relate to, who have flaws. I also like a bit of comedic relief. I'm not overly crazy about flat-out romance and feel the story has to have some other element to it, like something paranormal or, at the very least, comedy. I'll be perfectly honest, I didn't actually enjoy reading until my late 20s. Books weren't a part my childhood and I'd always viewed reading as a chore, something I had to do for a school assignment. When I was given a ROMCOM series to read at the ripe young age of 28, I flew through the first 9 books of the series in 2 weeks. That's when I discovered that the right book will allow you to escape into another world or life for a while.
How did you begin writing the Origins series?
This series started as a joking conversation between my younger daughter and myself, discussing all of the crazy stuff that was happening in 2020. I made a crack about "Hey, I should write a book about it... maybe explain an underlying reason all of this is happening and give the world closure." The joke turned into nonstop thinking and soon the Empyreans were born.
Who inspired the character of Val in Empyrean Born?
Val isn't inspired by anyone in particular. She's a creation of the type of character I like: fun, snarky, tough. She's been through a lot, but has come out stronger and has her moral compass pointed (generally) in the right direction.
What is your writing kryptonite?
Inversely, what is something that never fails to inspire you? Oh boy. Well, as far as inspiration I look to Pinterest for characters' appearance and locations. When I get stuck on how a place might look, it's truly the best place to get that visual. I guess my "kryptonite" is really just myself. I'm pretty sure all writers go through this, but my self doubt can wreak havoc on me at times.
How did you come up with the title of your book, Empyrean Queen?
Empyrean Queen is book 2 in the Origins series. I think I've always known it would be the title. I wanted to stick with "Empyrean [something]" and Queen just fit.
What mistakes do new writers often make in their writing?
Giving up. Trust me, there have been many times when I wanted to throw in the towel. Aside from having my dream of being published realized, there isn't a better feeling than defeating your own inner demons and finishing what you set out to do. It's empowering. As far as "mistakes in their writing", I will just say that writing style is unique to the individual. Find yours and stay true.
Which is your favorite place to have coffee?
Anywhere my husband and I are camping. There just isn't a more peaceful and relaxing time.
Which has been the most thrilling experience while camping with your husband?
Well, it took him 20 years before he finally convinced me to go camping. Our first trip will always be my favorite. We drove out to Rocky Mountain National Park and tent camped. The nighttime temps got down to about 35-40* with wind gusts upwards of 40-50 mph. I was freezing cold and wide awake nearly every night. But it was genuinely one of my all time favorite trips. And definitely the most memorable.
Which is the next book you are working on? Is it a series or a stand-alone book?
I actually have 2 other series in the works. For one of them, the first book is nearly finished, but the other, a shifter series, might be pushed to the front of the line. The story is really begging to be written sooner rather than later.
How has your experience with AllAuthor been?
It's been okay. It actually introduced me to Twitter which has given me another social media platform I might not have otherwise considered.