Monica L. Seibert is the author of 3 middle grade fiction books, I Am Lily, Hear Me Roar, Hair O’ the Dog and Pool Party. She earned a Bachelor of Art degree from Rowan University in Law and Justice. Monica resides in Pennsylvania with her family and pets.
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I was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. During my childhood, my father worked for an oil company and we moved to Alberta, Canada for his job. We lived there for approximately two years before moving back to Philadelphia. My childhood was conventional, with five siblings, 2 dogs and a cat. I went to both public and private schools and participated in some extracurricular activities, such as softball. But mostly, I loved to read and did that voraciously into adulthood.
Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?I’ve been lucky. All of my friends and family are very supportive of my writing.
Who introduced you to the world of books?I caught onto reading almost immediately in the first grade. I don’t think anyone actually introduced me to the world of books. Scholastic book services would circulate order forms with a mini catalog in elementary school and I remember from a very young age my mom buying me books in this way.
How would you describe your experience of being a Bachelor of Art degree from Rowan University in Law and Justice?I loved college and I loved studying about crime and criminal law. It’s interesting, I never gave the civil side of the law much thought and now that is what I do for a living. My love of reading however was a great help. I used to do a lot of outside reading, related to topics that we were studying in class but which were not required reading for the class.
Have you ever attended a pool party? I have, yes!
Who inspired the character of the nine-year-old Graham Cupps in "Hair O’ The Dog"?Graham’s story starts out in Canada where, incidentally, his father works as an engineer and he transfers to the Philadelphia area with his father’s job. (They always say to write what you know!) The main inspiration for that book was my dog, Thunder. He has a sweet disposition and would make any little boy a fabulous and loyal pet. The only downside to this dog is his inability to be house trained. And I was desperate to save him because he was an older dog that wouldn’t have faired well much longer at the animal shelter. So one day I came up with the idea of putting a diaper on him and it worked. And now he is a happy 13 year old pup living out his best years in my home. And when I was writing the story in a café, there was a little boy sitting behind me with his dad, who had the voice of an angel, and when I turned to look at him, I decided I wanted him to be Graham. And that is how he was born!
In what ways do you wish to inspire readers through your books?I just want my readers to read my books for entertainment and to lose themselves in a different world for a little while like I used to.
What is the loveliest thing a child has ever said to you?I liked when my daughter’s childhood friends would tell her that I was fun or nice. She was basically an only child so I would always take her and her friends on outings to the zoo, the beach and other activities. We always had fun.
Do you shoot photographs for your book covers on your own?I do not. A friend of mine designed the cover for Hair o’ the Dog. The publisher design the cover for I am Lily, Hear Me Roar and I designed the cover for a Pool Party using stock photos from an online source.
What does it take to write a children's book?I think it takes a general understanding of the mind of the audience you’re writing for and your ability to remember yourself at any particular age. The times have changed but I don’t think kids have actually changed.
What makes you different from 99% of the population? And why?I don’t know that I am much different from the majority of people. I’ve always thought people are people. But if I had to say, I think I am probably able to emphasize more than the average person.
What is the best way to get your children's book published?I prefer self publishing.
Which is the next book you are working on? Give us an insight into it.It is called The Piper Boy and is about a boy who disappears during the Civil War and comes back in modern time as a ghost looking for his family. I am just putting the finishing editing touches on it and plan to release it soon.
What originally attracted you to our website? If you were to review the website what score would you give it out of 5?I would give a 5! I believe I found it during one of the cover contests. I especially like the services you provide to authors which are designed to give us and our books exposure.
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