Avid reader since age 3. Married for over 45 years. Enjoy many activities but reading way too much. Kindle has made it even worst because I did not have to get another book case to store books.
I thought about becoming a proof reader due to so many mistakes in the books I read. I think writing on the computer is so fast authors do not keep up with their errors. Writing by hand makes you think of each work choice. Personal opinion.
I love the introduction of Erotica, but sometimes I wonder at the accuracy of the components of these different lifestyles. Is it realistic for everyone to be young, beautiful, and wealthy.? What about the everyday people practicing these lifestyles? The age gap is also somewhat tiring to read about. I mean, I am an older woman dose that mean I can never be featured in any of these stories? I feel authors forget a large portion of their readers are over 60 and there are few fantasies for us to image. Just sayin!