Where did you grow up? Do you think your upbringing has played any role in influencing your writing?
My family moved around quite a bit while I was a kid for my father’s job. From the Midwest to the to the South, we lived in several different states. While I don’t know how much my writing was affected, I did learn from many cultures and traditions as we shifted from place to place. The biggest impact was in my love for people. When you move frequently, you learn to make friends quickly and to enjoy the time you have with those that enter your life.
What was the first thing you ever wrote and was it good? Did you share it with anyone?
I am a very untraditional writer. It was never a goal of mine to become a writer. I wrote my first book Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1 for myself. As a lark, I self-published it in June 2017 without telling anyone – not even my husband. When it sold and sold, I finally had to tell him what I was doing before Amazon deposited money in my account. He didn’t find out my pen name for 6 more months.
Why do you write? What does writing mean to you?
I write simply because I have an audience who actively enjoy my books. The interaction between myself and my readers keeps me motivated and enthused. This is simply the best career ever! To have the opportunity to share books that allow readers to escape the stresses that plague all of us and just enjoy, is so rewarding.
When did you start writing the SANCTUM Series? What is an important lesson that writing this series has taught you?
SANCTUM is my newest series. I wrote the first book after introducing a crossover of characters from my Dr. Richards’ Littles series. I enjoy keeping my storylines fresh by giving myself a chance to alternate between my series. SANCTUM is my only series that is in wide distribution with the books available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, and Kobo. I wanted readers on each platform to have the opportunity to access my books. The SANCTUM series has taught me that although I have a very dedicated reader group, there are others out there who will be interested in my books.
What do you enjoy most about writing? Why did you choose the romance genre?
I write what I would want to read. Too much of our reading time is devoted to technical materials from work or educational materials which are necessary but often dull and boring. I write romances because as a reader I want a hot story with a happily ever after ending. To me, it allows everyone’s taxed brain to relax and escape from the real world.
How would you describe Shelby from "Sharing Shelby?" What would you say are her best and worst characteristics?
Shelby is a great character. I see her as confident and brave. She knows what she needs to be happy and is willing to risk everything. Her worst characteristic would be time management … HA!
What inspired the idea of the first book in the Dr. Richards' Littles Series? How do you think your writing evolved from the first book to the twenty third in the series?
The first age play book I read was Daddy’s Girl by Darla Phelps. I loved it so much. I have heard over and over that age play books are addictive, and I completely agree. When I couldn’t find any more quality age play books, I decided to write my own. Zoey: Dr. Richard’s Littles 1 was born. This series has a life of its own. I predict that it will be going strong years from now. There are many Littles out there waiting to tell their stories. As far as my writing, I hope that I have grown a bit more as a writer with each book that I have published. Writing is a skill and practice helps hone storytelling.
How did you go about creating the character "Erin Rivers?" What aspects of her character do you relate to most?
As an author, I try to create real-world characters - those of different shapes, sizes, and ages to reflect the profiles of readers. There’s nothing worse than only being able to find stories about a rail thin, virginal twenty- year-old when you are fifty-two and plus-sized. I liked Erin’s spunk and her dedication to what she loved. I also appreciated that she changed and adapted to her new reality once she realized that there was no other option.
Writing 23 books in a series is a challenge in itself. How did you keep things fresh, for both your readers and also yourself in the Dr. Richards' Littles Series?
I’ve been asked if I’m running out of ideas for the Dr. Richards’ Littles series and to be totally honest, I’m not. I always say that there are a lot Littles out there with stories to tell.
What are the biggest challenges of being an indie author? What fears/doubts you had while releasing your first book in July of 2017?
An indie writer wears many hats. Not only are you writing but you’re editing, formatting, and marketing your books. I have found other authors are incredibly supportive in sharing references for great cover artists and editors as well as information like what you need at a book event. I still have a lot to learn.
In July 2017, my biggest doubt was whether anyone would want to read my book. The fact that I’ve risen as high as #4 in Amazon’s list of the most popular Erotic Authors helps reassure me. Plus, I have amazing fans that keep in touch through Facebook, MeWe, my website and email to keep me focused on that next story.
Why did you decide to write the erotic romance book "One Sweet Treat?" What is the best review you received for this book?
One Sweet Treat is my Valentine story. What better scenario could you have than an amazing heroine who helps others receive their Valentine treats?
Here’s my favorite review:
I have been waiting for this book with bated breath. And, oh baby, was it worth it! You first met Samantha and Ben in Protecting Priscilla, and I don't know about you, but I absolutely fell in love with the sweet candy shop owner and the hot and sexy sheriff. This is their story. I Adore the fact that she isn't your average little, she's a bit older and a bit plumper and totally lovable. He is everything that a Daddy should be. And together, they are a perfect match in an amazing and wonderful book. I don't know how it could get any better, I really don't. Love this book, love this series!!!!!
Out of all the books you've written, which scene/phrase/character are you most proud of? Have you ever written a scene you loved but had to cut out because it didn't fit the flow of the story?
I love Zoey. She is the embodiment of all that is good in the world. Cheerful, positive, concerned about others, always willing to help, Zoey appears in a lot of my books. Definitely, even some of Zoey’s scenes don’t work well in certain novels. That’s the great thing about being an author is you can rework the best parts of the scene and have them make a positive impact on another story.
Is there a darker side to the book industry that not many know about? If so, what are some things you do to keep your head above the water?
Unscrupulous people can be found in all industries. Plagiarism, pirating, copyrighting common words, and even alleged author poisoning have been in the headlines since I began writing. I try to navigate through all the risks using technology to help when it can and keeping my fingers crossed that I will not be targeted. I do stay current with all the news to make sure I can react properly if needed.
Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?
I’m working on a few short stories for projects with friends and for book event analogies. I am very excited to be chosen for each of them and am working ahead of time to create something that I can be proud to contribute.
How did you come to learn about AllAuthor? Do you plan on being a part of this website for a long time?
I think the world of Samantha Cole. She is an incredible leader for writers. Her blog articles and advice she shares on the Indie Author Support group on Facebook have helped me get prepared for book events, marketing, and about every aspect of the writing business. When she suggested AllAuthors, I immediately checked out the site. I have been so pleased with the presence that AllAuthors helps me establish for all my books. The resources are excellent and technologically advanced. I will continue to list all my books with AllAuthors.