About Author

Rhys Shaw

Rhys Shaw

Rhys Shaw has always been interested in history, dilapidated ruins, stories of deceit and survival. Her belief that women are overlooked in history, or blamed for mankind’s unsavory decisions is the reigning theme behind her gritty realistic historical fiction books. In The Welexia Series, Rhys draws upon her love of story to bring the pages alive with the personal struggles and pain of strong female characters, taking us on their journey to overcome and thrive.

In the modern world, Rhys shares her home with a few furry friends and a less furry spouse. She can often be found with her nose in a book, or taking a walk - though not at the same time.

Rhys Shaw's Books

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** Also, there might be other books by Rhys Shaw not listed on AllAuthor.

A Daughter Rules: Owning Her Power (The Welexia Series Book 2)
$4.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
A Daughter Rules: Owning Her Power (The Welexia Series Book 2)by Rhys ShawPublish: Jan 03, 2023Series: The Welexia SeriesAction & Adventure Historical Fiction Women's Fiction LGBT
A Queen's Wisdom: Strength In Mercy (The Welexia Series Book 4)
$4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
A Queen's Wisdom: Strength In Mercy (The Welexia Series Book 4)by Rhys ShawPublish: Apr 23, 2024Series: The Welexia SeriesWomen's Fiction
Someone's Daughter: Will To Survive
$2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio,
Someone's Daughter: Will To Surviveby Rhys ShawPublish: Jul 11, 2022Series: The Welexia SeriesHistorical Fiction Women's Fiction Literary Fiction
Weight Of Her Crown: Conflict Of Truth
(1) $4.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Weight Of Her Crown: Conflict Of Truthby Rhys ShawPublish: Jun 21, 2023Series: The Welexia SeriesAction & Adventure Historical Fiction Women's Fiction LGBT

Rhys Shaw's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Rhys Shaw.
** Also, there might be other book series by Rhys Shaw not listed on AllAuthor.

Rhys Shaw Interview On 23, Nov 2022

"Indie Fiction Author, Rhys Shaw has been writing stories for many years. Her mother was a librarian and their home was filled with books. She loved writing stories since she was young. They write historical fiction, women's fiction, and literary fiction. "Someone's Daughter: Will To Survive" is their first published work of fiction. They are currently living on the west coast of the United States with their spouse and a few furry friends."
Tell us a little about your hometown and childhood.

I grew up in a small town, with one four way stop sign intersection. I knew the world was larger and I wanted to explore.

What was your school like like? What subject did you hate the most?

I enjoyed school during the early years. I loved writing stories. As I got older, I noticed bullying and was on the receiving end a few times. Guess that’s why my heroines are strong and capable. Survivors, not victims. I liked science but did not like dissecting animals for biology.

Is there any particular reason why you prefer Historical Fiction? What was it that first sparked your interest in this genre?

My mother was a librarian and our home was filled with books. Family history and the stories of those who came before me has always been of interest. History is awesome! I love traveling to other countries and absorbing the history they have too. Before I traveled, books were my first way to visit other places and may have been my first attempts at expanding my small hometown boundaries.

Do your friends read your books? How do they react?

Some of my friends and family members have read my books. I don’t pester them into it, I want them to do it because it’s their desire. There have been many reactions. Surprise that I’ve written and published a book. Shock at some of the grittier content of the story. Pleasure and enjoyment and begging me for the next in the series.

What inspired the first book in The Welexia Series? Did you know then that you wanted to make it into a series?

I awoke from a dream with a chunk of the story clawing at my mind. I hurried to write it down and that was that - a short story. After some time had passed, it called to me to write out the full story and I did. I had no idea it would be a series. Even now, just finishing the third book in the series and preparing to publish books two and three, I thought it would be finished. The characters have more to reveal and I need to write book four now. Haha!

What sparked the idea for your book, Someone’s Daughter?

I want more strong female characters. People who don’t need saving by a male character, although that can happen too. I want characters who are survivors, especially when they could so easily have been victims because of what life has thrown them into. They think, they plan, they do whatever they need to do to survive. I had one character who really summed this up and then others arrived alongside her.

What kind of cultural value do you think reading and writing have/bring?

With writing a book becomes great responsibility. One must research, not only historical accuracies but also be aware of social and cultural situations or characters. Be sensitive to how someone may perceive what you are writing.

Reading opens up vast worlds to us. We learn about other cultures and are able to witness sacred ceremonies and intimate inside secrets we may not be able to be a part of in real life.

What fears/doubts you had while publishing your first book? How do you think your characters have grown or developed since that book to the most recent one?

Publishing a book is terrifying! Releasing your words to the world comes with vulnerability and fear. It’s a very personal thing, writing a book to then share with strangers. It’s scary... and cool.

My characters have grown as I have grown. They are finding their confidence more, meaning they are bolder at telling me what it is I need them to do and say. They can be quite bossy, at times. When they tell me I need to write their death for instance, I am heartbroken, but know they are right. As I’m writing a series, when I write, I grow with them. I hope my readers will grow with them as well.

Walk us through your writing process when you get a new idea.

I scrawl down ideas everywhere. I try to get them onto my laptop or computer but there are times when a scrap of paper has to do. When a new idea pops into my head whilst I’m in the middle of writing a book, I quickly open a new document and put down all I was just hit with. Those glimmers pushing their way through almost always end up in the current book or the next one.

In what ways has becoming an author changed your life in ways you didn’t expect?

Let me tell you how wonderful it feels to complete a book and publish it. Along with the vulnerability I mentioned earlier, I felt like I was walking on clouds. I am proud of achieving something. It makes me believe I can do other things I set my mind to.

What or who inspired the character of Princess Alaria?

Apart from the horrid situation Alaria finds herself in, I’d like to think my younger self wanted to be her. This young lady is so brave. She will not go down without a fight and she cares about protecting her family. She is a thinker and finds solutions before doing. I have always tended to be a bit more head down, charge in first. I could have used some of her rational thinking when I was younger.

What is the most ideal ambiance for you to write in?

I need to be in a comfortable space. The fewer distractions, the better (looking at you cats). A glass of water nearby always, and perhaps tea or coffee. If others are home, I will go into my office and close the door. They know this means not to disturb me. Having said all of this, I was able to write a fair bit of book two in a busy airport whilst waiting for a delayed flight. I just plugged into a work desk and tuned the world out.

How do you handle bad reviews? What are some things you’ve learned about publishing over the years that you never would’ve grasped as a new author?

Read the review. Can I learn from it? Sometimes readers pick up on things that may help in the future. Of course, sometimes the bad review offers nothing constructive. I think others reading those ‘empty’ reviews will see through them as well so those don’t bother me.

There is so much to do before hitting publishing! The writing is the easy part. The obvious ones are editing, book cover design, finding keywords for your genre and book, and (my least favorite) marketing. I am always trying to be better at this.

What are you currently working on? What are some of your upcoming projects?

This very day, I finished book three in The Welexia Series. It still needs a few more self edits and to be read aloud by me. But after that it will go to my professional editor and I shall begin writing book four.

Once this series has finished, I have several other ideas in my many pages of notes. Some of them are more developed than others. I am always paying attention to whatever pulls my focus as it may just be the subject/location/time period for the next book.

How did you first come across the AllAuthor website? What made you sign up and how are you enjoying the experience?

Some other indie authors spoke highly of AllAuthor so I visited the website and made an account. It was easy. When you offered a few more services, at great value, I thought it was a wonderful idea. I love the book mock ups you send me.

Thank you for tweeting about my book as well. As an author, I’ve learned that many promise they will do something for you, but AllAuthor actually comes through. I’m glad you were recommended to me.

Ask Rhys Shaw a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author Rhys Shaw? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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      • Rhys Shaw Rhys Shaw 2 years ago
      • I would tell myself not to be so concerned with what others think of me. I spent a good deal of time trying to make family members happy and proud. I wish I'd had the confidence to believe in who I was and who I wanted to be.
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      • Rhys Shaw Rhys Shaw 2 years ago
      • A good cover is an enormous part of the process. If a cover draws me in, I want to know more about the book. Title is super important also, but I think more forgiving than the cover.
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      • Rhys Shaw Rhys Shaw 2 years ago
      • I feel humbled when recognized and appreciated. It's so kind of them to take the time to let me know how my stories affected them.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Rhys Shaw Rhys Shaw 2 years ago
      • I absolutely have drawn on real situations and even a few people (though not by name, more of their vibe). Writing is a wonderful way to heal trauma, by releasing it into a book.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Rhys Shaw Rhys Shaw 2 years ago
      • Eat well, take care of your body and your mind will respond better. Write, write, write! Even if what you have written is not your best work, you can edit and improve upon it, but writing is a muscle and it needs to be worked to function at its best.
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