About Author

S.E. Palmer

S.E. Palmer

I'm a British author based in the North West, UK. I published my first book, Drifting in a Dream in 2021, with the sequel, Falling in Flames escaping in 2024. Despite reading far and wide, young adult and fantasy remain two of my favourite genres to write. I love the flexibility of fantasy and I particularly enjoy incorporating it into our mundane everyday world. Who didn't hope to find Narnia in the back of a wardrobe? A key inspiration for the Power Wielders Series was my indecisiveness at the end of college and the beginning of adulthood. It's such an interesting time to write about and fantasy offers a unique lens to view real problems through. I hope you feel the same when you read the books!

Reading has always been my favourite form of escapism and writing seemed a natural extension of that, albeit with less relaxation and more stress. Nevertheless, I am determined to share my imagined worlds so that you might escape your real one. I'm currently working on the rest of my Power Wielders series and planning a new book series.

I'm happy to have you along for the ride!

You can keep up with the latest on social media or my website, where you'll find a blog of musings on anything and everything.

S.E. Palmer's Books

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Drifting in a Dream (Power Wielders Book 1)
(3) $4.49 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Drifting in a Dream (Power Wielders Book 1)by S.E. PalmerPublish: Sep 29, 2021Series: Power WieldersSupernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Women's Fiction Science Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult more»
Falling in Flames (Power Wielders Book 2)
(3) $4.49 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Falling in Flames (Power Wielders Book 2)by S.E. PalmerPublish: Apr 26, 2024Series: Power WieldersSupernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Fantasy Teen & Young Adult

S.E. Palmer's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by S.E. Palmer.
** Also, there might be other book series by S.E. Palmer not listed on AllAuthor.

S.E. Palmer's Awards and Achievements

    S.E. Palmer has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • The Golden Wizard Book Prize

    Drifting in a Dream (Power Wielders Book 1)


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