About Author

Soudabeh Etessami

Soudabeh Etessami
  • Genre:

    Historical Fiction Children's Poetry Biographies & Memoirs
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 2
  • Profession: Author of children and memorial books, Formal Senior Scientist, Financial Professional,
  • Born: November 15
  • Member Since: Jun 2022
  • Profile Views: 7,976
  • Followers: 96
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon, YouTube, Linkedin,

I am a scientist who has designed innovative methods of immunization to produce monoclonal antibodies.
I am also an artist and a muralist with a side profession as "Financial Professional" helping people to protect their families.
I am a published poet and the author of two books ( a memorial and a children's book) respectively called: "Saffron, Rose water and Blood" and "Mr. Alex, The Hamster Who Wanted to Be Free". Both are amazing stories inspired by real events and real people. The theme is about freedom which is sought by all living beings. These books are heartfelt stories which prove that no one knows freedom unless someone who has lost it.

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Mr. Alex, The Hamster Who Wanted to Be Free
$19.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Mr. Alex, The Hamster Who Wanted to Be Freeby Dr. Soudabeh EtessamiPublish: Jan 15, 2022Children's
Saffron, Rose Water and Blood
$19.95 kindleeBook,
Saffron, Rose Water and Bloodby Soudabeh EtessamiPublish: Mar 22, 2022Thriller

Soudabeh Etessami Interview On 13, Dec 2022

"Soudabeh Etessami is a scientist, artist, and writer with a Ph.D. in biological sciences. In her book called: "Saffron, Rose Water, and Blood." she describes memoirs of an outrageous escape pursued by people who jeopardized their lives and livelihoods in the quest for freedom. They were fleeing from a radical oppressive regime that was brought up to power by the Iranian Islamic Revolution.
Saffron, Rose Water, and Blood have won the Honorable Mention award at the Southern California Book Festival 2023."
Where did you grow up? Who was your preschool teacher?

I grew up in Tehran/Iran, My preschool teacher was a French (I went to a French school in Tehran) young lady called Marie.

What is that one book which you wish you had written?

"The Hunchback of Notre Dam" written by Victor Hugo.

Being a scientist, do you believe in the existence of God?

As a scientist who belies in evolution, I don't.

How much time did you spend researching while designing innovative methods of immunization?

I spent 3 years of consecutive research with the help of 10 research associates working under my supervision.

What do you enjoy being the most - a muralist, a scientist or an author?

I have enjoyed and will enjoy all 3 at different times because each brings a different sense of fulfillment in my life.

How do you get your first gig as a muralist?

I am a painter and once I looked at walls of my house I thought "I should learn to paint on the walls and create beautiful sceneries inside my house.

What inspired you to take the route to becoming a writer?

I had this desire to let the world know my story and to share my life experiences as an immigrant who had to leave her beautiful country in the sake of freedom.

What does it take to be a 'published poet'?

I write poetry from time to time based on my personal emotions. It was a great feeling to be able to have some of my poems published in different anthologies and to win the "Poet of Merit Award" at the Poetry Convention and Symposium of the International Society of Poets.

How did you come up with the idea of your book, Saffron, Rose Water and Blood?

I wanted to show Iranian authenticity with the name of my book (Saffron and Rose Water) so most people know these two are from Iran depicting something beautiful, aromatic and soothing. Then the word "Blood" came up to my mind because it could be associated with violence and fear and could depict war and yet it has similarity in color with Saffron being both red.

How do you start writing a story? What are the steps?

I first see or recall an event. sometimes it could the influence of something I have heard, read or even a fairy tale from my childhood. I write as I go and sometimes, the end comes later in my mind if the story is a pure fiction.

Do you think memes should be a part of writing?

Mostly not, but it could be acceptable in certain genre of the writing.

What is the difference between an artist and a scientist?

They are both the same in creating, the difference is the outcome.

If women are equal to men, why have men achieved so much more throughout history?

Men have been given much more opportunities. Women have been suppressed and discouraged from learning during centuries. Now we see that when women are given a chance, they even surpass men.

Is there anything new that you're working on? When can we expect the next book to come out?

I have just published a children book with beautiful drawings. It's about a hamster who wanted to be free. This is a true story about the hamster my daughter had when she was 5 years old. The book's title is: "Mr. Alex The Hamster Who Wanted to Be Free".

Finally. what intrigued you most about the All Author website?

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