Where did you grow up? As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I grew up in Virginia just outside of Washington, D.C. I honestly never was one of those kids that knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. In fact, I still like to jest that I am still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up. My life has and continues to present me opportunities that I act upon and might not be able to do so if I chose just one life direction.
Who introduced you to the world of writing?
I never had someone introduce me to writing, so to speak. My parents always encouraged creativity and that presented itself in writing. It has and still to this day comes to me naturally.
When did you write your first story? Who was your first reader?
I began my writing career as a poet when I wrote my first piece "Not Forever Near" as a grade schooler. As for reading, I am drawn to mysteries.
What has been the most memorable experience of being an author?
The most memorable experience thus far of being an author was when I saw my first poem in print. For years I held my writing close to the cuff only sharing it with family and friends so having my writing in print that anyone could read was monumental and inspired me to go further as a writer.
How did you come up with the idea of your book, The Four Charms: Faith, Hope, Love, Luck?
The Four Charms is a collection of poems that I had written over a decade. One day I was reading through some old pieces I had written looking for inspiration when it occurred to me that there had been a theme in my writing that I hadn't noted before. The theme correlated to a tattoo of a four leaf clover I had on my ankle so the title just seemed fitting.
What challenges did you face while writing the true journey of motherhood in "An Unexpected Road to Motherhood"?
The single greatest challenge I faced when writing this book was making the s transition from fiction to non fiction. It was scarier than I had imagined to share these events of my life with the world given that people can be judge mental and might misunderstand the writing which has happened.
What is the significance of the title of your book, "A Diamond Heart"?
The Diamond Heart is the second book in the Suzanne Styles series so the title just naturally followed the book that came before it.
Who inspired the character of Suzanne Styles in "Follow Your Heart"?
The character of Suzanne Styles is based on myself.
How did you over come the loss of a love and then rejoice when love gave you a second chance?
It took years to overcome the loss of love. During that time, I did a lot of self reflection and spent a lot of time alone. Time that was invaluable because I learned more about myself then I had ever known. It was during that time that I wrote the pieces that turned into "The Four Charms." It wasn't until after I spent time alone that I was prepared to take a different approach and have a different view on relationships which led me to where I am today.
What kind of books do you like to read in your spare time? Who is one of your favorite authors?
I read mysteries. I began wth the Agatha Christies and moved on the Sue Grafton.
What is your take on the importance of a good cover and title? Have you ever designed any book cover?
A good book cover has to draw a reader to pick up a book, turn it over, and read the synopsis on the book that hopefully will lead them to buy the book. I have never designed a book cover but I do understand the concepts behind the important of a strong cover that draws a reader in.
What was the best advice you've ever received related to writing and could you share it with us?
The best advice I have ever received on writing is that I should never apologize for what I write for it comes from a place inside me so it is a part of me. And, that it takes courage to write and share and dream of being an author, courage that does not live inside everyone. It is a gift to have this ambition and I should never be afraid to share it with the world or pursue it if it makes me happy because the gift of being an author might change a single life or even the world.
Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
The best advice I can give to an aspiring writer is to first write what you know. That is not to say that you have to write non fiction. It is to say that you should write what interests you, what flows naturally from you or what you feel inside. The act of getting a writing printed is stressful in and of itself so the act of actually writing should be joyful.
Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?
I am certain that I have more to say but I am not saying it yet in the way that I am meant to. What I mean is that I have published a book of poems but that creative flow inspired right now. I have also published fiction but the third book is still sitting in my head waiting to come out but I do not have the time or energy yet to set the words free. I have also published a non fiction piece that was liberating but not the experience I imagined it to be. So, in my head, I have not found the avenue of writing I am meant to travel. Recently I wrote a children's picture book that in incorporated a little bit of all of these styles of writing and have pitched it to a few publishing houses. I am waiting to hear response.
How many promotional websites are you signed onto? How were you introduced to AllAuthor and how do you think it compares to the rest?
I am only associated with a few promotional sites because I am of the opinion that it makes it easier for me to focus on a few sites and give them my attention that to be on many sites and spread myself too thin. I stumbled upon AllAuthor and am very grateful that I did.