About Author

Stephen Ainley

Stephen Ainley
  • Genre:

    Suspense Action & Adventure Historical Fiction Humor
  • Country: Australia
  • Books: 8
  • Profession: Retired
  • Born: 13 March
  • Member Since: Jan 2020
  • Profile Views: 19,082
  • Followers: 319
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon,

I was born in the UK, served in the British Airborne in the 1970s, and am now living in Australia. After years of writing articles, I published my first serious novel, Jessup. It is a tale about war and its effect on a young man. It is 1950, and Jessup has one last chance to turn his life around.
There are also new thrillers, Spike, The Broken Detective, and now The Winter of '63. All set in the East End of London in 1961, and featuring Detective Inspector Jack White with the bad haircut and matching attitude. Now available, the hilarious, The Dennis Bisskit Story.

Stephen Ainley's Books

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$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Dennis Bisskit and the Dudley Diamondby Stephen AinleyPublish: Jan 02, 2025Series: The Dennis Bisskit SeriesCrime Fiction Humor
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Dennis Bisskit. Best in Show.by Stephen AinleyPublish: Oct 25, 2024Series: The Dennis Bisskit SeriesCrime Fiction Humor
Dennis Bisskit and the Missing Masterpiece
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Dennis Bisskit and the Missing Masterpieceby Stephen AinleyPublish: Jul 25, 2024Series: The Dennis Bisskit SeriesCrime Fiction Historical Fiction Humor
$3.99 kindleeBook,
The Winter of '63by Stephen AinleyPublish: Mar 11, 2024Crime Fiction Historical Mystery Thriller
$2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Dennis Bisskit Story: a coming-of-age tale (The Dennis Bisskit Series.)by Stephen AinleyPublish: May 14, 2024Series: The Dennis Bisskit SeriesHumor
(2) $2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
JESSUP: He survived the war, but can he survive the peace...by Stephen AinleyPublish: May 22, 2021Action & Adventure
The Broken Detective
$3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Broken Detectiveby Stephen AinleyPublish: Jun 16, 2023Thriller
$2.99 kindleeBook,
Spikeby Stephen AinleyPublish: Nov 22, 2022Crime Fiction

Stephen Ainley's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Stephen Ainley.
** Also, there might be other book series by Stephen Ainley not listed on AllAuthor.

Stephen Ainley Interview On 05, Jan 2022

"Stephen Ainley has always been an avid reader. He hitchhiked around Europe in the early 70s, and then joined the British Airborne. He served in the British Airborne in the 1970s. He self-published his first novel, Jessup in May 2021. He writes a super, well-written book that every reader will surely enjoy."
What is a childhood memory that makes you smile?

Going to the seaside in England, and trying to find the sea when the tide was out.

Were you an avid reader as a child? Do you still read books?

I have always been an avid reader, but strangely, now i am retired, with presumably more time, i seem to have less time to read books. Plus my eyes get very sore when i read.

Your thoughts on conventional vs. self-publishing? What route did you choose and why?

For the Dennis Bisskit books i had a publisher, but i self-published, Jessup and now i know i easy it is, i will only ever self-publish. At my age i can’t be bothered to wait for a year to get my books published.

What is a childhood ambition that you had?

The one ambition i remember was to travel. I hitchhiked around Europe in the early 70s, and then joined the British Airborne and saw many other countries, before emigrating to Australia.

What challenges did you face while writing your first serious novel, Jessup?

Must admit i found it pretty easy going once i had the idea. I self-published so was determined to get a good editor, which luckily i did.

As a writer, how do you get into the appropriate mindset to write comedy?

No problems there. I see the funny side of most things. Which is just as well, because once you reach 70 (nearly) laughter is more important than ever.

What did you enjoy more - writing a tale about war or writing comedy?

I hate to say it, being predominantly a comedy writer, but Jessup probably gives me most satisfaction. Purely because it was so unusual for me.

How much did you research while writing your novel, Jessup?

Much more than usual, because i wanted it to be as realistic as possible. Also, i got several plot ideas while researching, places and dates etc..

What's the best way to write comedy in a novel?

I like to think i am a fairly funny person, so it isn't really difficult for me. I also have a wife with a similar sense of humour so i can bounce ideas off her.

What's a war novel that you recommend for people who normally don't like war novels?

I enjoyed, Birdsong. Also always liked Sven Hassel novels.

What are the best places to visit in Australia?

the south-west of Western Australia is wonderful. Plus the Grampians in Victoria, the Blue Mountains in New South Wales, and Tasmania.

What are some key differences between writing comedy for sitcoms and writing comedy in a novel?

Haven't written a sitcom yet, so wouldn't know. I am open to offers though.

How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

You would think there was nothing left to write, but i am sure there are still millions of great plot ideas. I,myself, am working on one right now, but I'm afraid you will have to wait and buy the book.

How has been your experience working with AllAuthor?

AllAuthor do a wonderful job of promoting your books, , and i would highly recommend them.

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      • Stephen Ainley Stephen Ainley 3 years ago
      • 360 degrees in the last year. I have only ever written humorous books before. The Dennis Bisskit series often described as 'laugh out loud.' My new book, Jessup, is completely different. Gripping and moving, and not a laugh to be had.
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      • Stephen Ainley Stephen Ainley 3 years ago
      • I love a good title and cover, especially nowadays when most people are just seeing a book on the internet, and you are competing with thousands of others.
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      • Stephen Ainley Stephen Ainley 3 years ago
      • Yes, always read reviews. Hard to believe there is an author out there who doesn't unless you are selling thousands of copies. If a bad review was constructive I wouldn't mind at all. A review is a review. Probably tempting fate, but luckily I haven't had a bad one yet. lol.
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