About Author

Mark Castleberry

Mark Castleberry
  • Genre:

    Action & Adventure Christian Fiction Science Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult Children's
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: March 29
  • Member Since: Jun 2019
  • Profile Views: 37,254
  • Followers: 234
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Linkedin,

Mark Castleberry has been a fan of science fiction and fantasy fan since childhood. He grew up on a lake in Alabama, wanting to write since high school. All the characters and stories have been lodged in his head for many years and writing them down for most of his life never having anything published, until the Internet opened up and self-publishing became an option. Now he resides in Missouri with his wife and two cats. He now writes a very imaginatively, fast-paced series of books and stories with Christian influences that just may leave you breathless. His books contain Christian morals and values, and the tales weaved into it come from the Bible.
In addition to writing books and stories for the young adult audience, he runs the Stranger and Pilgrims Podcast, which host old time radio stories and audio dramas that can open up your imagination. You can follow the author on several social media sites as well as his website.

You can find the Strangers and Pilgrims Podcast on your favorite Podcast Provider.

Mark Castleberry's Books

Stay in the loop on books by Mark Castleberry. See upcoming and best-selling books by the author here. You'll also find the deals on books by Mark Castleberry.
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Charlee Kate And The Caves Of Venus
$3.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Charlee Kate And The Caves Of Venusby Mark CastleberryPublish: Jun 10, 2024Series: Space Adventure SeriesScience Fiction Children's
Charlee Kate Meets A Bingledorf
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Charlee Kate Meets A Bingledorfby Mark CastleberryPublish: Mar 15, 2024Series: Space Adventure SeriesScience Fiction Children's
Godfather Of The Galaxy
$2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Godfather Of The Galaxyby Mark CastleberryPublish: Nov 05, 2024Action & Adventure Science Fiction Teen & Young Adult
The Redemption Of Kings
$4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Redemption Of Kingsby Mark CastleberryPublish: Feb 05, 2024Action & Adventure Christian Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult

Mark Castleberry's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Mark Castleberry.
** Also, there might be other book series by Mark Castleberry not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Space Adventure Series

    1 Charlee Kate Meets A Bingledorf - Published on Mar, 20242 Charlee Kate And The Caves Of Venus - Published on Jun, 2024

Mark Castleberry's Awards and Achievements

    Mark Castleberry has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • 5 Star Reader's Favorite

    The Redemption Of Kings


Mark Castleberry Interview On 05, Feb 2020

"Born in Williamsport, PA., Mark Castleberry has always wanted to be a writer. The author writes a very imaginatively, fast-paced series of books and stories with Christian influences that just may leave you breathless. Mark Castleberry’s Conflict with Shadows is a fascinating tale about the adventures of Jon Vega and Nicolea Dan in their pursuit to stop the Darkness from destroying their world."
What is the name of your hometown and what was the street where you grew up called?

I was born in Williamsport, PA., but grew up on a lake in central Alabama. There I met my and followed my wife to Missouri, where I now reside.

How long have you been writing? Have you always wanted to be a writer?

Yes, I have always wanted to be a writer and, I have been writing most of my life never having anything published. I tried to publish before, sending out queries and such (before the internet) always getting rejection letters. But I do enjoy the writing itself and being able to tell a story. So I have done it for a hobby for many years, and I have had my characters in my head for years. Now I have found a place for them and for their stories to be told.

What was your major in college? How do you think it has contributed to your career as a writer?

Computer Science, and it has not be very much help.

What are some underrated books or authors you know that never made it to the bestselling list? Why do you think a lot of very beautiful stories never get to see the spotlight?

I really don't read authors based on being on the best sellers list. If it's been published, it's not really underrated, in my opinion, but it always depends on one's reading preference.

What were some of your inhibitions and fears while publishing your first book?

Just the fear that people would hate my story. I self-publish because I enjoy that process as well.

What is the story behind the idea of "The Way of Cain: and Jonah's Run"?

This was mostly a trial run, to find out how the self-publishing worked and to find out all I could do to market it and such. These were written as short stories, but have been included in the book, "Conflict With Shadows". It worked perfectly with the story in the book. I put it out there as a short read on Amazon.

If you had to describe your marriage in a sentence, what would it be?

Happily married describes it pretty well. We support one another.

If you could be any character from your book, "Conflict With Shadows", who would you choose to be and why?

I don't think I would want to be anyone in that book. They are all a part of me, so I enjoy telling tales about them. So I would just enjoy being the narrator of the tale.

If you ever get writer’s block, where do you go to overcome it or what activities help you overcome it?

I get writer's block every now and again. I just have to put down the stroytelling and walk away for a time. I read and do other things, and eventually my brain starts to work again. The block fades away.

What is the sweetest fan-mail/compliment that you have received for your writing? Which book was it for?

Never really thought about it, for I have never recieved any.

Which hurdles did you personally face while publishing your first book and how did you overcome them?

I am learning as I go, so I don't see any of it as hurdles. My first one was published with KDP and the other through Ingram Spark, and I really just noticed the differences.

What's your go-to order at your favorite hometown restaurant?

Fish or steak.

Which is the next book you are writing? What is its genre?

I have two projects in the works. One is a sequel to Conflict With Shadows and the other is about one of the characters personal lives within those books.

Mark Castleberry's Favorite Quotes

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