I’m Victoria Benoit—Mind/Body Repatterning™ expert and Amazon #1 Bestselling Author and Publisher—residing in Phoenix, Arizona. I am a fun-loving, optimistic woman living an extraordinarily rich life, filled with passion, love, and adventure. Along with writing, speaking, and facilitating transformational healing, I enjoy Ballroom, Country, and West Coast Swing dancing; singing; biking; hiking; spending time in nature; and traveling to beaches around the world. My friends and family are especially dear to me no matter what we’re doing. My biggest fan was my Beloved Bernie of ten years, ... who liberated his soul from his physical body on November 27, 2017.
I grew up in Milwaukee, WI, with my younger brother and two sisters. At 20 years old, I seized an opportunity to move to the big city of Chicago—knowing no one—relying solely on my own sense of adventure. The next 16 years were both routine and eventful. While having a successful career in medical ultrasound and being married and divorced, I began my journey of personal growth and transformation.
In 1989, I decided it was time to move on—from the Windy City to Phoenix, the Valley of the Sun. Shortly after moving, I was forced to change careers due to a physical injury at work. In examining what to do next, I saw that through my work as a neonatal ultrasound technologist, I had experienced my natural ability to provide a space of profound love and compassion for couples in the initial stage of grief over the loss of their baby. I applied this insight to create a new career in supporting people through tough times.
The next step in my journey was to obtain my master’s degree and begin working as a Licensed Professional Counselor. I was quickly frustrated with my clients’ lack of progress using traditional methodologies. I decided to study other approaches to support people in creating lives they loved. This guided me to become a Certified Resonance Repatterning® practitioner and teacher. I then began working part time with private clients, using this process to identify and clear their unconscious patterns. Session after session they reported experiencing extraordinary outcomes in their lives.
Based on my results with private clients, I left traditional counseling completely in 1996, and opened the Center for Extraordinary Outcomes. Along with seeing clients, I taught Resonance Repatterning domestically and internationally for 15 years, I developed workshops, and continued to study and implement additional holistic healing therapies in my practice. Over the years, it became apparent that I needed to stop teaching and start writing to fulfill my desire to impact even more people.
I published my first book, What Would Love Do Right Now? A Guide to Living an Extraordinary Life on December 6, 2017, my second book, Three Magical Words for a Magical Life on January 7, 2021, and my third book, No Weeping Widow Here–My True Story on November 24, 2023. All three books reached #1 on Amazon. By offering these books, I believe I am impacting people on a more global scale.
I absolutely love the difference I make in the world! I am committed to helping people live a life they love—one that is overflowing with love, joy, passion, and fulfillment!
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Book |
Three Magical Words for a Magical Lifeby Victoria BenoitPublish: Jan 14, 2021Series: Extraordinary OutcomesAdvice & How To |
No Weeping Widow Here: My True Storyby Victoria BenoitPublish: Nov 24, 2023Biographies & Memoirs Religion & Spirituality |
What Would Love Do Right Now?by Victoria BenoitPublish: Dec 31, 2020Series: Extraordinary OutcomesAdvice & How To |
The late Chloe Faith Wordsworth, developer of Resonance Repatterning®, has influenced me considerably. She introduced me to her method over 30 years ago and I have been using her work in my transformational repatterning practice ever since to assist many people to identify and clear the patterns that hold them back from having what they want in life. I also use repatterning to align people with their goals and dreams.
This work inspired me to write my first book, "What Would Love Do Right Now? A Guide to Living an Extraordinary Life", which allows the reader to use a process I created called, Inquiry to Resolution, to identify unhealed incidents from the past and heal them. Through my book, I can impact more people and they can do their own healing in the privacy of their own home.
What inspired you to transition from a career in medical ultrasound to becoming a Mind/Body Repatterning™ expert and author?I wasn’t really inspired to transition, rather unfortunately, I had a work-related injury and was forced to leave the field of medical ultrasound after 18 years. It was a tough season in my life because I loved introducing couples to their unborn child and I was at the top of my career. I very was fortunate moving forward to having my Master’s Degree in Counseling paid for. This allowed me to focus on my studies as well as heal my physical body. I then met Chloe who introduced me to Resonance Repatterning. One year after I was awarded my Master’s Degree, I was certified as a Repatterning Practitioner and I have been doing this method rather than traditional counseling ever since. Two years later, I started teaching Resonance Repatterning and did so for 15 years. I recently changed the method I use to Mind/Body Repatterning.
Can you share a pivotal moment or experience that led you to discover your natural ability to provide support and compassion for grieving couples?Women who were bleeding in their first trimester would come in for an ultrasound to verify that they still had a viable pregnancy. Unfortunately, many of these women miscarried. The doctor left the room after telling the couple the devastating news and I was left to console them and console them I did.
How did your personal journey of growth and transformation influence your approach to supporting others through tough times?The more compassionate I became with myself, the more I was able to heal my own past so I could then be more available for people to heal their past. This allowed me assist them during their ‘tough times’.
What exactly is Mind/Body Repatterning® and how does it differ from traditional counseling methodologies?Using resonance kinesiology (muscle checking), with permission from the client, I access their innate wisdom and I give them permission to access my innate wisdom. This allows me to have access to the unconscious patterns holding them back and they have access to the repatterning method through me. The innate wisdom of the client guides the session, identifying limiting beliefs, sabotaging behaviors, and negative emotions from unmet needs in childhood that now interferes with their ability to create the happiness, abundance, fulfillment, self-expression, love, relationships, and health they desire. Once the unconscious patterns are consciously addressed, they are shifted using an energizing modality. My clients experienced more results than when I did traditional counseling because we got to the core cause and healed it.
Your first book, "What Would Love Do Right Now?", focuses on living an extraordinary life. What are some key principles or practices from the book that you find most transformative?My first intention in writing this book was to have the reader see the importance of asking the question, “what would love do right now?”, especially in the midst of an argument. Love would probably take a ‘time out’ so your words won’t destroy the other person. During the ‘time out’ you may identify why you were so triggered. We get triggered because we have unhealed incidents from our past that are acting out. Then coming back to the other person, you can admit what’s going on and why you got so triggered. The relationship can then be restored to wholeness. I have colorful bracelets to wear that say, “What Would Love Do Right Now”, which helps the reader on a daily basis.
In order to live an extraordinary life, one must release past hurts, betrayals, disappointments, and even traumas. I created a process called, Inquiry to Resolution™, that has the reader identify and resolve past unhealed incidents from each area of life, so they can live an extraordinary life.
"Three Magical Words for a Magical Life" is your second book. Could you tell us more about these three words and their significance?The three magical words are not, “I love you”, they are, “I am sorry”. I have the reader go back in their life and write down all the people from whom they never received an apology and, all the people whom they need to give an apology. Through visualization, I have the reader receive the apology they wanted and give their apology to those who need one. The reader is then free to live a magical life.
I came up with three components of giving amends. One, it must be sincere, or don’t bother. Two, what are you going to do differently so this doesn’t happen again to me or anyone else? Three, how are you going to make it up to me? In order to live a magical life, one must clean the slate from the past so it no longer interferes with the present and the future.
Your latest book, "No Weeping Widow Here–My True Story", shares your personal journey. What compelled you to share your story in this format, and what do you hope readers will take away from it?My main purpose for writing this book was to inspire loved ones of terminally ill people to say everything that needs to be said, so only love is present by the time they pass. This is how I was able to move on so quickly. I did a lot of pre-grieving, so when my late husband liberated his soul from his physical body, I wasn’t devastated, I was actually happy for him. I also sponsored a “Celebrate Life with Bernie” event before he passed so he could experience the positive difference he made in the lives of others.
This book started as a love story and I had no idea it would end with another. I’m now engaged to my late husband’s best friend. How’s that for a great ending!
How do you balance your various interests and activities, such as dancing, singing, and writing, with your professional work?I do my best to schedule fun activities, in order to balance work and play. I see clients a couple days a week which still gives me plenty of time to continue writing and editing, as well as promoting my books. I also make sure I spend time with my friends and my fiancé. Balance is the key!
What role does nature play in your life and how does it contribute to your overall well-being?I love spending time in nature. I especially enjoy sitting by a stream or in a park reading where there is water. I enjoy hiking on a nearby mountain or just waking around my neighborhood. I love the desert, so I take advantage of getting out of the city to nearby lakes for picnics and day-trips. Being outdoors feeds my soul, so I do so as much as possible.
How do you approach challenges and setbacks in both your personal and professional life?I ask myself, “what would love do right now? and listen to the guidance I receive. I inquire about how I can be a part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. I also do Mind/Body Repatterning on myself. I do my best to walk my talk.
You emphasize living a life filled with love, joy, passion, and fulfillment. How do you personally cultivate these qualities in your own life, especially during challenging times?I have a very fulfilling spiritual life and relying heavily on guidance I receive from the Holy Spirit inside me, especially during challenging times. I listen intently and take action on what I hear.
Reflecting on your journey so far, what are some key lessons you've learned about resilience, growth, and living authentically?Realizing that everything happens for a reason, I learned not to give up even in the face of hopelessness. I seek growth rather than resisting it. Believe me, it’s not always easy or comfortable, yet I find it is necessary to living an authentic life.
Can you share any upcoming projects or goals you're excited about?Yes, I am excited to continue writing my third book in the Extraordinary Outcomes Series called, Relationship – A Sacred Journey into Your Greatness. This book focuses on how we can become the best version of ourselves by speaking our truth in a way another can hear us. The reader will have an opportunity to take the ‘high road’ by taking responsibility for their part in what’s happening in the relationship. This vulnerability can be the opening needed for honest communication which is essential for the flourishing of every relationship.
How did you first come across the AllAuthor website? What do you like or dislike about the site?My book promoter, Denise Cassino, suggested I use this platform as another way to promote my books. I have been pleased so far. I especially appreciate the timely support I receive when I have a question or request.
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