About Author

Victoria Raucci Gonzales

Victoria Raucci Gonzales
  • Genre:

    Literary Fiction
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 1
  • Profession: Author, writer
  • Born: 11 October
  • Member Since: Jul 2023
  • Profile Views: 2,415
  • Followers: 73
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon,

I was born in 1958 into a delightful Italian family in Pittsburg, CA when it was a fairly small town. I am the youngest of four sisters and together we had a fun and stable upbringing. Our parents were very social with many friends and relatives and so were we. I’d say our family life was very harmonious and healthy.

I graduated from Pittsburg High School in 1976, Diablo Valley Junior College in 1979 and Sonoma State University in 1981.

I had summer jobs as soon as I was old enough to get a worker’s permit. First with Pittsburg Leisure Services and then with the California Department of Parks and Recreation in the Sierra Area throughout my college years. After graduation I was privileged to work as a crew leader on a trail building project in Sonoma County with the Youth Conservation Corps which was the final year of that youth employment program.

In the Fall of 1981, I moved to South Lake Tahoe and have lived here ever since. Initially I worked for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency for a short time, but one of my claims to fame was being the first executive director for the Tahoe Rim Trail Fund, a National Volunteer Project, a non-profit organization established to plan, build and maintain a multi-use trail around the ridge tops of the Lake Tahoe Basin.

I got married in 1987 and in 1990 I shifted my energy to building our own business. I was 36 and 39 when I gave birth to our sons and life has been one hell of a ride!

Writing this series is my life’s objective, so it’s marvelous to finally publish the first book in the series. More to come…

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Beyond New Boundaries American Dreamsby Victoria Raucci GonzalesSeries: Beyond New BoundariesLiterary Fiction

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  • Beyond New Boundaries

    1 Beyond New Boundaries American Dreams - Published on Nov, -0001

Victoria Raucci Gonzales Interview On 04, Jun 2024

"Born in 1958 into a delightful Italian family in Pittsburg, California, Victoria Raucci Gonzales is the youngest of four sisters. She graduated from Pittsburg High School in 1976, Diablo Valley Junior College in 1979, and Sonoma State University in 1981. Married in 1987, she later shifted her focus to building a family business and raising her two sons, born when she was 36 and 39. Now, she is thrilled to achieve her lifelong objective of writing and publishing a series, with the first book finally released and more to come."
What inspired you to pursue a career in writing, particularly focusing on this series?

I've been an avid reader since Elementary school and as an adolescent I said I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. Writing brings me my greatest sense of joy, but it didn’t become my career path, per se, although I used my writing skills during my career journey in various ways, i.e., correspondence, promotional materials, scripts, etc.

I was inspired to begin writing this series one day back in 1991 when I was praying for hope for the world. In an instant I was given the storyline which was less than a page when I later typed it out on my first computer. That bit of writing is in the third book now as I had to write the back story which leads up to that magic moment and beyond.

How did your upbringing in a close-knit Italian family influence your writing style or the themes you explore in your work?

Although the Italian family in the book is not about my family, as the story unfolded, whenever I sat at my computer to work on it over the years, I wrote what was familiar. It just flowed that way. The theme of love as the highest value in life was implanted in me and I was gifted the task of sharing it. I’ve always been analytical and many of my thoughts are intertwined within several of the characters in BEYOND NEW BOUNDARIES.

Can you tell us more about your experience working with the California Department of Parks and Recreation and the Youth Conservation Corps? How did these experiences shape your perspective on nature and conservation, and do they influence your writing?

As a child I began my deep appreciation for the natural environment and loved to explore. I am so grateful for a class introduced in my last semester of high school called ENVIRONMENTAL CAREER OPPORTUNITY co-sponsored by the California Department of Parks and Recreation. The class was multifaceted and it opened a whole new perspective for my future. “A” students were guaranteed a seasonal job in a location of their choice and Tahoe always held a special place in my heart. I was blessed to spend four summers working in the state parks in the Sierra Area during my college years from Donner, Sugar Pine Point, Tahoe City, Kings Beach, D.L. Bliss to Emerald Bay. The work included park maintenance and visitor services. The park was my office. Living and working in the parks was a great experience, the people, the places, all contributed to the woman I am and are reflected in my writing.

After college graduation with a Bachelor of Art in Environmental Studies and Planning, I spent the summer working within the CDPR in Sonoma County as a trail building crew leader for the last season of the Federal program, The Youth Conservation Corps. Another great experience, this time working with teenagers and teaching them an appreciation of nature and concepts of conservation. What a joy! Unfortunately, President Reagan discontinued the YCC. What a mistake.

Moving to South Lake Tahoe in 1981 marked a significant transition in your life. How did this move impact your personal and professional journey?

During my youth my large Italian family spent one week each summer together in Lake Tahoe and I knew then I would live here when I grew up. No question about it. I made it happen as it was meant to be. One thing lead to another and my path unfolded with persistence and perseverance. What a life!

As the first executive director for the Tahoe Rim Trail Fund, what were some of the challenges you faced, and what achievements are you most proud of during your time in this role?

Serving as the executive director of the Tahoe Rim Trail Fund was an ideal job for me and I for it at the time. There was so much to accomplish and I had the skill set the project required to get it started. I am proud of my extensive contributions toward building a solid foundation for the organization and the National Scenic Trail planned, built and maintained by volunteers in cooperation with the USFS, California and Nevada state parks. I interacted with hundreds of great people, but some of the people I worked with over the years were challenging in various ways, but I’ll leave it at that.

Transitioning from working for organizations to starting your own business in 1990 must have been a major decision. What motivated you to make this shift, and what were some of the biggest lessons you learned from building your own business?

When I married Rudy he had his own business, but he needed my help to make it grow and be successful, so we joined forces. Life offers opportunities and you have to take risks sometimes. The best thing we did was buy property and I spearheaded the project to build our own shop after years of renting. From the ground up construction is no small feat, especially in the Tahoe Basin, but I did it!

How has being a mother influenced your writing process or the themes you explore in your series?

lol. Oh, the challenges of parenthood are written. Writing was my therapy. Some of it was incorporated into the books.

What do you hope readers will take away from your first book, “Beyond New Boundaries American Dreams”, both in terms of entertainment value and any deeper messages or themes?

I hope readers enjoy the journey as much as I do. I hope they can connect to the characters and recognize the similarities in their own life experiences. May my words help them appreciate the special bonds they have in their own lives and the higher values of being human on their own spiritual journey.

Can you share any insights into your writing process? Do you have any particular routines or habits that help you stay productive and creative?

OMG! I’ve been working on this series for decades. I consider it to be the reason I was born and will be my legacy long after I’m gone. I’ve allowed my books to unfold as they would while I live my life. There have been periods of time when I wrote into the wee hours of the night for weeks on end and other times when I went months without working on it all, but it is always on my mind. I’m not a good example.

What challenges did you face while writing your first book, and how did you overcome them?

Time. Distractions. Space. Responsibilities. Slowly, inch by inch as best I could. Interestingly, I wrote what is now the third book first and then I wrote the back story which is the first two books. My manuscript was too big so I split it into three books. That was challenging because I wrote the characters’ stories linearly and then edited it into chronological order. And there are many characters.

Are there any authors or books that have had a significant impact on your writing style or the stories you choose to tell?

I have read so many wonderful books in my life which contributed to my perspective of life on Earth, love as a guiding light, gratitude for everything and balance within. The readers may recognize some of them in my writing.

How do you balance the demands of writing with other aspects of your life, such as family and business responsibilities?

Not well. I let everything else come before my writing. That’s why it’s taking so long.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers who are working on their own projects or dreaming of publishing their first book?

Keep at it. Live your dream. Be true to yourself.

Can you offer any hints or teasers about what readers can expect from future books in the series?

No. I don’t want to ruin their experience of surprise as they turn the page.

When did you join AllAuthor? What do you think of the experience so far? Do you have any feedback?

I’m new to AllAuthor and I have much to learn when it comes to utilizing the internet for marketing. Right now I don’t have the time or patience to figure it out. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this interview. I hope it helps drive sales while I prepare to publish the second book, THE STARK REALITY.

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