About Author

Willow Winters

Willow Winters
  • Genre:

    Romantic Suspense Romance Erotic Romance Dark Romance & Erotica
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: Jan 2
  • Member Since: Mar 2017
  • Profile Views: 42,015
  • Followers: 45
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Pinterest,

I'm so happy to be a #1 Contemporary Bestselling Romance Author. My dark romance novel Broken reached #10 on the US Amazon Kindle Bestseller list and my cowritten bad boy next door novel, Inked reached #9 in fall of 2016. I'm so grateful and honored!

I like my action hot and my bad boys hotter. And I don't hold back on either one in my writing. Be the first to read my new releases and get my sexy, possessive bad boys FREE by joining my mailing list: http://eepurl.com/b2izzf

I actually started writing after having my little girl, Evie, December 2015. All during my pregnancy with her I read. I only wanted to read romance, and I read EVERYTHING. I would read a book a day — sometimes two. In January 2016 I was staying up late with her and just thinking of all these stories. They came to me constantly. And I finally sat down and just started writing. I always wanted to do it so I figured, why not? I never thought I would reach this point of success, to be honest. It’s insane to me that I have so many fans. And I love each and every one of them for all of their support.

Reading Order for the Highest Bidder Series, cowritten with Lauren Landish:

Owned (coming soon)

Reading order for the Valetti Crime Family Series:

Dirty Dom
His Hostage
Good Girl
Bad Girl
Bad Boy

Also Cowritten with Lauren Landish (she's my partner in crime!)

Inked: A Bad Boy Next Door Romance
Tempted: A Bad Boy Next Door Romance

Standalone Novels

Broken: A Dark Romance
Shattered: A Dark Romance (coming soon)
Promise Me: A Second Chance Romance (cowritten with Vivian Wood)
Forsaken: A Dark Mafia Romance (cowritten with B. B. Hamel)

Willow Winters's Books

Stay in the loop on books by Willow Winters. See upcoming and best-selling books by the author here. You'll also find the deals on books by Willow Winters.
** Please note that the information or price displayed here may not be the updated. Make sure to double-check the latest book price before buying books.
** Also, there might be other books by Willow Winters not listed on AllAuthor.

Imperfect (Sins and Secrets Series of Duets Book 1)
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Imperfect (Sins and Secrets Series of Duets Book 1)by Willow WintersPublish: May 15, 2017Series: Sins and Secrets Series of DuetsRomantic Suspense
Burned Promises
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Burned Promisesby Willow WintersPublish: Jul 07, 2017Contemporary Romance Romance
Shared: A Dark MFM Menage Romance
Shared: A Dark MFM Menage Romanceby Lauren LandishPublish: Feb 10, 2017Romantic Suspense Romance Erotic Romance
Given: Highest Bidder
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Given: Highest Bidderby Willow WintersPublish: Mar 03, 2017Series: Highest BidderRomantic Suspense Romance Dark Romance & Erotica

Willow Winters's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Willow Winters.
** Also, there might be other book series by Willow Winters not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Sins and Secrets Series of Duets

    1 Imperfect (Sins and Secrets Series of Duets Book 1) - Published on May, 2017
  • Highest Bidder

    1 Given: Highest Bidder - Published on Mar, 2017

Willow Winters Interview On 11, May 2017

"Willow Winters, a lover of reading since she was a child, used to want to be a politician. She took up biology and neurobiology in college, but finally started writing when she was pregnant with her daughter. On a typical day, Willow is woken up by either her dogs or her kids. Then, she makes coffee and interacts with fans or other authors allong with her PA, Cheryl Maddox. After that, she finally sits down to write. Although her writing is usually structured, there are times when she finds something is really good or bad and changes it accordingly. So far, she has collaborated with Lauren Landish, B.B. Hamel, and Vivian Wood. She usually asks her husband or collaborators about names for her characters. Her bit of advice to her younger self is to keep pushing and stay motivated."
You only started writing in 2015, but did you ever feel drawn to the career before? What were some of your dreams and aspirations as a child?

When I was little I actually wanted to be a politician. I was completely engrossed in politics and law, but eventually I grew out of that and decided to go to college for biology and neurobiology. I don’t know if I ever specifically wanted to be a writer as a child, but I was always very creative and I love to read. When I was pregnant with my daughter I was just struck with inspiration and as I started to flesh out my ideas I thought “This would be an incredible career! I love writing.” Since then I’ve been doing what I love every day.

What was the first thing you did when you found out you were the #1 Contemporary Bestselling Romance Author? How did you celebrate?

I celebrated by writing more! But seriously I was so overwhelmed and my family was so supportive. I think my husband cooked something nice and we celebrated at home with the kids!

If you were given the chance to breathe life to any one of your characters, who would it be and why?

This is a tough one! I have a special place in my heart for Dominic Valetti, but I think it has to go to Anthony Valetti!

What does a typical day in the life of Willow Winters look like?

I usually get woken up by one of our two giant dogs (golden retriever and black lab) or by one of the kids. Then I make coffee. I have to have my French vanilla coffee before I can even function! I spend most of the day interacting with fans on Facebook or other authors trying to coordinate my day. I couldn’t do any of this without my PA, Cheryl Maddox. She’s the absolute best and without her I’d be overwhelmed. After all of that I try to sit down and write. It’s such a mad house with the dogs and the kids that writing can be tough.

How do you get the ideas for your stories? Do you like to follow a structured and planned storyline or just follow an idea and see where it goes?

I think I do a bit of both, but my writing is usually structured. I always start out with an outline of my story and I flesh it out from there, but there are times when I find something is really good and I embellish that and other times where I find something isn’t so good and I either rework it or cut it out entirely. My outline is usually very close to the actual story, but there have been some novels that I have an idea and I see where it goes from there.

What is the best thing you've ever bought and why? What is one thing you wish you could buy but haven't as yet?

I think the best thing I bought was my Sleep Number bed! Before that my husband and I slept on a terrible mattress that hurt both of our backs, but we really didn’t have the money to buy a new one since we had both of the kids. I wish I could buy a new home! My husband and I bought this house when we were both in grad school and only had our golden retriever Jake. Since then we’ve had two kids and gotten a second dog, our black lab Charlie. Now I don’t have an office or space, but we are working on finding a new home so that I can have a proper office and the family can have more space.

Which author(s) did you dislike at first but slowly grow into?

Nope! I love romance and I haven’t met a romance novel that I haven’t fallen in love with yet!

Have you written any books on collaboration with other authors? If so, how did you find that experience?

I absolutely have! I’ve written with Lauren Landish, B.B. Hamel, and Vivian Wood. Each author approaches writing differently and I was surprised at how easy it was to write with each one. I would definitely collaborate again with each of them.

Describe your dream wedding where money is no issue.

I had my dream wedding! We were married in a converted farm that was beautifully redone, underneath a huge oak tree by a small river in front of all of our friends and family. Our reception was incredible and everything went right (except the flowers down the aisle… I wanted them spaced out differently).

Name one thing you'd never be willing to give up even if it meant becoming the best author on the planet.

My husband and my two kids!

What do you miss most about your childhood? Tell us about one of your favourite childhood memories.

My favorite memory is swinging on my grandma’s porch swing with my sister. We would always bang on the window with the swing and get yelled at! I miss the carefree fun I had with my sister now that we both have kids and jobs we can’t spend as much time together.

How do you normally choose the names for your characters?

I actually asked my husband for guy names or Italian names for the Valetti series. I normally bounce names off him or my collaborators for a bit until a name sounds just right!

What is your worst pet peeve? Do you have any odd habits that others may find annoying?

I can’t stand when people chew with their mouth open. It drives me nuts! I have some odd habits, but one that someone may find annoying is my need to sleep with ear plugs in every night. My husband has told me that it is incredibly hard and frustrating to try to wake me some times because I can’t hear at all with them in.

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self?

I would go back and tell my younger self to keep pushing and stay motivated. Everything might not work out as planned, but everything turns out great. There will be some hard times, but believe me it is worth it.

What’s the best way to market your books? Has your experience with AllAuthor up to this point been satisfactory and would you recommend this website to your other author friends?

I’ve found that spreading out advertising over a ton of sites works the best and AllAuthor has been incredible in helping to spread the word of my new releases!

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