About Author

Wren Handman

Wren Handman

I'm a writer and avid reader. I love crafting and am constantly making new things. You can find me out most nights dancing, doing trivia, and spending time with friends. And eating! Food is secondary only to books in my life.

Wren Handman's Books

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A Midnight So Deadly (The Lumin Archives Book 1)
$9.99 kindleeBook,
A Midnight So Deadly (The Lumin Archives Book 1)by Wren HandmanPublish: Aug 28, 2024
I Walk Alone
$4.99 kindle
I Walk Aloneby Wren HandmanSeries: The Phantasmer CycleTeen & Young Adult
In Restless Dreams (The Phantasmer Cycle Book 1)
$4.99 kindleeBook,
In Restless Dreams (The Phantasmer Cycle Book 1)by Wren HandmanPublish: Jan 28, 2020Series: The Phantasmer CycleTeen & Young Adult
Wire Wings
$0.99 kindleeBook,
Wire Wingsby Wren HandmanPublish: Jun 23, 2020Teen & Young Adult

Wren Handman's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Wren Handman.
** Also, there might be other book series by Wren Handman not listed on AllAuthor.

  • The Phantasmer Cycle

    1 I Walk Alone - Published on Nov, -00012 In Restless Dreams (The Phantasmer Cycle Book 1) - Published on Jan, 2020

Ask Wren Handman a Question

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      • Wren Handman Wren Handman 5 years ago
      • I try not to, but I usually can't help myself. I think the ones that are the most helpful are the three star reviews. That's someone who is your target audience, who found a lot of things they liked, but didn't like everything. That's where I can find real, honest advice that can help me become a better writer. With 1 and 2 star reviews, it often just meant the person didn't gel with your writing style, and you have to remind yourself that's okay! Everyone has different tastes. But it can be emotionally draining, for sure.
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      • Wren Handman Wren Handman 5 years ago
      • I always thought my first success would be a floodgate that would open the doors, and everything would flow from there! Instead I learned the process never really stops. You have to keep putting yourself out there, over and over. It isn't an easy career choice! You open yourself up to a lot of criticism about something that is so precious and close to your heart. But it's worth it.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Wren Handman Wren Handman 5 years ago
      • Make some writer friends! You need to have people you can talk to on the hard days who understand exactly what you're going through.
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      • Wren Handman Wren Handman 5 years ago
      • I've never been "recognized" by my face, but I have had someone recognize my name once or twice. I'm always utterly stunned and beyond thrilled!! There's seriously nothing like that feeling of realizing A STRANGER READ YOUR BOOK AND LIKED IT!
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