About Author

Z. Peabody

Z. Peabody

Z. Peabody is the author of Scripture-inspired romance novels.

The Z. Peabody Publishing LLC brand was created to provide Scriptural-inspiration. Geared toward the romance fiction readers, Z. gives positive encouragement, Scriptural-inspiration, and wisdom in her writings in the romance genres.

Z's passion for reading romance novels began at the age of 14..... although she didn't really understand what she was reading at the time. But as she grew older, she began to realize the significance those romance novels would have on her life and her future in the contemporary, and historical romance genres. Becoming a romance writer was inevitable.

Z. lives in the Midwest and is originally a native Chicagoan.

"My characters are not perfect and I write stories that show that the path in the Holy Scriptures is not always easy. I write about characters who have lived a life away from the kingdom of the Most-High, and then I show how they enter into HIS body with a testimony.”

"Each story, plot, Hero, and Heroine have been created to give honor to the Most-High. My novels are Scriptural-Inspirational-centered because, the Most-High has taken up permanent residence in my life, and I want to give HIM all the glory in my writings. Sometimes, getting to romance is not without a struggle.”

Until next time.

See you later.
– Z. Peabody

Z. Peabody's Books

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** Please note that the information or price displayed here may not be the updated. Make sure to double-check the latest book price before buying books.
** Also, there might be other books by Z. Peabody not listed on AllAuthor.

$4.99 kindleeBook,
Ezekielby Z. PeabodySeries: Run with the Bulls MC'sContemporary Romance Romantic Suspense Romance Western Romance Christian Fiction
Redemption for the Cowboy
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Redemption for the Cowboyby Z. PeabodyPublish: Jan 06, 2024Series: The Sawyer Ranch CowboysContemporary Romance Romance Western Romance Christian Fiction
Caleb's Choice
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Caleb's Choiceby Z. PeabodyPublish: Jul 05, 2025 Suspense Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense Romance Literary Fiction Christian Fiction more»
(1) $2.99 kindleeBook,
His to Loveby Z. PeabodySeries: Masters of the CavernsContemporary Romance Romance Western Romance Women's Fiction Christian Fiction
The Highlander's Loving Heart
$3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Highlander's Loving Heartby Z. PeabodyPublish: Jan 07, 2023Series: The Pherson ClanHistorical Romance Romance Historical Fiction
The Highlander's Charity
$3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Highlander's Charityby Z. PeabodyPublish: Jul 06, 2024Series: The Pherson ClanHistorical Romance Romance Historical Fiction Christian Fiction
A Second Chance For the Cowboy
$2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
A Second Chance For the Cowboyby Z. PeabodyPublish: Jul 02, 2022Series: The Sawyer Ranch CowboysContemporary Romance Romance Western Romance Christian Fiction
His to Adore
(1) $2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
His to Adoreby Z. PeabodyPublish: Jul 01, 2023Series: Masters of the CavernsContemporary Romance Romance Western Romance Women's Fiction Christian Fiction
His to Honor
(1) $2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
His to Honorby Z. PeabodyPublish: Jul 01, 2023Series: Masters of the CavernsContemporary Romance Romance Western Romance Women's Fiction Christian Fiction

Z. Peabody's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Z. Peabody.
** Also, there might be other book series by Z. Peabody not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Run with the Bulls MC's

    1 Ezekiel - Published on Nov, -0001
  • The Sawyer Ranch Cowboys

    1 A Second Chance For the Cowboy - Published on Jul, 20222 Redemption for the Cowboy - Published on Jan, 2024
  • Masters of the Caverns

    1 His to Love - Published on Nov, -00012 His to Adore - Published on Jul, 20233 His to Honor - Published on Jul, 2023
  • The Pherson Clan

    1 The Highlander's Loving Heart - Published on Jan, 20232 The Highlander's Charity - Published on Jul, 2024

Z. Peabody Interview On 09, Sep 2022

"Z. Peabody is the author of Contemporary, Western & Historical Romances. The first romance novel she read was “The Captive”, by Johanna Lindsey. Her novels are Christ-centered because of her deep love of Christ’s teachings. She loves to write about the rough Highlands and the relationships of clan life. She lives in the Midwest with her family, two dogs, and two cats."
Do you remember the first story you ever read and the impact it had on you?

The first romance novel I read, was “The Captive”, by Johanna Lindsey. That book had a profound effect on me in terms of, the Hero and Heroine were both so strong, and their roles didn’t battle against the other. I was raised by all women, and that impression of the chemistry between those two characters were very impressionable to me, at that time. Reading that book, took me from the far South-Side of Chicago and into a far-off desert land, it was great.

How did your friends and family react to your first book?

My family is very proud of me, and I still can’t believe that I’m blessed to be able to self- publish the stories that I create.

How is Christian Romance different from other sub-genres of romance?

Well, to me, Christian Romance is a mixture of praising God, and what goes on between a man and woman, of God.

What was the idea that started The Pherson Clan? Did you incorporate the ideas or input of any of your friends or family in any parts of the story?

No. Since I first read, “Betrayed” by Beatrice Small, I developed an interest in Scotland. I love the rich history of Scotland. I love to write about the rough Highlands, and the relationships of clan life.

What do you think of "trailers" for books? Do you have a trailer for your books?

I think book trailers are a great asset to the promoting and marketing of my books. Yes, I do have a few trailers out, on my Website, and YouTube channel.

What inspired the plot of your book, The Highlander's Loving Heart?

I love Scotland, and one day, I hope to visit Scotland. The Highlander’s Loving Heart was birthed because, out of all the plots that I have drafted, none of them touch on the plot of Cillian and Aoife’s.

What's your best social media marketing tip?

I don’t know if I have a tip – I just choose one day a week, and go across all my social media platforms, to tweet, blog, or drop a pic or note on Instagram, Pinterest, Amazon Author’ Page, and Verve Romance.

What motivates you to write every day? How do you keep it interesting and from becoming another 9-5 job?

I look forward to sitting down, Monday-Friday, for two-hours, to write out, however how many pages of one of my upcoming books. Then, at the end of my work week, Friday, I sit and type out what I’ve written.

What's next for you? What are you working on now?

I’m finishing up the second book in the Sawyer Ranch Cowboy Series, Redemption for the Cowboy – and the first book in the Masters of the Cavern Series, His to Honor, due out in 2024.

How has your experience of being associated with All Author been?

I’m glad I was referred to All Author. All the tools that are available on the AllAuthor website are very valuable to the promoting and marketing of my brand.

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