"WE STAND with honor and pride staring at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as goosebumps spread across our entire bodies’ and tears drop from our face.
Imagine all of the parents of our many missing soldier’s yearning for just one more embrace.
WE STAND in our many towns enjoying the blue skies, our rights, and our constitution’s compass.
Granted through many lost lives, our many wars, and our Nation’s alumnus.
WE STAND before God and our many religions, never forgetting our beliefs and our long-standing convictions.
No wonder pride runs so deep with America’s Red, White, and Blue traditions.
WE STAND on this gorgeous night watching beautiful fireworks, with a sense of amazement and heart’s full of pride.
While we now understand why we should be thankful for our forefather’s hard work and all the soldiers that died.
WE STAND to enjoy the smell of the summer’s fresh-cut grass, as so many families celebrate around the barbecue in first class.
So, please celebrate our freedom on this special day at last, by always remembering those who gave en masse.
WE STAND and honor our Red, White, and Blue. By saying to all of our soldiers, Thank You!