Donna Bossert 1 year ago Every word on every page!! Jills book is absolutely phenomenal!!
This series is like crack 1 hit and your addicted!!
well once again TG has outdid herself with Jill.
She brought a whole new dimension to the characters, especially Jill and Slade. How she made Slade even hotter I have no idea but dam if she didnt do it!
We watched as Jill grew up before our eyes in this book, I thought we knew Jill very well since we have known her since book 2 but nope we were wrong. Jill's journey hasn't been an easy 1 but she's a badass and carved for own path 1 cock at a time (well that doesnt sound right and not how i intended it to sound but if you know you know) I cried, laughed yelled, and then cried some more. The Protectors series is an emotional rollercoaster that I want to ride again and again.. Well Done TG Well done!!