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      • Ted Tayler Ted Tayler 5 years ago
      • My first foray into writing was my book of memories of years singing in bands. I started that in 2008 & had it published in 2011. After I had sold all the paperbacks I had got printed to family, friends, and local musicians, I set up my website, joined Twitter and Facebook, and set about selling the Kindle version of the book. Eighteen months later at the end of 2012, I sat in front of the computer and wondered if I could write a novel. Colin Bailey became the anti-hero of ‘The Final Straw’, a thriller about an emotionally damaged young man seeking revenge against anyone who stopped him becoming the person he believed he was destined to be. The character wasn’t based on anybody, and the Phoenix wasn’t even a pipe-dream.
        During the summer of 2013, I tried my hand at short stories, and published a collection of 12 called ‘A Sting In The Tale’. My wife pestered me to write more about Colin Bailey and tie up the loose ends from the first book. After ‘Unfinished Business’ I was happy to stop. Writing was something I’d never done, then I’d done it, and was ready to walk away to find another hobby. Because I recognised the first two books had given me a great character in Colin Bailey, I agreed (reluctantly) to write about a secret organisation that hired Bailey to continue his vigilante role. This necessitated his NOT drowning in the river after his clash with the policeman Phil Hounsell. The Phoenix was reborn. Six years later I had a 12 book series featuring Phoenix and his adventures. Perspiration rather than inspiration.
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