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Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey
  • Genre:

    Mystery Supernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Contemporary Romance Historical Romance Romantic Suspense New Adult Romance Paranormal Romance Romance Time Travel Romance Historical Fiction Women's Fiction Literary Fiction Christian Fiction
  • Country: Australia
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author - Retired Health Professional, Bible College Graduate. B.N. (Aus) B.S.N. (U.S.) M.H.N. Prof C.
  • Born: 22 December
  • Member Since: Feb 2017
  • Profile Views: 54,862
  • Followers: 264
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Join Author's Newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube, Pinterest, Linkedin,

Sister Crystal Mary Lindsey (Australian Professional Title) grew up in the state of New South Wales, Australia the second youngest of five children in a medical family.
Crystal likes to inspire and encourage others to never give up on their dreams. Her books are written with that in mind.
All the glory for her writing is given to The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Qualifications: Bachelor of Nursing (Australia)
Bachelor Science Nursing (U.S.A.)
Post Graduate degree - Mental Health
PreHospital Trauma Life Support - E.R.
Diploma in Psychology/Cou... nselling
And a Bible College Graduate
Mother of four adult Christian Children-G.M. Ten.
Lived and worked in TN, marrying an ex Marine.
Both currently live in the sub-Tropics of Queensland, Australia.
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Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey's Awards and Achievements

    Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Readers Favorite Bronze Christian - Romance - General
    2021 award
  • Readers Favorite Five Star
    2021 achievement
  • Readers Favorite Five Star
    2016 achievement
  • Readers Favorite Bronze
    2016 award

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey Interview On 30, May 2017

"Crytal Mary Lindsey grew up in New South Wales, Australia, as the second youngest of five children. Encouraged by her pastor, she went to Bible College after retirement. Her biggest inspiration growing up were her two elder sisters and her Sunday school teachers. She spent six years of University studying mental health, sociology and psychology, which has impacted a lot of her writing. Her oldest daughter motivated her to write "Abuse Beaten", to talk about her experiences and help others through it. she loves writin, especially when her stories give faith, hope and love to readers. Writing about a Muslim girl for one of her books wasn't hard as she had nursed people from this culture and also because they bear a lot of similarities to Southern Italian households during the 1960's and 1970's. To her, God is "Love -, because love is life, and God gave us both.""
Would you mind telling us a little bit about your childhood and family? What was it that urged you to go to Bible College?

I grew up the second youngest of five children in a small country town in New South Wales, Australia. It was after the second world war and times were very hard. My father served in the war for three years and came home a broken man. I attended a small school of about twenty children, everyone knew each other and the community all worshiped together as one on Sundays. I went to Bible College after retirement. I felt to complete a Masters in Mental Health but my Pastor came to visit and encouraged me to attend Bible College. I'm so glad I did.

Do you remember the first story you wrote and who did you read it to? What was your biggest inspiration or motivation growing up?

I can't remember the first story I wrote. It would have been in English lessons at High School and the teacher always read the best one out loud to the class. We wrote short stories called compositions. Another girl and I always strove to write the best ones, I usually won. My biggest inspiration growing up were my two elder sisters who were five and seven years my senior. I also had good examples from my Sunday school teachers.

How do you think your history with medicine has helped your writing?

Yes, learning about medicine has made an impact on my life. I have had six full time years of University with my keenest interest in mental health, sociology and psychology. This assisted with my evaluations of the different patients who entered the Emergency Medicine Departments where I have worked. With my writing it has given me relevance of different cultures as well as human nature in that same way.

How do you come up with titles for your books?

The book titles just pop into my head. I have to write them down straight away otherwise I forget them.

Who makes your book covers for you? Where do you get the ideas and pictures for your book covers?

The first two covers for my books were photographed and designed by my daughter Femia. She had been a professional model and is now a professional photographer. The cover photo for "Love's Time" was a photo I took in the Outback, and I also designed that cover. The rest I have purchased online from different Cover Artists.

Would you prefer to live on a houseboat on the river Nile? Or in a treehouse in the Amazon?

I love the water and I love trees. I don't think the Nile is overly clean so I'll say the tree house. It would be wonderful to be up close to the animals especially monkeys.

What motivated you to write your biography & memoirs book "Abuse Beaten"? What was the kind of response you received after the book was published?

The book Abuse beaten was motivated by my eldest daughter. She persuaded me to talk about my experience one Saturday. She said I needed to get it out as I had remained quiet for over twenty years. You can't keep trauma experiences hidden as it doesn't help you or others to so. Since writing the book, I have spoken to a group of ladies giving a seminar at the local library about the pain caused by abuse. This talk was featured in the local Newspaper. I know the statistics for Domestic Violence are high all over the world. So in my book I use my experience as a victim as well as a survivor and victor to inspire and encourage similar sufferers to fight for a better life.

Do you have any slightly unorthodox practices when it comes to writing and marketing your books?

Yes, I suppose I do. I don't follow the norm on how to write a story. In fact I don't plan or map it out. I might think to write about a doctor or nurse, and then begin writing.. I am never sure myself where the story will go or how it will end, it just flows. Of course since I love the Australia outback so it is always featured. Marketing.... I am not so good at that. Mostly its through the internet, I no longer spend a lot of money doing it because it makes no difference to sales. People have to get to know, like and trust you. I am trustworthy yet not many people know that as yet.

What is the hardest thing about being a writer? What is the best thing about being a writer?

The hardest thing for me as a writer is the get the peace and quiet to write. I have been unwell for a long time, so I sit in a recliner in the lounge room and type away on my laptop. My husband and grown children come and go. There are many interruptions. The best thing is that I get there in the end and I feel my stories give faith, hope and love to my readers. I like to make people feel happy and uplifted.

How many hours in a day do you devote to writing? How long does it usually take you to write one book?

Is there anything (object, gesture, traditions, scenery, etc) that's considered normal and insignificant in the How many hours a day? That depends on the interruptions, I have no discipline with this as my family come first. My first book took me about five months on and off to write as my husband and I were travelling the Outback. My last book took me three weeks from beginning until publication.

Australian outback that would be considered outrageous or extraordinary anywhere else?

The outback is full of wild animals wandering in herds or flocks that we take for granted yet visitors are stunned by. Kangaroos come in two different colours, either grey or a red/brown. They also come in different variations, from the ones people see in zoos across the world, to the smaller tree kangaroo, and rock wallaby. Australia has the large flightless bird called an emu and these wander outback roads. They are about the size of an ostrich. Wild camels, goats and horses roam free as do the dingo (wild dog). Australia is the land of parrots with fifty six different species that are seen flying by the hundreds even thousands in the outback. It would take a book to tell more... Our Aboriginals have their own culture which is wonderful and unique.

What is one of your favourite books? Favourite author?

I have many favourite books. I grew up without television so my family read. My first book was the classic "In His Steps" owned by my grandfather. Later I learned to love Enid Blyton, an English writer of children's books. As an adult, Catherine Marshall and Corrie Ten Boom who both wrote Christian non fiction were special to me. I read a lot and enjoy many authors today.

For your book "To Catch a Butterfly", you had to write about a Muslim girl and aspects of Muslim life. How did you do you research for this? What was the hardest part in trying to understand the manners and characteristics of such a private community?

Writing about a Muslim girl wasn't hard. I have nursed people from this culture and many of their ways are similar to what I experienced in a Southern Italian household during the 1960's and 1970's. The men mainly rule the roost and the women are beaten if she opposes. Much of how it is for Muslim women today is from some old time traditions. I saw how some hard Italian women dominate the home, so do some Muslim women. I believe this to be an evil Spirit, a Spirit of contention where they bully and abuse. It is very difficult and hurtful to suffer this. From my studies on the Muslim man, I learnt that some of the educated ones are kind. The majority however, are hard headed, arrogant and aggressive, believing in dominating through brute force. Many show no restraint or discipline. Like the older southern Italian man they feel it weak to show love to their wives and daughters.

If you had the chance to go back in time and relive one moment in your life, which would it be and why?

My two sisters took me into Sydney for the day when I was about nine. It was an amazing day as I had never been on a train before that. All the cars and traffic plus the tall buildings in the city were beyond my imagination. I ate my first crumpet with honey, seated in a Café. I will always remember that day.

Is there any question you wish people would ask you more often? What is it and do tell us the answer to that question.

A question??? Well I suppose I like the question, Who is God? My answer to this is "Love -, because love is life, and God gave us both." God loved us so much that He also gave his only son to suffer for us. There is no other religion in the world that worships a God of such unconditional love. So without the creator God, life would die out because there would be no love.

How much of a role do you think social social media plays in the promotion and sales of your books? What do you think of the AllAuthor experience so far? Would this be a platform you would recommend to your friends?

Social media plays the biggest part in promoting my book and getting sales. AllAuthor has been very good to me, and helpful in many ways. For example - giving idea's for Twitter Advertising key word sentences. Advertising my books themselves on social media, and my delightful webpage on their site. It's beneficial to see how many visitors look in on my pages and AllAuthor displays this for me. I have recommended the site to my friends and my FB group book page "Australian Christian Bookaholic" also features AllBooks in my PIN POST at the top.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey All time Favourite Books

View all (14)
Redemption at Shadow Lake (Houses of Mystery Book 1)
(1) $2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Redemption at Shadow Lake (Houses of Mystery Book 1)by J.E. GracePublish: Nov 03, 2018Series: Houses of MysteryHistorical Mystery Suspense Mystery Romantic Suspense Women's Fiction Christian Fiction Teen & Young Adult more»
Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey 2 years ago
This is a beautiful Faith-filled story that makes you think and consider the difference between those with it and those without. The romance pulls the story to completion.
Yasmin finds THE WAY:  Christian Spiritual Romance
(1) (1) $0.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Yasmin finds THE WAY: Christian Spiritual Romanceby Crystal Mary LindseyPublish: Feb 07, 2017Action & Adventure Contemporary Romance Romance Women's Fiction Literary Fiction Christian Fiction Teen & Young Adult more»
Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey 3 years ago
Yasmin leaves behind a life of pain and struggles. A place where she never fits-in no matter how she tries. Her new beginnings is completely different. She finds a happy fulfilling career with acceptance, friendship and a cherished love.
House of Shadows  Secrets never Die
(1) (1) $0.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
House of Shadows Secrets never Dieby Crystal Mary LindseyPublish: Jan 22, 2019Historical Mystery Suspense Mystery Supernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Historical Romance Romantic Suspense Paranormal Romance Romance Historical Fiction Women's Fiction Literary Fiction Christian Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult more»
Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey
Transcending Time
(1) $0.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Transcending Timeby J.E.GracePublish: Apr 17, 2021Series: The Watchmaker's Series Book 1Historical Fiction Religion & Spirituality
Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey 2 years ago
How I loved this story and it is a series of three. All can be read separately... and yet they all intertwine. WONDERFUL. I love the heart of this author.
Louis' Legacy (The Watchmaker's Series Book 2)
(1) $2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Louis' Legacy (The Watchmaker's Series Book 2)by J.E. GracePublish: May 14, 2021Series: The Watchmaker's Series Book 2Christian Fiction
Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey 2 years ago
Book #2 I LOVED THIS AS WELL AS THE NEXT BOOK #3. My Amazon Review. I cant get enough of this story, its so GREAT! I love the close friendships and blessings of God throughout... Gosh, how can I describe what I feel without giving away spoilers??? This author has a spiritual faith that shines between the pages. She shares how the Holy Spirit talks into hearts and provides visions that transforms a person with knowledge, peace and happiness. How does this happen?? The Watch Repairer uses a miraculous oil to lubricate certain clocks or watches as the Holy Spirit instructs him to do so.. That's all I will tell you.
Transcending Time: The Watchmaker's Series Book1
(1) $0.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Transcending Time: The Watchmaker's Series Book1by J.E. GracePublish: Apr 17, 2021Series: The Watchmaker's Series Book 1Historical Romance Historical Fiction Christian Fiction
Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey 2 years ago
The beautiful characters and kindness. The book was full of excellent descriptions that transported me into the pages to visualize every scene. Bastian, a Swiss clockmaker, and repairer of clocks, has a secret passed down to him from generations. In turn, on his sickbed, he passes it on to his son Louis to value and use.

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