Adiela Akoo Favourite Quotes Collection
(showing 1-28 of 28)
“In order to grow, we need to know ourselves. To understand what triggers certain behaviour, we need to identify the root cause.” Adiela AkooGrowth, life, inspirational, healing, knowledge, wisdom, relationship, memory, attitude, health, 2
“EACH ONE, TEACH ONE, and give someone the precious gift of literacy!” Adiela AkooLiteracy, reading, teaching, wisdom, people, influence, change, world, life, success, inspirational, positive, leadership, attitude, world, better world, life, best life, 2
“If every person that is able to read, finds and teaches someone that is illiterate or struggling with literacy, imagine what a positive impact
you can make in that person’s life, and the entire world!” Adiela AkooReading, literacy, teaching, life, world, inspirational, motivational, positive, pay it forward, people, change, success, influence, 4
"I am crazy and bold enough to think that I CAN change the world - one poem, one book, one heart at a time..." Adiela AkooWorld, change, life, inspirational, motivational, heart, book, poetry, attitude, ambition, 12