About Author

Angie Dent

Angie Dent
  • Genre:

    Women's Fiction Christian Fiction Poetry Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Writer
  • Member Since: Sep 2017
  • Profile Views: 18,932
  • Followers: 26
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon,

Angie cares about people and her passion for helping others shines through her writing. She writes books to encourage Christians. Her books give hope and peace of mind.

Sometimes, when praying, it may seem or feel like answers are taking forever. Angie’s books inspire and help keep victory in sight, while waiting. They encourage to keep holding on. The answer is coming. Expect it in many, different ways.

Her non-fiction books cheer you on from beginning to end. They help to build more faith and see a brighter future. Angie’s books help you to see yourself beyond your circumstances, living your dreams and goals.

Most of her fiction books are based on real life Christian events. Stories were pulled from circumstances familiar to many of us. Additional drama, laughter, and tender moments were created, so plenty entertainment is there.

The best part is, you’ll connect with the stories. You will be encouraged, knowing that other Christians experienced and overcame the same situations you’re experiencing.

Pick up her books anytime you need an extra boost of faith, inspiration or encouragement for: finances, a relationship, family, dreams, and goals.

Angie began writing over 10 years ago and has taken numerous writing workshops over the years to advance skills in fiction and poetry.

She enjoys trying new recipes, but if her kitchen could speak, it would be totally against it.

She has been mentoring youths and serving homeless for several years.

She’s the author of the popular Just for Girlfriends!! series. Her other published books are Food for the Soul - A Christian Experience, FINISH – 28 Declarations to Move You One Step Closer to Your Dream, FINISH JOURNAL – A Guide to Move You Closer to Your Dream, Covenant Keeper 2, Covenant Keeper, and Cumplidor del Pacto.

Angie Dent's Books

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FINISH: 28 Declarations to move you one step closer to your dream
$4.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
FINISH: 28 Declarations to move you one step closer to your dreamby Angie DentPublish: Oct 27, 2018Advice & How To General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
Food for the Soul: A Christian Experience
$6.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Food for the Soul: A Christian Experienceby Angie DentPublish: Apr 24, 2021Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
Just for Girlfriends!!
$6.99 kindleeBook,
Just for Girlfriends!!by Angie DentPublish: Apr 04, 2018
$6.99 kindleeBook,
JUST FOR GIRLFRIENDS!! 2by Angie DentPublish: Jul 25, 2020Women's Fiction

Ask Angie Dent a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author Angie Dent? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • What is that one thing you think readers generally don't know about your specific genre?
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      • Angie Dent Angie Dent 5 years ago
      • I think readers generally don’t know how versatile Christian fiction is. With this genre, the writer can use entertainment to convey a godly message to readers. Fiction, non-fiction and even poetry can be freely woven into the same book without compromising the reader experience.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Angie Dent Angie Dent 5 years ago
      • Yes! I have definitely experienced writer’s block. I think most writers have. For me, sometimes writer’s block rears its pesky, little head when I have a deadline. Here are some tips to use to overcome writer’s block.

        Take a break from what you’re writing. Start brainstorming for another chapter or story. This will take the pressure off. Once you start writing something new, creativity will start flowing again freeing you to go back to your previous work.

        Another way to deal with writer’s block is to start writing or typing something silly. Keep writing silly phrases, words or even songs (more ridiculous the better). This will help you to relax, rid stress and release words. Before you know it, you’ll be back to writing again!
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      • Angie Dent Angie Dent 5 years ago
      • My answer to this question may sound unusual to many. Having best sellers and thousands of positive reviews is unquestionably literary success. Although I wouldn’t turn down any one of these, to me, literary success looks different.

        Last year, I was looking at my book sales report. Sales were few. At first, it was disappointing, but one thing on the report changed that. On the second sheet, it showed the number of people who read my book for free through Kindle Unlimited. The report showed only one person had read my book. That person lived in Canada!

        Although I didn’t make a sale from that person reading my book, I was excited as if I had made record sales! The one thing I wanted most from writing books was to encourage and help Christians across the globe. That report told me I had!

        To me, that’s what literary success looks like.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Angie Dent Angie Dent 5 years ago
      • Well, I haven’t written a novel yet. Mainly, I write short story collections. For many of my stories, I create the settings and characters and then place them within real-life events from my life and those of other Christians.
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      • Angie Dent Angie Dent 5 years ago
      • My passion for writing began when I heard poetry for the first time. The rhythm and language of it struck a strong chord with me. That moved me to start writing my own poetry and prose. The desire to extend my prose led me to fiction writing.

        I began writing over 10 years ago. I have been writing professionally for 3 years.
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