About Author

Carla K Kessler

Carla K Kessler

Carla Kessler graduated from elementary school living through her favorite fantasy characters, you know —the ones who were going to save the world—to participating in civil rights protests in high school, until she found the place that truly empowered her—educating the next generation through the gift of music and writing. Also a cellist, gardener, and writer she aspires to impassion those just starting on this same journey. Read how the fanciful creatures and plants of Terracolina empower a young Thomas to make a difference in his real world.

Richard Kessler loved to draw as a child but didn’t take it on as a career. Instead he toggled between music and chemistry in college and music won, ultimately leading to a doctorate and a professorship in piano. When the opportunity to join the tech world arose, he changed course as a systems engineer (keeping music and art by his side) until his retirement. His love of technology and art made the perfect formula for becoming an illustrator. View his journey with watercolor at www.kessleronart.com.

Richard and Carla continue to play music together and enjoy working as a team.

Carla K Kessler's Books

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Terracolina: A Place to Belong
(2) $3.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Terracolina: A Place to Belongby Carla KesslerPublish: Apr 11, 2022Fantasy Children's

Carla K Kessler Interview On 18, Apr 2023

"Former teacher and creator of WordLabWeb Carla K Kessler always had a passion for music, nature, and reading. She was a middle-grade teacher for 25 years and wanted to provide an impactful story that addressed the worries kids were facing with climate change. Her debut novel, Terracolina: A Place to Belong, illustrated by her husband Richard Kessler, received wonderful reviews for its imaginative storyline. She continues to play music with her husband and enjoys working as a team."
What were your childhood dreams? Did you always want to be a writer?

Music, nature, and reading were my passions as a child. As an introvert I found them perfect vehicles for escape from people. Writing became a natural extension of this as I became older.

Who was the first person you shared your first-ever story with?

My husband, illustrator of my debut novel.

Do you remember the first story you read and its impact on you?

Not the first one, but one that impacted me deeply was The Secret Garden.

What motivated you to start writing children's books?

I was a middle grade teacher for 25 years and knew the impact a book could have on that age group. I wanted to provide a story that addressed the worries they were facing with climate change.

How did you develop the story of your book, "Terracolina"?

The magical plants in the story all were embellishments of the plants in my own beloved flower garden. The main character and several of the magical characters represented characteristics of my father whom I admired. The story came from my own challenges straddling the line between reality and my own imagination.

What steps do you take when you write a novel?

I create a general story arc then plan out each scene with cards similar to the method recommended in Story Genius by Lisa Cron

Is the character of Thomas based on someone you know?

Yes, my father. He was a deeply inquisitive, intelligent and nature-loving man whose curiosity, drive and integrity led him to make major contributions in the world of science.

What did being an author mean to you as a child? What does it mean to you now?

As a child, I revered the authors whose books I read. I believed them to be wise and knowledgeable. Now an author, I know that all that I write comes from my own life experience and not some deep wisdom. My wisdom as an author, if one calls it that, is contained in my ability and interest in connecting with readers who find relevancy in what I understand and can share.

What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?

I am a devoted cellist but prefer not to perform professionally.

What is the best experience you had by putting yourself out of your comfort zone?

I was stunned by the wonderful reviews I got of my debut novel.

What is your creative process like? How does an idea in your head become a novel?

Ideas need time to gel but often take leaps forward when triggered by a random event or experience. The process takes patience, vigilance, and a receptive attitude.

How does one write a good novel? Which steps does one need to take to write a good book?

Keep at it. Learn from others. Get feedback. Rewrite and rewrite.

What makes you different from 99% of the population? And why?

Simply put, each of us are unique. Our life experiences make it so.

What are some of your plans for the future? Are you working on a new project at the moment?

Currently almost ready to publish book 2 of my Terracolina trilogy. Then on to book 3.

When were you first introduced to AllAuthor and how?

I heard about it in a Facebook writers group.

Ask Carla K Kessler a Question

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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Carla K Kessler Carla K Kessler 2 years ago
      • Usually when I have writer's block it's because a piece of the puzzle in my story has been lost. Instead of forcing myself to keep looking for it, I write about something else, even if I have no passion for that other thing, just to keep the words flowing. I keep that up until finally my environment (even my sleep) triggers an idea. When that happens I immediately stop everything and write down the idea and as soon as I am able to give it my full attention I put more words to that idea and usually the juices start to flow again.
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      • Carla K Kessler Carla K Kessler 2 years ago
      • Yes, absolutely. I want to know what others are seeing/understanding from reading my books. I have enough positive reviews that I don't worry about negative reviews. I know not everyone can like something the same way. I see that in myself, when I give a review. There have been times when I didn't like a book and felt it didn't deserve a good review but saw others liking it for reasons that made sense for them but not to me. We all have ways of connecting to a book that are different and not everyone will be triggered to fully like or fully dislike a book unless it is so poorly written, that it is in no way likeable at all. I know my books are likeable for some that that's enough for me.
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      • Carla K Kessler Carla K Kessler 2 years ago
      • I want to complete a trilogy that makes kids feel better about themselves and gives them a feeling of escape that they can return to when times are tough.
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      • Carla K Kessler Carla K Kessler 2 years ago
      • I always wanted to provide for other kids what the authors I loved provided for me when I was growing up. That led me to teaching where I inspired kids by sharing the books that could matter to them. But all the time, in the back of my mind, I knew I would write one myself for them someday. And now that's what I'm doing!
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