About Author

Laura Simmons

Laura Simmons

I enjoy reading books on psychic phenomena and all things metaphysical. Most of my life I've been fascinated with astral travel, dreams, the ability to see the future, and reincarnation.
I've wanted to write a book since I was a child, it was the first thing I can ever remember saying I wanted to do when I grow up. I love creating worlds in my mind and writing about them. My best days are when my characters decide to have lively conversations. They have developed a habit of giving me their best ideas and plot twists while I'm driving and can't write them down! Little Bits of Karma ... and Tough Karma can can be read as stand alone stories. It is best to read Tough Karma before Dark Karma as the stories overlap somewhat. The characters carry over with the major ones becoming a supporting cast and the previous supporting cast taking front and center to tell their particular story. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to look at my books. read more

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Laura Simmons Interview On 18, Jun 2021

"Laura Simmons loved reading fairytales and science fiction stories when she was growing up. She has wanted to write a book since the first or second grade. Her best days are when her characters decide to have lively conversations. Currently working on her fifth novel, Laura has a fascination with all things metaphysical."
What is a childhood memory that makes you smile?

It’s hard to choose just one memory because I had a really great childhood. I remember playing outside with the neighborhood kids and walking to school every day. When I was little, we had no Internet or cable TV. We listened to records, read books, played board games, visited friends, rode bikes, and had a choice of four or five TV channels. It was a very happy time in my life.

Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?

I can’t recall the first story I ever read; however, I remember loving fairytales and science fiction stories when I was growing up. I’ve wanted to write a book since the first or second grade.

What inspired you to write your first story?

A strong interest in reincarnation. I’ve read a number of books over the years about people undergoing hypnotic regression to discover their past lives. One day it just popped into my head to use my interest in this subject to write Little Bits of Karma, my first novel.

Who inspired the character of Holly O’Rourke in “Little Bits of Karma”?

Me. I used some of my real-life experiences and expanded on them, making them much more dramatic than they really were. I’ve never experienced past live regression, but I thought I could live vicariously through the character of Holly as she discovered her past lives (which are completely fictional and from my imagination). Her physical looks were inspired by a lady I used to work with who had thick, fabulous, long, auburn hair.

Who all are a part of your family? How critical are they of your writing?

My family is supportive of my writing but they aren’t particularly interested in paranormal romance and reincarnation. Two family members read my first book but not the second one. It doesn’t bother me because we all have our own preferences of what we like to read.

Which one do you prefer: writing a series or standalone novel? Why?

It is hard for me to answer this question. I don’t necessarily prefer one over the other. I write what comes to me.

How did you begin writing the Karma Series?

I never intended to write a series, it just turned out that way. While finishing up Little Bits of Karma, the minor characters in that story let me know that they had a story to tell and I began writing Tough Karma: A Race Against Time while Little Bits of Karma was being published. Once I finished Tough Karma, the same thing happened again and the new, minor characters informed me that it was their turn and Dark Karma: Sword of Vengeance was born. This continued with my fourth book, Karma: The Resolution which is the final book in the series.

What is some common marketing traps a lot of new authors fall into?

Any advice on how to avoid them? Marketing is tricky and you have to find your own way. I feel that I spent too much money on marketing when I published my first book. My only advice is do your research when planning a marketing campaign and seek out other indie authors and find out what worked for them. Marketing is the hardest part of being an author… writing the book is the easy part!

Are you open to psychic phenomena being real?

Yes, I believe that it is very real.

If you reincarnate as a human will you always reincarnate as a human?

From the accounts I have read, I believe that to be true.

Would you rather see the future or change the past? Why?

I would rather see the future because I’m always looking forward and don’t live in or dwell on the past. I think we should learn from our past and take that knowledge into the future so we don’t make the same mistakes again.

Which is the next book you are writing? What is it about?

I have some ideas for a new romantic fantasy story, but the plot hasn’t solidified yet. At the moment it is about a male Angel of Fury named Pel, who falls in love with a mortal woman. It is tentatively titled Fury’s Fall. The character of Pel first appears in Karma: The Resolution, and he wants his own story but hasn’t given me the all the details yet. This will be a standalone novel although I might include a few characters from Karma: The Resolution if needed.

When did you join AllAuthor? What has your experience been like?

I think I joined about two or three years ago. It has been a great experience and I plan to continue my membership for the foreseeable future. I love the book mock-ups All Author provides for their authors! It is also a nice community of fellow authors.

Ask Laura Simmons a Question

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      • Laura Simmons Laura Simmons 5 years ago
      • At some point in my life I might rewrite my debut novel, Little Bits of Karma. I feel I have grown as a writer and my last two books are much better than my first. While Little Bits of Karma has more good reviews than bad, I know where I can improve it. Maybe one day.
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      • Laura Simmons Laura Simmons 5 years ago
      • Yes! When I was a little girl, I loved reading and told my parents I was going to write a book when I grew up. I don't know if it will ever become a full-time profession, but I'm going to keep writing books.
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      • Laura Simmons Laura Simmons 5 years ago
      • I think it is extremely important. The title and the cover should convey to the reader what they can expect from the book. I think the cover is even more important than the title.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Laura Simmons Laura Simmons 5 years ago
      • Yes. I experience writer's block all the time! It usually happens when I'm trying too hard to move a story forward. I know what I want to happen, but can't seem to get the characters to cooperate. Time is the best solution to writer's block. I step away and wait until the muse starts talking to me again. I also find that reading over what I have already written helps ignite the spark of creativity and helps me to overcome the block.
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      • Laura Simmons Laura Simmons 5 years ago
      • Yes, I read all of them. For the bad ones, I ask myself if there is any truth to what the reviewer is saying. If I can admit that they have a point, I put that on my list of things to improve when I write my next book. For me personally, I find the three star reviews the most difficult to read because they are usually the most critical. When I'm feeling upset about a bad review, I go back and read all the good ones I've received. As long as the good outweighs the bad, I'm fine. Sometimes I'll read the bad reviews of a best-seller to make myself feel better. Bad reviews are part of life when you write books. Not everyone is going to love my stories.
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