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Marietta Standlee

Marietta Standlee

My goal is to write books, that will keep you up at night, reading.

Marietta Standlee's Books

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Marietta Standlee's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Marietta Standlee.
** Also, there might be other book series by Marietta Standlee not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Enemy Within the Gates

    1 Enemy within the Gates Book One The Sweats - Published on Oct, 2021
  • The Rain

    1 The Rain: Part I The Beginning - Published on Oct, 2020
  • After the Bombs

    1 After the Bombs: Part I: The Invasion - Published on Dec, 20192 After the Bombs II: Contact - Published on Mar, 2020

Marietta Standlee Interview On 25, Mar 2021

"A master storyteller, Marietta Standlee writes compelling novels blending multiple genres. She inherited her talent from her father, who was an aspiring author and actor in Germany. Her first story was a spy novel written at the age of eight. Her novels are super well written and have believable and relatable characters. Her goal is to write books that will keep you up at night reading."
As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

OMG, so many things, homicide detective, spy, archeologist, social worker, and above all, writer of course.

At what age did you begin writing your first story? What was it about?

About eight on my grandma's old typewriter. It was a spy novel.

Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?

My mom, I know it sounds cliche, but it's true.

Do you remember the first story you ever read and the impact it had on you?

The Twins series by Enyd Blyton, I wanted to go to boarding school badly.

How did you come up with the thrilling plot of your book, Legacy of Lies?

The story was in my head for a long time, but it was always missing something, until one day I decided to go for it and write and, and then pieces began to fall into place.

Who inspired the character of Lilith in "The Chosen"?

Unfortunately, nobody. I enjoy writing about strong women and the aspect of a love story appealed to me. Lilith kept forming and gaining strength, as the story progressed.

What challenges did you face while setting your book, A Crown of Blood during England 1467?

Research, I am so grateful for Google. So much information right at your fingertips, it is truly amazing. I caught myself several times getting lost for hours in stories about people during that period. Interestingly it was much easier to find information about men, than women. I couldn't find much about Alice and I truly hope I did her justice.

What is your ideal setting to write in?

I would love a cabin in the woods. Chilly days and afternoons, a fireplace, and a computer. And quiet of course. Lots of quiet. Going for a long walk while thinking out scenes.

How did you begin writing the story of your book, "After the Bombs II: Contact"?

Actually, book one got away from me and became too long, so I had to divide it at some point and turn it into a series. Interestingly the first part was based on a dream I once had.

What's something on your bucket list that you think is unique?

When I was a child, my grandma used to take me to this island by the Northern Sea, every year, for six weeks. My dream is to one day take my family there and show them all the cool places and remember my grandma.

As an author, how confident are you in the story you have written or plan to write?

I have to believe in my stories, otherwise, I would never be able to push the publish button.

When you're not reading or writing a book, what are some other things that you love to do?

Spend time with my family, watch TV, go for walks, puzzle, and any type of needlework.

What are your plans for the future as a writer? Are you working on anything new?

I'm currently on the second book of a new series, which will hopefully debut in April or May.

Do you ever leave book reviews on other author's books? What do reviews mean to you?

Reviews are extremely important to us authors, which is why I never leave a bad one. My grandma always said, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it.

What do you like the most about AllAuthor? Do you have any suggestions for the website?

AllAuthor is an amazing website, easy to use and navigate. My only suggestion would be to maybe add reviews.

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