Author’s Top 5 Writing and Marketing Tips
Claire Fullerton
Women's Fiction Literary Fiction
5 years

Keep a calendar, pre-book launch and afterward, of every place your book will appear online
If considering hiring a publicist, interview a few and come to the interview prepared with what you're looking for.
With book tours online and social media, know the number of followers
Support other authors, review their books, and engage with the book community, don't just promote your book.
Get out and meet your readers in person because readers are not only intelligent, they're fun

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Claire Fullerton
Women's Fiction Literary Fiction
5 years

Your own writing space where you will be uninterrupted
A notepad and pen on your desk to jot down ideas as they come
Always write down ideas when they come to you or they will disappear
When you have a work-in-progress, visit it every day
Read voraciously

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